September 24

Philosophies; The One’s That Matter



1. Aim for Happiness

For the last four year’s I’ve noticed that many of my value’s and philosophies have changed greatly, and quite frankly I think these change’s have originated from the fact that I’ve aged. At this point in life I honestly can say that happiness is one of the most important emotion’s that I’d like to achieve. The only emotion that I’d like to live by.

I understand that “Aim for Happiness” is a pretty broad philosophy. In my opinion that the only way I’ll truly be happy is if I avoid the situation’s, and the people who make me unhappy. Avoiding isn’t exactly the best way to go about things but it allows me to be happy, and at this point in time that’s the only thing that matters.


2. Educate yourself

My mother has four degree’s. As her daughter I’m reminded of this daily, and it isn’t a horrible reminder. It’s just something that gets mentioned a ton in order to push my brother’s and I to do better. Aim higher. Achieve more, but honestly this “educate yourself” isn’t necessarily about getting more degree’s than my mom. It’s about learning new thing’s everyday, finding out what I’m mean’t to do after certain event’s, and just living life in a non-ignorant fashion.

It just means going out of my way to treat others better. It means knowing the cultural backgrounds of every person I meet in order to make them as comfortable around me as possible. It just means learning to be better as an individual in general.


3. Accept your Shortcomings

My shortcomings shouldn’t hold me back from achieving my goal’s or hold me back from accepting myself. In fact all my flaws should allow me to work harder. Accepting my shortcomings allows me to be the person I want to be, it allows me to be confident, and allows me to step out of the box I’ve allowed to incase me for so long.

It means not feeling so guilty when people point out things they don’t like about me. Accepting my shortcomings has allowed me to just be okay with who I am, rather than trying to change my personality to suit other’s and to fit in.


4. Life is short… take a minute and observe

I think until we’ve experienced some god awful situation’s we never actually take the time to observe. We don’t just see. Don’t look between the lines.

“Why don’t you sit right here, khatira,” the nurse says as she begins to place my IV fluid bag onto the new rod. She silently looks around the room, and checks my temperature.

“36.2, she’s alright,” she says to my mother and then proceeds to walk away. 

I place my glasses on as I begin to reassure my parents that I’m fine while looking around the room. There’s about six large chairs filled with people, older people, and they all seem okay. But than I notice the boy, he’s in a bed hooked to a rod just like mine, but I can tell… he’s in a lot more pain than I am. On his right side is his father or a man I presume is his father. This older man looks tired, and I can’t possibly blame him because thats exactly what the hospital does… it exhausts you. 

“Khatira, so in a couple of minute’s someone’s going to come down and speak to you,” says the doctor who didn’t believe me just three hours ago when I first walked into the ER complaining about the pain in my right side. Not long after a doctor walks towards my chair, silently asks if she could see me in this small area hidden behind a curtain. I get up and slowly make my way towards the bed thats awaiting me, she indicates for me to lay down while she presses her hand into the area where my appendix is located. 

“So we’re going to make five incision’s,” she points towards her own stomach,” instead of the older technique where it was just one straight line through. The surgery will take about an hour to an hour and a half… Every surgery has complications…. We’ll hopefully be able to schedule in the next three hours. Maybe even earlier.” 

I slowly walk back towards my chair and sit down with a heavy sigh looking around the room again. I see some new faces but mostly the same people. The boys still laying in his bed but now he’s speaking, and I can’t help but listen… He’s talking about his MRI scans… They’ve found a tumour… The only thing I can think about now is the fact that there are no lock’s, no door’s, and no privacy. What you see is what you get and even though they’ll try their hardest to make you comfortable… you’ll never be comfortable. I’m going to be in this hospital for about two weeks, and this guy who has his whole life ahead of him will be stuck here for a while. I can’t possibly complain about anything now, I have nothing to complain about. 


5. Do Epic S***

This isn’t necessarily about the “epic” portion rather it being about memories and experience’s. I could go bungee jumping, but I wouldn’t be excited about the bungee jumping per se. I’d be excited about the reaction’s I’d get from my family, and I’d be excited about the fact that I got to experience this with them. Its the fact that these situation’s create memories, and memories bring people closer together.



September 24

What I Choose To Be


This is my presentation on the five most important philosophies in my life. I live by these philosophies all throughout my life and I feel that they heavily influence me as an individual and the choices I make.


My first philosophy is “enlighten others.” For me this means not only teaching and giving knowledge to others but giving them a chance to demonstrate their understanding: because to me understanding is everything a individual needs to better themselves. One more aspect that makes the word “enlighten” so much more powerful is that it causes an individual to overcome their fears and adversaries by believing in themselves. In my opinion, when a person doesn’t need motivation anymore to perform at their best they find true success. And finally this philosophy justifies the metaphor of being the light at the end of the tunnel because the theory of enlightening others is a prime reason that certain individuals achieve amazing feats of success. Merely due to the fact that someone told them that their life was worth living for. The reason I choose Mount Rushmore as my symbolic representation for this philosophy is because all the men in the art are considered to be the greatest presidents in American history . They all enlightened the people of their nation to follow them as leaders in order to live in one of the greatest countries ever constituted.


“Be brutally honest,” is my second philosophy and I consider it to be one that has been with me for as long as I can remember. This philosophy demonstrate’s the integrity I have towards my own actions and my responsibility of being apart of a collective where everyone can trust one another. I like to see this philosophy as a way of speaking freely among people in your environment but I always need to remind myself that the words I choose to portray my opinions should be harmless. And finally honesty leads to the healthiest relations among individuals because you are always willing to tell others everything. Even if it may be a bit harsh at first, we need to remember that it is a much better option then lying, and, lying can ultimately leads to others having distrust towards you. The wallpaper I choose for this philosophy is the anonymous mask because it truly portrays the ways in which we should treat our freedom of speech and honesty. I believe we all need to speak as if no person had the ability to break past our barrier of self-trust because there is no weak link or hidden secrets.


This is my favorite philosophy of the five; “be able to adapt.” Why? Well because this is probably the philosophy that drives me to sustain and survive in any change within my environment. I like to be on the edge; always looking forward; never regretting over my past and never ever complaining about change that I can’t control. Now I do like to fight against some change, most likely if the change is far too chaotic but in the long run being able to adapt is what allows me to be versatile. And adaptation is the only way of continuing to grow when your living the lifestyle of a highly stressed out high school student. Just living with the anticipation of change is what keeps me on my edge and always allows me to get the results I want. In the background of this slide is what’s referred to as the ‘Tree of Life.” This diagram was developed by the pioneer of evolution-Charles Darwin- and he says that everything that is alive or dead is in the state because of it’s ability to adapt. And I believe that is true because it applies to many aspects of my life; the only way I will be successful in such a fast paced society is heavily based on my ability to adapt and correspond to the never ending changes in my life.


They say I wise man once said to “learn to reason,” wait didn’t I say that? Well who knows, but, what’s most important about this philosophy is that reasoning is what allows you to know who you are. And once you know who you are, many decisions that seemed a challenge at first became very simple and understandable: simply because you took the time to know what your talents, skills, and, what areas in your life you put the most effort into. Once you learn to reason for yourself you begin to accumulate all the advantages and disadvantages of your current actions towards the circumstances you are in. Learning to reason is-for me-a statement that says be practical all the time. Being efficient with your time is key to your success because time is one dimension in your life that your can’t control but can only work head around; so instead be practical about it. and finally one very important but overlooked aspect in my peoples lives is emotion; and their lack of power to control it. People who can control their emotions and reduce the emotional clouds against their better judgement are the most successful in life. This also the philosophy where my life narrative comes from. Growing up from the age of only 2 months to the end of my fourteenth year I was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome; a kidney disease. Till about the age of 12 I always lived a life of fear but I honestly decided to change my approach to my condition. I learned to reason with the truth and began to look for hope. And eventually the disease eventaullly went away. The greatest part of my life in that current state was the fact that I took in so much knowledge over what my skills are towards learning to reason.  The image I chose for this philosophy is the brain contrasting it’s two halves. The rights side of your brain controls your creativity while the left demonstrates your math and science skills; when you learn to reason you can create balance and stability between the two sides making for a more powerful thought process overall. Which then leads to great and effective decision making in your life.


My finally philosophy is to “have ambition.” Now this is a philosophy that I have only just added to my daily lifestyle but I am already seeing many effective results from it in my life. This philosophy to me is all about continuing to progress through life even in the times of hardship; “always look forward”. I also believe that ambition is the one motive in an individuals life that allows them to achieve the goals they want in  life; the results you want can only be provided for by you. Another thing I believe in is that sleeping is good because it lets you dream, but, in order to live those dreams you have to be awake; this statement has gave me the ambition in my life to excel towards many of my goals. And finally ambition will fuel your will power, because, when all else fails, your will power is all you need in order to out do your opponents and yourself. The image used in this philosophy represents what I believe ambition to be. The stairs represent the steps in our lives we take towards progress and the light and dark areas demonstrate the different parts of our lives; good and bad; but in the end we continue to take the next step.



And these are the sources I used.

And those are my five life philosophies.

September 24

Life Philosophies





My first Life Philosophy is ” Open your Mind Before your Mouth” and the reason is why that is one of my life philosophy is that sometimes, people forgot to use appropriate language when they came home or go to their work after hanging out with their friends and when they say something inappropriate It makes them feel embarrassed and also make bad impression on their colleagues and also they feel bad in themselves.



My second life philosophy is ” Be a beginner for every single morning Have a fresh day ahead” the reason why this is my philosophy is that I don’t like to a tensed about anything in my life. Life is short and we should enjoy this for every single day we can get by life. Nobody is perfect in the world and born as a perfect so we should not act like that I am perfect in this field or perfect for this competition. We should have only one target for every day when we wake up in the morning is today we will do our best to do things even better than yesterday we did in school or at job and make yourself feel that you are a beginner for every single morning and have fresh day ahead.


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My third life philosophy is “Stop Wishing Start Doing”. You can dream about your goals all you want, but you won’t ever reach them if you don’t do anything to achieve them. Sometimes, some people are really good at something and really want to move forward with that quality but they don’t have enough money to accomplish that goal but Hard Work, Willpower and Dedication for a person with these qualities, the sky is the limit.

Picture  Shortcut-to-Success4

My fourth life philosophy is “Never Adopt Shortcuts”. So many people are in such a hurry to success that they eagerly take any shortcuts that come across their way. In reality, shortcuts usually lead to disappointments rather than quicker success. The key to any long-term success is to take the necessary steps to steadily progress rather than skip any of them. Once, my parents and me were coming back from marriage at night and we took a road which is shortcut to our home but on that day because of car accident we got stuck in traffic we got stuck in jam for 2 hours and reached home very late than our other relatives were coming with to our home and they took the normal path and arrived hour before than us. So, on that day I have realized that day that shortcuts mostly leads us to disappointments instead of quicker success and we should never adopt shortcuts.


My fifth life philosophy is ” Watch, Listen and Learn. You don’t know everything and If you think you do, You’re an idiot”. Most of the time some people thinks that they know everything and try to participate in every conversation and discussion and say something after every single person in order to show that they know everything to everyone, but in general they don’t know anything because it shows that those people talk to much to everybody else. In my opinion we should first watch what is happening and listen to what others is saying on an issue and analyze everything in their mind and then say something impressive and this will make everybody else to think good about that person and also will look that you are intelligent.

September 24

Think, Believe, and Live for Yourself

Copy of 

Life Philosophies – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Q7U2HXQKa2_1441946032265Don’t be jealous of others.

I believe one should not be jealous of others’ success but instead use that jealousy as a motivator to achieve their own goals. Being jealous of someone else is a waste of time. I believe that you need to realize that you are capable of doing anything someone else can do. For example, if a friend of yours has just gotten a job or is doing well is school, instead of being bitter about it, fuel yourself to build up the courage to get a job or push yourself to do well in school.


Never take advice.

Although this philosophy may seem confusing to some, it is one I live by every day. It is often easy to take advice and experience a situation with that preconceived advice. However, I believe it is imperative that I experience things on my own without any expectations or guide lines beforehand. This way, I am able to make my own advice for myself. I feel that taking advice may skew ones perspective of a situation and therefore may ruin the experience for them. For us teenagers, we often have advice thrown at us from all directions: parents, teachers, mentors, etc. which is able to easily confuse us because we are being told so many different things. Furthermore, I believe it is more beneficial for us to take the road as it comes and make the best of it.


Don’t allow other to intrude your life.

Allowing negative people into one’s personal life can consequently lead one to alter their beliefs or actions due to judgement. I believe that you should surround yourself with positive people, and although that may sound cliche, it is very important. Judgmental people can be toxic to ones well being because it can ruin one’s self esteem and make them self conscious. Sometimes it is a good thing to remain reserved about yourself.


Believe in yourself.

Believing in yourself is one of the best things you can do. Why? Believing in yourself can allow you to obtain and achieve anything you want in life. People often sell themselves short by thinking they’re incapable of doing something. This is where the problem is. If you know your worth and have faith your capabilities, you are able to maximize your potential to the fullest. The mindset of being positive and having faith is one of the greatest tools a person can have because it allows them believe in what they’re doing and strive for success. Having no faith and being negative about your capabilities will attract that kind of energy and subsequently lead yourself down a path of failure.


Do something you absolutely hate in order to find out what you love to do.

If you don’t know what you want to do in life, this is the most useful tip I can give to anyone. I discovered this philosophy over the summer while I had a job painting houses. All summer I would be surrounded by the nauseating scent of paint and have paint all over myself and in my hair, it was horrible. I hated this job. I hated this job so much that all I could think about was what I would rather be doing at that time while I was painting. And at this point, I decided that I would rather be at school. All the headaches and endless shower attempts to get paint off of me lead me to realize that although I didn’t like school that much, I would rather try to succeed in it rather than be stuck painting houses. Painting granted me so much motivation to do well in school. Now that it’s senior year for me, I’ve been channeling that motivation to do well and succeed for the betterment of my future.

(Citation on each image in HaikuDeck presentation)

September 24

The Life Philosophies: Building Blocks for Life

Obstacles are placed for us to learn from our mistakes and better ourselves

I believe that this philosophy is a key part of my life.  Many people look at obstacles from a negative standpoint.  I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not the only person who does that.  It seems to be a natural reaction that humans convey towards any hardships or failures.  We should actually look at obstacles in front of us with the thought of, “This is happening for a reason, not just a random coincidence.”  This is key, because not every obstacle is considered a failure.  Rather it is should be considered as a learning experience on what you know and what you need to work on.  This is, then, useful because if you ever run into the same problem, you will know where your shortcomings are and will do anything to avoid it.  It makes you grow as a person and will develop a new skill that helps you.

Love and be yourself, not what others tell you to be

This philosophy is very important because this not only affects me, but some people as well.  In society, we are heavily influenced by tabloids about certain ideals and how to fit into society.  We are often told that we need to be the smartest, strongest, or most beautiful to fit in.  Well, this is not possible for everyone, so this is where this philosophy fits in.  It is important to make sure that you love yourself for who you are and don’t let others influence you and turn you into someone your not.  In the end, this is your body, personality, etc.  You should have complete control over what you think you should be.  Sometimes there are people who have lost focus of being themselves and complete submitted themselves to others comments.  What can be done for them is to encourage them to not listen to the negative comments and focus on the fact that you are you and you should be proud of who you are.


Take the initiative to do new things

This is a philosophy that occurs very often in my life, but sometimes, I still have trouble following through.  I will admit it; I am a person who is very shy around new people and often, don’t like to do anything outside my comfort zone.  This is not a good thing, because in order to experience life to the fullest, the first step is to take the proverbial “first step” trying new things.  It is always a risk, and sometimes, the end result might be a negative outcome.  Although this is sometimes true, most of the times, you will find that the end result is not what you expected and might even end up loving that activity.  Another reason why this is important is because life is not going to be served to us on a silver platter.  We, as human beings, must do certain things to learn and to decide whether or not that is a good idea.  Unless you are pampered and literally have people do things for you, it is important to do things yourself, especially if you don’t want to.

Be patient with others

I think that it is important to apply this to everything in our lives.  We live in such a fast pace world that sometimes, we will become so agitated when others are not able to see things from our perspective.  I will admit that I am also guilty of this on many occasions.  Sometimes, it is important to slow down and listen to others and what they have to say.  We come from different backgrounds, so sometimes, their perspective can give you an eye-opener on your own perspective.  We should also give people the benefit of the doubt when they criticize you on something.  Most of the time, people will do that because they care for your well-being, and don’t want anything to happen to you.  This is most apparent in parents.  I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only one who has parents who are always worried about what I do or why I’m not doing something.  They do this because they love you.  You might not be able to see it now, but showing that patience with them will quicken the realization of why they told you about certain things.

Have a laugh each day

Having a laugh each day is very important for everyone.  Although I am not in Biology, I know it has something to do with your brain releasing endorphin or something like that.  Anyways, the non scientific standpoint is that it’s good for you.  Every time you laugh, you feel more relaxed and some of the pressure that you originally carry is somewhat lifted away.  It can also turn your mood into a more positive direction.  For example, you are having a bad day, but then along comes a person that makes you laugh.  How would you feel?  You would most likely feel a lot better than before the laugh.  In our lives, there are some days where it is very gloomy or we become sad because something has either happened to us or is affecting us in a negative way.  This is when a laugh can be a really big confidence booster in someone’s life.  Just remember to not laugh too much, because you can actually die from too much laughter.



The narrative that I will talk about is the third philosophy.  As stated above, I am normally a very shy person that doesn’t try new things.  Being an introvert, I like doing things that are often solitary things.  I don’t like things that have to require me to do things in front of people, because I always over-think what people might think of me.  I loved music and decided that I would help out with Worship Ministry at my church, but I was always scared that I would mess up and people wouldn’t like and so on.  The result was an surprise when I got a positive remark from a man, that would become our current pastor.  Another example would be joining choir this year.  I hadn’t really thought of joining choir these past three years because it seemed too tiring to stay at school (I am a person who is kind of lazy and likes to stay at home).  I had also heard from other people that told me that my voice was really good and that I should come to choir, so I finally decided to go.  What I had expected was I would probably not like it or not fit in.  The complete opposite occurred.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and everyone seemed to include the new people in very quickly.  Now, I keep telling people that the thing I look forward to the most, in a week, is going to choir on Thursday.

September 24

Five Fundamentals to lead a Good Life


 Five life Philosophies


1.) Creativity originates from inner heart. Don’t let anyone affect your creativity.

This is an extremely powerful concept that can influence individuals to be pessimistic about themselves. For instance: one person might comment on your art by saying,”Yeah, it’s okay, however the picture does not make any sense.” This can cause the person to be very upset and negative regarding their work and creativity. In my opinion, by thinking optimistically, a person can improve his or her skills. In the above example, the artist can think about it positively in terms of improving it and making it look better. People often give comments on many things, however it is up to the person to decide whether he or she is going to accept it as a challenge and improve or stick to it and hold a grudge against that person.









 2.) In no way should there be a line in your life that says,” Give up.”

In many situations, an individual gives up without even trying. It can be due to multiple reasons such as family, friends, and academics. A person must realize that there is always more than one solution to a problem. How does an individual know that there is no solution for their situation unless they try? It can be frustrating if the goal that a person is trying to achieve is not accomplished and attained. However, perseverance is an important trait that can make an individual accomplish many different goals which he or she has. Personally, I believe we are persevering every single day, whether it is to finish our homework, to get good grades for daily assignments, to win any kinds of sports matches, or to do daily tasks such as making your own lunch. In some situations that involve difficult goals such as getting good grades for quizzes and tests, those require more effort and hard work to make it more visible, and a lot more perseverance. In my opinion, any goal is not hard to achieve when an individual has a strong determination and will for achieving it.

book love








3.)Eliminate the negativity within you. Life is too short!

I have witnessed in many situations that as the negativity develops gradually within the individual, it becomes a whirlpool that is unstoppable from reacting and destroying everything. Relationships are like threads that are very delicate and soft, which need to be maintained with love, care, and commitment. In the end, when the whirlpool is unstoppable, it causes the relationships to be converted into animosity and hatred. From the beginning, when an individual thinks through to watch his or her thoughts to eliminate the negativity  developing inside them , he or she saves their relationships from demolishing.

4.) Try to be yourself.

An individual should be aware of whether they are maintaining a balance between academics, socially, or having fun in sports. Taking the time to do things which an individual feels happy and willing to give up anything for, is something which he or she should do regularly. Often times, many people are worried about what other people think about him or her. Why waste energy on those types of issues which others are not even aware about? Instead, the best way for an individual to be himself or herself is to spend time with himself or herself, so he or she can learn new things which amuse and make  him or her happy. Also, this is another efficient way of gaining self-confidence and comfort within oneself, without any kind of peer pressure and standards of society.

5.) A true friend will always stand with you like a brick wall.

A true friend will always support his or her friend without any kind of selfishness and standards. Instead, they will look at a person’s honesty,kindness,As well, an honest friend will always stand up strong and willing to protect his or her friend without showing any kind of cowardice from the situation. During the summer of 2013, when I progressed into grade 10, me and my family traveled to India. After staying there for one and a half month, during the mid of August, on the International Friendship Day, friends from all over the neighborhood tied friendship bracelets on each others’ wrists. Then my childhood friends came over and tied some bracelets on my hands, meanwhile I also tied bracelets with grace and joy. Some of my friends had most of their arms full with these friendship bracelets, which represents the idea that friends are always supportive of each other and they stand up like a solid, sturdy brick wall in tough situations. Friendships festivals like these are really important because this is the day which comes once in a year, where friends can tell each other the importance they have in each others’ their lives. It also represents the idea that friends value and care about each others’ feelings. In the end, all it matters is how strong and powerful friendships are.






September 24

Life Philosophies: How to Live Out Your Life In Success and Happiness

My Philosophies – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

With my five philosophies, I tried to choose things that concern my life very often and even daily. At first, I found it challenging to figure out more than two philosophies so I left aside for a while. The night before it was due, I sat down and really started to look at how I live my life. All of a sudden, it just seemed to flow from my mind to the Haiku Deck presentation. After I had finished, I looked over my philosophies and was satisfied with them since I lived with these philosophies in my life daily.

My first philosophy was “Keeping yourself from your full potential because of your challenges is a way of wasting life.” At first, I wanted to use the word disability instead of challenges since the story of Drew Lynch was about him overcoming his disability. Then I realized that I don’t have a disability and that disability is a really shitty word to use (Pardon my language). I knew that I did hold myself back from a lot of things because I was either scared or I was lazy, and this was a challenge I needed to overcome. Laziness and fear is something that I’ve dealt with my entire life, especially the last few years of my life. One thing that I tried really hard to achieve was working out on a daily basis. This is something I’ve wanted to achieve for about three years, and I never got up because of my laziness. At the beginning of summer, I decided that if I start working out now, in a year my body will feel and look better than if I were to start later in my life. So over summer, I went to the gym majority of the Mondays-Fridays in the week. After the first week, I started having thoughts of quitting because I was struggling to get to the gym to work out because I didn’t enjoy it. Through all of the pain and sweat, I decided that if I don’t stick with this, I’m going to be regretting not going in the future. Now, after being in the gym quite a bit over the last 3-4 months, I’m proud to say that I didn’t quit at the time I was feeling pain because I can feel that my body is a lot more strong and a lot more fit than it was at the beginning of the year.

My second philosophy was “There is no reason to release your anger if the thing angering you will be irrelevant in 24 hours.” This philosophy is something that should be important in everyone’s everyday lives because anger can unintentionally result in the loss of relationships with those you love. In the moment, it is quite easy to get mad and say whatever is on your mind without giving it much thought. In my life, this is something that is easily forgotten. When I get angry, I get caught up in everything that I forget to think. This is a philosophy that I’ve been trying to achieve successfully for quite a while now and over time, I have had less arguments in my life.

My third philosophy was an emulation of Dr.Seuss’ quote “You have to be odd to be number one.” I decided that my philosophy could be written out as “The best of the best are never even.” Dr.Seuss’ original quote was something that I liked to live with in my life for a while because that quote just screams uniqueness to me. Everyone has their own personal traits that make them special and that’s what makes them unique and the person they are. Trying to be like everyone else is what makes you even, so you can never prosper over the others and become the great individual you can be. Keeping the same attitude and outlook is also a way of not prospering in life because you never open up to new realities and perspectives that could help you to become a better person.

My fourth philosophy is one that I’ve lived with since as far as I can remember. “Education is the first step to happiness.” I have been constantly reminded of how important it is for me to get high grades in order for me to get into university. University has been my ultimate goal for at least the last five years. I’ve sat through many lectures from my parents and grandparents about how hard I need to work in high school, but I never took it seriously until now. I knew that from the starting of grade 10 I really needed to start studying and hunker down into learning. I never started to study until the end of grade 11. At the beginning of grade 12 I knew that I really needed to study and start planning out the rest of my life since time is limited and my whole life depends on this last year of my childhood. Education is all dependent on time. Time will take me to where I need to go and I need to put in the effort to get myself there.

My last philosophy concerns memories. “Remember the moments in your days, not the days itself.” When we look back at our lives, we don’t look at the bigger picture. We look towards all the fun little memories we had with our friends. When we grow up and look back at our high school years, we are going to remember the specific memories we had from every grade of high school, not the bigger picture of high school itself. Having these memories in our lives also connects to our happiness as I mentioned in my previous philosophy.

In my five philosophies, I tried to find a way to connect everything together. The one theme I kept in mind while thinking of my philosophies was happiness. Happiness is a state in which you are satisfied with yourself and your surroundings and enjoying everything that is thrown at you by life. Happiness is the key factor that makes you want to live life and experience it.

September 24

Dream Unimaginably, Work Diligently, Live Passionately

philosophies – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

 Hard work over talent


 The philosophy hard work over talent has influenced me because I believe that talent can allow you to go so far in any activities. In life people can be naturally talented in many things such as sports or art. Although someone can be very good at what they do the natural talent they have for the activity will get them to a certain skill level but to exceed that you must be ready to work hard on developing the knowledge and skills. Relying only on talent will give you a disadvantage against someone who works hard because they have been further developing their skills while you have been stuck at the same place. My example for this is working on cars. I chose this because if a person wanted to build their own car they have to have the experience of working on cars because they can know all they want about cars but to work on the engine or fix them you must have experience. Having the knowledge can be good but it is no good if you don’t know how to change the oil. This shows that talent can be applied to get a head start but hard work overcomes it because it allows for the development of skills.


The most important thing in life is to have fun


 Fun is very important because life is all about the experiences you have. The only way to have a good life is to enjoy it, so a person could have a high paying job, a nice car, and the biggest house but if they aren’t enjoying their life there is no point have those nice things. A way to have fun is to try new things or to travel or doing anything that you are passionate about. Having fun is the one of the only ways to make your life interesting because anything you do that makes you happy or excites you is fun.


Have control over your life


Having control over your life ensures that you can enjoy it. This allows people to follow their own dreams instead of the peoples around them. Having control to me is that you are living your life the way you want to, so it could be what career you want to follow after school or any activity you do in your free time. A person can show that they have control by turning down things that they don’t want to do such as if someone is pushing you to do drugs and you decline it can show that other people aren’t in control of you. Having this is important because you are the only one that is living your life and it purpose is to fulfill your desires or what you want out of your life.


Success isn’t always about how much money you have


Success isn’t always about money. Although money can show your accomplishments as the career you have it does not show what you have experienced in your life and the knowledge you have gained. Success can be in different forms for many people such as for some having a loving family is a personal goal, but it can also be any skills you have gained. To me success is when you can say that you have enjoyed your life. This could be the different experiences you have had such as travelling the world, or it could be that you have a goal to learn something new every day. Achieving any goal that a person has is considered being successful because of the fact that you have done something that you have strived for and you have accomplished.


Believe that you can do anything you want to


Believing that you can achieve success is a way to give you the push you need to strive for greatness. I think that if a person doesn’t believe in themselves then they are setting themselves for failure because it can eat away at your confidence. This feeling can limit your abilities to strive for your goals because it makes you feel like you can’t accomplish anything you want to. In sports believing that you can do anything pushes you to put your full effort into the game because it can give you the confidence to strive to be a better player than you are. My personal story is about playing hockey. I play the position of goalie, so allowing a puck to go in can lower your confidence. This results in more goals because the thought of not being good enough to stop the puck and this thought controls what you do on the ice. Believing that you are going to fail will result in failure. By believing in yourself you are creating confidence that shows when you preform the best you can.


“Are You a Puppet of Your Gadgets?” Wild Woman Fundraising. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2015.

“Believe in Yourself – Business Horsepower.” Business Horsepower. N.p., 15 Sept. 2014. Web. 24 Sept. 2015.

“How to Identify a Fake Smile?” Leading Personality. N.p., 16 May 2013. Web. 24 Sept. 2015.

“Mind – Full Course Ministries.” Full Course Ministries RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2015.

“You Don’t Have to Work Hard to Be Successful – Knote.” Knote. N.p., 11 Feb. 2015. Web. 24 Sept. 2015.

September 24

My Five Life Philosophies

There is no end.
The world doesn’t stop spinning just because our time ends. Three generations from now most of us will be forgotten, my descendants might no even know what I look like. I shouldn’t be pushing to go out in a bang, because over time everything is washed away.

No one cares.
I once heard someone say that they couldn’t remember more than half of the people they went to high school with. And it got me thinking, everything stupid thing I do, every little mistake I make will mean nothing to those who get to know me in passing. The only thing these small mistakes can serve to do is help me. Everyone is so wrapped up in themselves that they don’t have time to care about every bodies problems.

Every person has loyalty to someone, family, friends or themselves. Loyalty isn’t do what another person wants, or being an unthinking drone for your country, but showing that you trust someone. I’m loyal to myself, not changing or going against my own beliefs because my family doesn’t share them. In turn, I am loyal to my friends because I don’t abandon them when they’re in need.

Freedom is an idea created in the human mind.
The idea of freedom had been immortalized in the image of a flying bird, but the bird isn’t truly free. The bird can’t write, or speak English, the limitations of the birds body and mind restrict it to simple things. Humans are limited the same way, I can’t grow wings or develop gills, and it is impossible for me to live past a hundred and twenty. I shouldn’t push myself to do things I will never be able to do.

Does it really matter?
Something that could seem like the end of the world could be nothing in the grand scheme of things. Time is always moving forward, you will never live the same second ever again, so why dwell on the small things, when there is so much more you can do.

Narrative: No one cares.
When I was younger (before high school) I would think over every little thing I did that day before I went to bed. I didn’t sit down and decide to, it just came to mind when I would be laying in bed trying to sleep. It stressed me out beyond belief, going over every little thing an imagining how people would taunt me with it the next day. I was on YouTube one night, and in the video the guy said that people don’t care, that they’re so wrapped up in their own problems that they don’t have the ability to care about those around them. It was the first step into what I will call “Rhiannon’s spiral into uncaringness”. One persons words just dropped me onto a path that lead to me not giving a single turd about what people thought of me or what I did. As long as I was happy with myself and I’m not hurting people then it’s okay, and in turn I apply that when I encounter people everyday.

September 24

5 philosophies

Screenshot_2014-10-12-01-01-22    1- Make right choices, your time here is unpredicted.

With minimal time on this earth, we do not know when our life will end. So I

believe that we should always make sure that we live every moment to the fullest

with no regrets. Therefore, making sure that we live every day to the fullest and

make the next day better then the last. We should surround ourselves with people

that make us smile and that make us happy. Not knowing when any f us our going to

should make us push ourselves into meeting new people and making a difference.

 2- Don’t hold back from yesterday, Live for today, Plan for tomorrow.

Every day passes by and we don’t know when the last day is. Also, things happen

that we don’t have control of, but we do have control of how to deal with the situation.

So I believe that we should move past from what happen yesterday. It happened and

we cant go back and change it or reverse time, we should just move on and live the day

and make sure that we plan for the next day, or even the next days. Making sure that we

make our lives filled with positiveness and happiness, because who would want a negative


3- You are only young once, and will be old forever. 

My moral is that we are going to die, no doubt about it. But when? We don’t know that.

We don’t when it will be the last time we see the people we love or do the things we love.

We are only young once, we will never be children again, so we should live our lives with

a child spirit even when we aren’t children. We are going to grow old forever, so keeping

that child spirit and once in a while, having silly fun is better then acting old forever. And

the fact that we are only young once in our lives, we should always hold on to those childhood

moments and live our lives like they where meant to be there to have fun!


4- Being happy is the best medicine 

Lets face it, is your mad and depressed all the time, you are not going to have a happy life.

I believe that having a smile and being happy will make everything better. Even if your not

the one sad, if you smile to someone, it will make their day just by seeing your smile. When

you laugh with your friends and family it make you feel happy and just make your life better.

Smiling is proven to make you happy. To make things better and make you feel better. Smiling

is truly the best medicine for you.

5- Take your scariest experiences and turn them into memories 

We all go through tough times, and at some point in life, we will have the most scariest experiences. But personally, I believe that you should take those experiences and turn them into a memory, not a scary one, but one that you can reflect on and make it a beginning step to something new. Take it and make something new out of it. When I was 9 years old, I drowned in the mediterranean sea. This was probably the most scariest experience I have ever experienced, and after that I never wanted to go near water again. I was petrified about even the slightest thought of water. But then I realized that this is life, and life is scary.We are going have the worst near death experiences for a reason. I believe that that experience happened to me for a reason. After I realized that, I started taking swimming lessons, and now I am an amazing swimmer, and I grew a love for swimming. Now all I wanna do is be in the water and never get out because that experience changed my life in a positive way. It made me realize that you can’t be scared forever and sooner or later something similar may pop up again and you need to be prepared for it.