October 6

You are an astronaut. Describe your perfect night!!


Day 148

Dear Diary, they’ve given up hope on returning me to earth. How could I have been so stupid to believe that everything was going to be okay and that they would save me. To make matters worse, the starvation is beginning to get to me, I don’t know how much longer I could have left to live. I’m beginning to go mad with the confined space around me, with no voices but my own and the ones inside my head… How is one supposed to live in their final moments knowing they’re going to die and not be driven mad by the though of it, guess I will find out soon…

Day 149.

Dear Diary, I’ve come to the realization that death is unavoidable in my circumstances and sitting here in space with only my thoughts is making me go crazy in everyway. How do I cope? How do I get out of here? Help me…

Day 150.

Dear Diary, you’re so smart! Write a story to drive away my negative thoughts. Hahaha I’m not crazy, no. I know today’s going to be different. I could, I could write a story, you know to clear my mind, like you said.

The stars are out and I can’t stop myself from smiling, I stare up at them every night before falling asleep. But this night, this night is different from all the rest. Tonight wasn’t like ordinary nights; many would say it could have been the perfect night. I was a million miles away from home, had not a care in the world and no one by my side, just me, myself and I. It was perfect on account that all I had done that day was lay in my bed with the air blowing against my face keeping me cool and calm. My arms were resting behind my head keeping it propped up just enough for me to be able to see out the window. I could have stayed laying there looking out upon those stars for hours, if not days. The beauty that each star had sparkled against the moonlight. The stars now a days were the only thing that kept me smiling. Being alone all the time got me down sometimes, but that is what I enjoy, being by myself with my thoughts and the stars. It gives me time to relax and to find out who and what I truly am. Peace and quiet, with the only reason for spoken words was to the stars, but even then the stars leave me speechless and breathless with all their beauty. That is what my perfect night is all about, being with the one thing that makes me smile and enjoying the beauty of the world; the stars, but then aliens attack me!

Haha see Diary those words. Yeah I knew you knew where they came from, that book I read. I just made the ending better than they ever could! I’m not crazy! Haha just smarter than these authors could ever be! I-. I wrote the perfect ending see! Aren’t you proud of me Diary?


Diary, are you there?

Where’d you go?

Day 151.

Dear Diary, Hahaha I’m not crazy. I’m not crazy. I’M NOT CRAZY.


Day 152.

Dear Diary, the voices say I can’t be your friend anymore… They say you’re no good for me and that you’re the one that’s crazy… Are they right, Diary? Is this true? Diary, we can’t be friends any more… Those voices, they said they were going to kill me if I talked to you anymore… I guess this is goodbye Diary… Will you be okay with out me here to talk to you each day?

Diary I know you’re upset just please say something so this isn’t harder than it has to be.


I guess that’s just it then. You’re done speaking to me? THEN I’M DONE TOO!

Goodbye Diary… forever.

October 6

The 100%- ScottyWally

These events happen between the time of 10:4911:16

It happened all of a sudden. No one knew what was happening. There was mass hysteria in the class room, and chaos had consumed the class. Even Miss Hunniset didn’t know what to do. Find out what happened on second block on the 2nd of October by reading this blog.

10:49 A student named Sean C noticed he wasn’t added to the class blog of the hunni blog 30-2 So he brought this to Miss Hunnisets attention. She thought this was weird and proceeded by asking Sean for what his user name was. Sean replied and a said his user name was mamoseda. This seemed like a perfectly normal day in the computer lab until something, no one could of predicted, happened.

10:51 Sean finally decide to go onto the hunni blog 30-2 but Sean noticed something malice had taken its place. The 100% -ScottyWally had taken control of Edublogs and was turning everything to the name of The 100% ScottyWally. Sean looked over At his friend Scott, who wasn’t at all suspicious of causing this problem, and Sean asked him if something was going on with are blogs. So he checked his out and, nevertheless the hunni blog 30-2 said it was the 100% scottyWally. So Scott and Sean decided to address this problem with Miss Hunniset and as soon as this happened so pointed her finger at Scott.

10:55 Scott was thrown in the corner of the library ostracised from the rest of the class until he confessed  Sean was Dumb founded by this accusation and didn’t see where she got evidence for this. Sean dintn’t even put together the idea of the 100% ScottyWally was Scotts doing. Out of rage Sean accuses Miss Hunniset of doing this to try and take control of the Hunni Blog 30-2 even. Miss Hunnisetts rebuted Seans Accustion by just simply state that she was the admin and alredy was the admin of the site. Sean fell silient and went back to sit down.

11:00 for the next couple minitues the class room was a big awkard slience as the 100% Scotty Wally took over more kids sites. Eddy sat there and did his work. All of a sudden Miss Hunniset started to interrogate Scott accusing him of being a liar. Scott just stated he didn’t do it. Every time he said he didn’t do it. Miss hunniset reacted with more hysterical reations, untill she got to the point she was screaming at scotts face. Finally she had enough she let Scott join the class again he was emotional scared after his confrontation with miss Hunniset.

11:07 the whole class was sitting there working on there blogs commenting on other peoples blog and just generally having a pretty boring time. when all of a sudden the  test blogg randomly showed up. everyone confused about this blog. At this point of the day people started it ignoring this stuff, but then not to long after the test started getting text comments spammed on it, in Scotts name. This was deffently wasn’t Scott doing this.

11:11 Miss Hunniset was getting frustrated and started getting madder and madder at Scott, the whole class was accusing scott of putting these comments on the wall of the Hunni Blog 30-2. They decide to have a trial of Scott Sean was the only person who would stand up for him. people just started yelling at Scott the whole room was in mass hysteria and only person not yelling or blaming someone else was Eddy, which was what Sean got suspicious of him. when Sean went to look for Eddy he was gone, Sean clammed down the class and miss Hunniset abut eddy has played the whole room and really was the L33t H@kz0r. Sean informed the whole class that Eddy was the one really trying to take over The Hunni Blog 30-2 by trying to make it look like Scott who was doing it and that in all of the chaos he would sneaked out.

11:16 Sean decides that it was his responsibility to write the story down and inform the world  about Evil Eddy the Horrible, so that they can try to defend them from him when he comes t take over there Edublog.

October 2


Simon Bisley Gallery

Simon Bisley Gallery

Success is something we all desire but have different meanings of it. To some it is defined as a big house with a expensive car, to others it is defined as having what they always wanted. In my opinion success is achieving what you have always wanted to achieve for yourself.  In order for that a lot of factors come into place. Factors such as hard work and determination play a strong role in being successful.

Hard work plays a strong role because, lets face it you are not going to succeed if you just sit there and think about what you want to do. You have to go out and find what motivates you to be successful. If you want to be successful in school then study as hard as you can during the days and have fun at night. If it is a personal goal such as transforming your body then go out to the gym, start lifting start a healthier diet. Once you start doing this consistently it will become a habit and you wont be able to stop. You always have to be hungry for more, a lion does not stay king of the jungle by just sitting on a rock, it goes out and lets other animals know not to mess around with him. Work so hard that when you feel like you are successful, you enjoy the rest of your life. Feel triumphant that every moment you are now going through and are going to go through was created by you. Work hard so you can spend every day of your life as a day of the weekend.

During your path to success you will encounter adversity many times. No matter what happens you have to stay determined, and push through. Some times life is going to hit you hard but you can not loose hope. Determination is what will keep you going, if you feel like giving up you cant. Look at how far you have come and build on that success and become even more successful. Stay determined can be one of the strongest impacts in your journey because no matter how successful you get you should not be afraid to fail. If you do fail, stay determined and use the failure as a motivator. Realize your mistakes and study them, make sure you don’t make them again and then you can keep going on your path. It might be rainy now, but storms do not last forever. If you stop doing what you have worked for so hard all that valuable time spent will be gone to waste and it wont feel good.

Success has many different definitions for people. For some its a big house and fancy cars but for to others its having what they have always wanted. No matter your definition, the path will always be the same.  Hard work and determination play a strong role in being successful. Having these two characteristics can help you out a lot. All your dreams can come true if you stop wishing and start doing.


October 2

Dreams and Desire

The freedom we get to express and experience all the grand things that life provides us can only be so limited to our endless desires and thirst for knowledge and understanding.  If we could live in any reality that we created in our minds would we still be the same person as we hope to be in the fantasy we created.  Our thoughts are our only sanctuary where we can dream and act the way we wish and have absolute control over anything we desire.  Since it’s impossible to control the thoughts of another person we know for sure that we are in control of ourselves and no one else.  If we could live out our lives like the dreams we dream of would we ever be truly happy or does reaching the place we desire will bring us closer to understanding ourselves. Desire can be cruel at times always running ahead of us into an endless maze trying to find it, but when it seems hopeless we tend to chase after an illusion that’s easier to obtain tricking ourselves.  We’re responsible for ourselves and the reality we created since it’s our responsibility to carry out the dreams and desires we created to fulfill the empty hole inside us.Deemo

October 2

The “F” Word

Feminist: A person who believe in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes. This simple definition has been misconstrued into the labels of; man hating, bossy, needy for attention, and that women are all powerful. The line between the misinterpreted definition of hating men and hating sexism has been blurred; feminism is a movement for not only women, but men who believe in equal rights. You believe in this? You’re a feminist. J.K Rowling wrote, “Fear of the name only increases the fear of the thing itself.” With the confidence to call yourself a feminist you bring along the movement of equality and remind others feminists are simply people who want to live in a more just world. The word its self has become a dirty one, something not to speak of unless you want all the negative stereotypes to go along with it. When it is really quite simple, gender equality should be granted in all aspects of life.

The dialogue shared between children from a young age although unaware of it, many times can be degrading to women and men alike. “Don’t be such a girl.” The worst insult was to be compared to women, and boys who share feelings and are emotionally open are soft or girly. House hold chores once done by a male are seen degrading to how manly he is. The fact that clothes alone have a gender they are preferred to be seen on, a girl who enjoys cars or fixing things is seen as weird, different, and boyish. When a boy is told to do something by a women he is seen as weak and she is seen as bossy. Many of these ideas of women and male gender stereo types have been seen for hundreds of years, it is the twenty first century yet we expect the norm of horse drawn carriages and wood burning ovens. In order to see a change in society the support of both girls and boys equality needs to be expressed from an early age.

In the average job women make seventy seven cents to every dollar a man makes, and it doesn’t get any better the higher up in ranking you get. Americas top female CEO’s earn about thirty three cents for every dollar earned by a male CEO. In the United States, one of the most modernized countries in the world, only 17% of the congress are women. It is still rare to this day to see women in equal political and economic positions as men. Many people are afraid to call themselves a feminist, afraid to stand up for equality and it is left on the back burner in many aspects of our lives.

Feminism is not man hating women worshiping cult for girls, but a movement in which you believe in equal pay, equal punishment, and treatment between genders. Not pushing anyone into a gender stereo type. It doesn’t take a special person to believe in this girl, guy, gay, straight or anything in between. The belief that there is no better sex and people and children will not be forced into activities, clothes, or jobs because of gender. A feminist: It’s really quite simple, equality between sexes.

October 2

Cherish every moment.

I’ve lost everything. Everything I value in my life. Have you ever experienced such a devastating moment in your life, where you just feel completely empty? Well I have been in that path for a while now. My name is Aliyah Johnson; I lived small farm near the Mississippi river. I lived in a loving, enthusiastic and playful family of six. My father worked in his own woodshop across the street and my mother stayed at home, providing us with anything we needed. My mother was one of the most helpful women in Mississippi. One thing that she always use to say to me was to be a strong brave independent woman. Because of her strong comforting advice I wouldn’t be here today.

I was quite knowledgeable for a young girl; I always had the highest marks in all my classes. Everyone use to say that I was too smart for my age. Within a spit of a second time flied by and I’ve graduated high school and got my degree. During this time, education was the most important thing to have in my family. Because of my parents not being to educated, they wanted us kids not to repeat the mistakes they have made in the past. Journalism was my passion. I enjoyed writing stories about individuals that may be struggling in life and give advice to them or even if an individual that is truly blessed with what they have.

Every Sunday mother and father would take my siblings and I to the church that was a walking distance away from where we lived. My family was extremely religious, which I truly honored. My family was all I ever needed; they helped me through ups and downs, lead me to successful in my career life, and supported me through every decision I made in my life. They largely influenced me, and I am thankful for that.

We had our moments where we laughed and loved each other so much and the other moments where we cant take one another. Years passed by rapidly, and our family started to drift apart. My father was diagnosed with blood cancer, which spread through his old anemic body instantaneously. All three of my older sisters got married and moved into the city to start their new lives with their new families. However, my mother was getting old and weak so I just had to let her go. Who could even picture a family so loving and always together like ours, to end up like this?

It is hard. Hard to even think that, my family is gone forever. Everything I valued the most, vanished. I ended up selling the house and moving into a much smaller apartment, where there was only me living in. My mother was right, I did become a strong brave independent women. Even though it hurts to think about my family not being here with me, I still visit the old cabin and sit on the couch my father use to sit in and look out the window. I pictured the moments we cherished when we were still together. All the laugher, the childish pranks we played on each other and everything else that made us closer and closer each day, could have been happening till this day.

After all, this is life, we are suppose to have moments where we hit rock bottom and we have to work your way back up. Even though you’ve lost everything like myself. I try to move on and continue with my life but my family and the times we had together will forever be in my heart.

October 2

My Baby Brother

It was a beautiful sunny morning of December 18 2006. Although it was winter, the sun was shinning like it was summer. My parents were at the hospital since yesterday because I was going to have a little brother! I was the oldest child of three girls; yes three amazing little girls. I still remember the days when the three of us used to run around the house and play with our two birds. We would always watch our all time favorite show, Berenstain Bears.

I had taken a day off for school just so I can go meet my parents and my brother at the hospital. Excitement filled my heart as we got closer and closer to the hospital room. After a few minutes I was standing beside my mom looking down at my little brother. Carefully, my mom handed him to me, as I carried my brother in my arms. Looking down at my arms, I saw how precious and little he looked. This was a super happy day for me; I had a huge smile on my face.

Since I was the oldest child it was my responsibility to take care of my baby brother. It was a big responsibility, but I did my best to make sure he did not get hurt. At times, I would rock him in my arms and put him to sleep. My heart melted each time I saw him laying in my arms falling asleep. Every time he fell asleep, my sisters and I would patiently sit beside him waiting for him to wake up. As cute as he looked sleeping, he looked really cute smiling when he saw his family. My baby brother had brought joy to our family; not just our family, but my cousins, aunts and uncles as well.

I have watched my brother grow over the last seven years now, and although he is almost eight years old, he is still a baby for my family and me.

October 2

You are an astronaut. Describe your perfect night!!

The stars are out and I can’t stop myself from smiling, each time I stare up at them every night before falling asleep. But this night, this night is different from all the rest. Tonight wasn’t like ordinary nights, many would say it could have been the perfect night. I was a million miles away from home, had not a care in the world and no one by my side, just me, myself and I. It was perfect on account that all I had done that day was lay in my bed with the air blowing against my face keeping me cool and calm. My arms were resting behind my head keeping it propped up just enough for me to be able to see out the window. I could have stayed laying there looking out upon those stars for hours, if not days. The beauty that each star had sparkled against the moonlight. The stars now a days were the only things keeping me smiling, being alone all the time got me down sometimes, but that is what I enjoy, being by myself with my thoughts and the stars. It gives me time to relax and to find out who and what I truly am. Peace and quiet, with the only reason for spoken words to the stars, but even then the stars leave me speechless and breathless with all their beauty. That is what my perfect night is all about, being with the one thing that makes me smile and enjoy the beauty of the world; the stars.

October 2

My Life Philosophies

Never give up no mater what life throws at you. This is a life philosophy to me because life has its ups and downs so you have to adjust to life the way it wants you to live it. Whatever life throws at you either in a good way or a bad just think in a positive way that will help you adjust to the situation.

Happy life goes a long way. Life is filled with all kinds of sorrows and happiness. Always be happy because no matter what a life of happiness always will lead you to a path full of life then depression. The happier you are the more chance you have to live life for longer and happy.

Trust people that you know are worthy enough to be trusted. People are not easily trusted at because you never know what they would say at what time. So make the effort of trusting people that you know are really close to you either if they are family or friends. Trusting people are hard but if you trust people that you know are worthy enough to be trusted  you would know that you have someone always beside you always.

You never know how long your life is so just enjoy it. Life is filled with surprises. You never know when the end of your life is and how long you will live. Live is as long as you are living, breathing and enjoying your life, so instead of worrying of any kind of disaster just live it and enjoy it till your very last breath.

 Your life is like a story live it and then pass it on. Sometimes life is short but you never know what you can accomplish in that short time. You can always just live a life either in a happy or depressed way but life is always with you that you can tell other people that are important to your life. That life can last you living if you are no longer living by just passing on the stories that you have told your loved ones.