December 27

Never Shall I Forget-Hashim

Never shall I forget the fruits of my hard work

Never shall I forget that rainy day, on the selfless streets, so much pure water…

Never shall I forget the silver berries and blue berries

I hand picked them and shared with the rest

So very sweet, so very pure, so very peaceful

Never shall I forget that feeling of power.

Everything was mine, everything was so very sweet…

Never shall I forget my enemies who stole that from me

Never shall I forget those fruits taken from me

My days of peace…gone

What had I done? Was it my fault? Was something working against me?

Never shall I forget the rooms covered with filth, no more fruit, no more water…

Never shall I forget that sweet, never ending water, running down the black cloth

I must destroy them before they destroy me

I seek that sweet water, and those fruits…why would anyone take them from me?

There is something missing, something I have forgotten…

Never shall I forget that evil that consumed me…for evil is merely the absence of those fruits

Oh, where are my fruits, and who has taken them?

Never shall I forget my struggles to have my fruit

Take me out of this filth, out of this dirty water, and out of this bitter state

I will wait…

Never shall I forget the power of patience

Never shall I forget my hunger for power to replace that sweetness…

but power is not sweet, power is not what I am looking for

I will find my fruits no matter what happens, and I will share them again

And when I find them, I will not forget.

Never shall I forget those that took my fruits, and left me in filth

Never shall I forget the snakes, crocodiles, and bugs that infested the filth

My dry throat and bitter mouth have made me something else

Only my fruits can cure me.

Never shall I forget what those fruits mean to me. Never shall I forget their absence

Never shall I forget,



December 19

Never Shall I Forget this hurt

Never shall I forget that night in the basement

Never shall I forget that sense of worry and sadness that engulfed me,

Never shall I forget that those emotions would become second nature for the following year

Never Shall I forget the lies that slipped my tongue when my younger cousin asked me what was wrong

Never shall I forget the night my childhood ended and ignorance became a luxury I couldn’t afford.

Never shall I forget the misunderstanding that took place in my family because according to them “black people don’t have mental illnesses”

Never shall I forget the look of anger and disappointment on our parents faces as we sat in the hospital waiting to see if my best friend was okay.

Never shall I forget explaining that her drinking bleach was a cry for help not attention

never shall i forget being looked at and ignored

Never shall I forget the  3 day wait to see if her suicide attempt had done any damage and the following year where our friendship was monitored and controlled by our parents.

Never shall I forget the fact that I had saved her and was punished for it

Never shall I forget these things for as long as I live.

Never shall I forget


December 19

Never Shall I Forget This Last Goodbye

Never shall I forget that night, the night at home

Which turned into many worrisome hours and tragic minutes.


Never shall I forget my father’s voice telling me that my grandma is in the hospital.

Never shall I forget the worry that came over me as I lay in my bedroom in the dark, which felt darker after those words were spoken to me.


Never shall I forget that anxiety that engulfed me.

Never shall I forget the sound of the ticking clock slowly getting louder.

Never shall I forget the heat that rushed through my body while my heart began to race

Never shall I forget the tears forming in my eyes thinking to myself that my grandma will leave me tonight

Never shall I forget the taste of dryness and worry that filled my mouth


Never shall I forget the next morning when I found out she was gone

Never shall I forget the many faces that came to my house that day

Never shall I forget the courage I had to muster in order to tell my best friend

Never shall I forget the countless tears that were shed that day

Never shall I forget the sound of prayers being played in the background


Never shall I forget her and the way she used to care for everyone

Never shall I forget the fact that she didn’t suffer

Never shall I forget that she didn’t ask anyone for anything

Never shall I forget the values she instilled into my mom and how my mom now passes these onto me and my siblings


Never shall I forget that night, the night at home

February 28, 2016



I chose to write this piece because it was a very tragic event that happened in my life and I wanted to share how I felt during this time. It was so sudden, so there were lots of emotions and they are hard to explain but I wrote this poem in order to hopefully explain the feelings and emotions that were felt during this time. My grandma was not sick, she just fell down at home and that was it. Everything was fine but then this happened all so fast that there was no time to explain. This is probably why the feelings that I felt were so strong and why my memories about it are so clear in my mind. This piece is also to honor her and thank her for the life she lived and the people she influenced. 

December 17

What Inspires Me.


Option A

Often times, when we are placed in a position of difficulty, it hinders us from our goals and aspirations. But when we do face hardships, it presents us with a choice to overcome it, or allow it to condemn our reality and diminish our lifelong aspiration. Many individuals who are faced with trauma, defeat, and loss of hope, tend to rely solely upon having to ignore the cruel reality and keep their head down, and waiting for the struggle and frustration fade away. Unfortunately, the way to deal with the fear and obstacles in our life is to conquer them, by overcoming the struggles and instilling great power within yourself, to show the great power an individual can hold. But although we are faced with complications and hardships, it is important to seek the light at the end of the tunnel because from an unpleasant circumstance an opportunity may arise and cause great triumph and realization.

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This is evident in the text Finding Forrester, directed by Gus Van Sant, when it is illustrated that by an unusual circumstance of Jamel Wallace and William Forrester’s life colliding with one another and therefore creating a bond of friendship. However, the way these two individuals met was not on agreed term. That was until Jamal broke into William’s apartment trying to take something from him. When Jamal had been caught by William, he left immediately leaving his backpack in his house. William then took his backpack and rummaged through it, to show his anger and revenge towards Jamal for breaking into his house. However, this shows that William had turned this dispute between the two of them into an opportunity to connect with Jamal and to create a relationship and slowly developed the hope he had once lost before. It is very odd the way Jamal and William met because in many situations this would be arising conflict and tension, but instead something beautiful came out of it.

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This film inspires me the most because it shows how a conflict can be easily turned into something such as a growing friendship. The true moral of the story that inspires me is fate, it intervenes and brings Jamal and Forrester in unity. Unknown to them, something will happen to them beyond just ordinary friendship, they will grow together as people and deeper meaning to each other’s lives. Their friendship will be unlike anything either of them has ever known. It is unlike the connection that Jamal has with his friends and his family; it is unlike anything that Forrester has ever experienced. Jamal and Forrester are two very different people, but end up coming together. Jamal is outgoing and into sports while Forrester is extremely introverted. For some strange reason, Forrester has stopped living. He refuses to go out of his sleazy apartment and even has all the things he needs delivered to him his socks, food, money, everything. He is afraid of something, afraid of people due to a certain unpleasant experience in the past, an unforgettable event that has made him hate everyone and live life in a box. Though Jamal and Forrester seem to be at the opposite ends of a spectrum, they do share one thing and it is writing. The true importance here is that two different people like William and Jamal, have no common interest except writing, and the fact that an old man, and a teenage boy connect shows that destiny has brought them together for a reason. And that it is so off-putting that they united together and it is odd that a teenage boy should be enjoying his life, but is instead growing closer with an old man. This poses to be a true inspiration to me because the relationship of Jamal and William is illustrated to be a breakthrough of a social norm. Meaning that most people follow what society does, by being in the same age, gender, or racial group. But clearly Jamal and William are an example that they can possess any means to shape their reality and exist together in harmony.

Image result for finding forrester and jamal

Overall I believe this is a piece of inspiration to me because it illustrates that  individuals have the power to conquer their destiny. Along with the progress and tribulation two people create a relationship together. This shows that two completely different people became very close together, showing that things happen for a reason. This was a very deep and intuitive film that distinguishes that fate and casualties  are two different things. This ties in the picture of the journey and progress, Jamal and William came together and built a strong bond that could not be broken. As a final thought, what I had observed is Jamal and Williams relationship is unlike any other. Their friendship is genuine and honest, it is a true bond that many of us need in a relationship. Their time spent together is beyond age, race, or ethnicity, it shows how much they value each other despite what others might think. It made me realize that admiration, pure intentions and genuinity is what builds a strong foundation for an honest friendship. I am truly inspired by this film, and has helped me understand the true values of what makes a friendship, because they may last beyond a life time.

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December 17

Nostalgia Never To Be Forgotten


Related image


Emulated from Elie Wiesel’s Never WIll I Forget from the novel Night


Never shall I forget the day that something unexpected happened in my family. This was the day where I felt something did not feel right. This story began two years ago…the day I lost my uncle.


Never shall I forget the phone call that I had with my dad on the bus while coming home from school. The tone that he was talking in made me realize that there was something strange happening. When I asked if everything was okay he said yes. All my father mentioned was that he was busy at work and will talk to me later. Deep down inside I felt that something terrible had happened, but I just could not figure out what it was.


Never shall I forget how my dad barged into the house with a look of despair on his face. He told me, “Brother passed suddenly…” These words coming out of my dad’s mouth did not seem to connect or feel real at first. When I read the truth of emotions on his face, I knew this really was happening. That shock from my dad’s words felt like a bullet that pierced my soul. Everything in my head just froze. My father pulled up the picture from his phone that was taken of him two months before and I instantly broke into tears. It felt like everything was finished. Our family thread, which was so strong, snapped. 


Never shall I forget the guilt I felt when I didn’t think of calling him once, just to hear his voice for the last time. I talked to my grandmother that night to let her know that I found out about the news. She told me that he had gone for a check-up at the hospital to see if everything was alright. My uncle had called her the night before he died saying that everything was alright and that he will be discharged the next day after his bronchoscopy check-up. My uncle’s wife had called my grandma the next morning saying, “Your son is no longer in this world. The doctors mistakenly punctured his lung during the check-up process. They tried everything to revive him, but it was too late.” My grandma was crying so much that her words were no longer comprehensible. All I heard was hysterical crying and sniffles before she disconnected the phone. 


Never shall I forget this moment that I truly felt a loss. I was questioning God as to why this happened and what wrong our family has done that you punished us like this. I was trapped in a battle within myself about faith and delusion. I was getting disconnected from my faith, but at the same time reviving my optimism by saying that there is a purpose to this and perhaps a test from God. 


Never shall I forget the memories we spent, the legacy he left behind, and the hearts he touched. 

Never shall I forget this night, December 13, 2017.

Rest In Peace Farid Uncle.  



I wrote this piece to pay tribute to my uncle who passed away two years ago. Farid Ramji worked very hard all his life to fulfill his dreams of becoming a doctor and specialized in pediatric radiology. From all my father’s eight siblings, he was the one who had the most perseverance and was dedicated to his profession considering the fact that he was born in a hamlet in Africa with limited education facilities. He was also a professor at the University of Oklahoma medical center. He inspired a lot of people, including me and his two children who are also both doctors. While writing this piece, I was reliving the flashbacks that had happened and the memories that are forever treasured in my mind. I have put a lot of thought into this piece as I always think of him many times. Whenever I would succeed in my challenges, I would always feel his presence around me. My uncle has become my source of strength whenever I have nowhere else to turn towards. I pray that he is happy and continues to shine his light on our family from heaven.  


December 17

Just Leave It Be, Will You?

Option B – Persuasive

There has always been problems in my neighborhood. Most of them are about people treating minor problems as major problems. I have personally been trying to resolve one of them for just over two years now. From my experience so far, our neighbor is making it extremely difficult to get to a consensus with. All of his suggestions are always an attempt to benefit him, seemingly dis-benefit us, or create more work for the both of us in contrast with how it is already. All I ask of him, is to go on with problems that are more important in his life that are worth more to deal with, rather than taking the time out of both our hands to weakly argue why he wants to basically create more work for the both of us. The major factor is the fact that our house’s foundation and driveway is slightly elevated. Our drainage pipe is what they keep yapping about, and we even have an extension that barely wraps around the corner of our house and over the incline. Where would the water go to freeze if we were to do anything else with the drainage pipe?

Now, by normal means, it will flow down towards the edge of his driveway. They ended up complaining about an area less than a quarter of their driveway being icy. Even if we remove our pipe or blocked the water flow from coming down the drainage pipe, their own drainage pipe gives them the same problem they were whining about. What is the better option here; spread the ice out over a greater distance just so we have two people dealing with ice at two different times of the day, or letting all the water concentrated at a smaller area and have one person deal with all that ice? If we separate where the water goes, there is going to be a greater area of ice. That means the sidewalks have a greater chance of becoming icy, which increases both our chances of getting fined by request of a pedestrian for inconsiderate property management. I tried to suggest that I was not in favor of his suggestion. Everytime I attempted to collaborate with this man, he always repeats, “Why should we be the ones with an ice rink in our driveway?” or, “Why should I be the only one dealing with the ice?” He treated this as an actual argument, rather than a cooperative and collaborative discussion, which I had been explicitly telling him that I wanted everytime I started the conversation. I can clearly see his point in terms of equality, because by his perspective, it should be our responsibility to manage the water that comes from our own rooftop, which would eventually freeze and possibly harm any inattentive walkers. The only arguments he could ever seem to muster against me, is that he “should not be the only one slipping and sliding,” or be the only one dealing with “the water that flows down from your side.”

Ironically, throughout one cycle of all four seasons, they have never parked their truck in their driveway. They always parked it beside the sidewalk infront of their house. Their reason for doing that could be relatable to ours, where we do not have any space for a fourth car, except the sidewalk. We also do not want anyone parking their cars by the sidewalk in front of our house because the nearest available space becomes a three minute walk, which kills during harsh winters. Our neighbours, however? They just never park anything in their garage nor driveway, except for one family SUV, which occupies about a third of their whole space. What they were complaining about was an area, less than one fourth of their whole driveway, becoming layered with ice, where they never park. What is worse about this, is the fact that they want us to have our water running down our driveway into the sidewalk. Their driveway is unique in a certain way, where the water that flows down along the edge of their driveway does not actually run into the sidewalk. The sidewalk is elevated slightly above the end of their driveway, so that water can not really run above it at all. They have absolutely no risk of frozen water slipping pedestrians who pass by their house via the sidewalk. We do if we let water run down our driveway.

I have asked my parents about this issue before, and the first few times I brought this up, they replied to me, “Do not worry about it. They are just making issues for us.” Since then, all the responses I got from my parents about our neighbour’s lopsided suggestions and arguments became appeasements. They suggested that they did not want to care anymore when they said, “There is no point in arguing with them anyway.” At this point, I decided to follow their idea of appeasing them. All I have seen is our water drainage pipe extender being tampered with and thrown somewhere onto our grass field. It became infuriating to do nothing about, but it showed how he really was taking a minor concern and turning it into many bigger problems for the both of us. It felt extremely tempting to take action and suppress their tampering. In the end, I decided it was best to just leave them be to avoid worsening the conflict, with hope that they eventually realize that they are only making their issue with us worse for themselves.

December 16

Banning single-use plastic


Dear, Canadian government

My name is Zoha Fatima , and I am a grade 12 student . I am writing to you in response to the proposal to ban single-use plastic in Canada. I believe that the government should accept the proposal of banning single-use plastics. Single-use plastics are items made from plastic that are   intended to be used only once, items that are single-use plastic are plastic bags, bottles, straws, and other. These items are not good for the environment and have a big impact, today they’re also alternatives that individuals can use like reusable bags and metal straws.

Single-use plastic has a great impact on animals and humans. Every year, one million birds and over 100,000 sea animals worldwide get injured by single-use plastic. These animals often mistake plastic as food and die after they eat it.  ‘Pete’ was a  pelican that  died after he swallowing 17 plastic bags. Plastic greatly impacts endangered animals. The leatherbacks are endangered species of sea turtles they mainly eat jellyfish, however, a plastic bag in water often looks like a jellyfish. There are only about 34,000 and 36,000 nesting leatherback females left worldwide compared to 115,000 in the 1980’s, these turtles often die after eating plastic bags or die after getting trapped in plastic nets. Plastic can take up to 1,000 years to break down, meaning that the  first-ever plastic ever made is still not broken down.  Once an animal dies after eating plastic , that  piece of plastic is not gone it is put back into the environment to carry on killing more wildlife. Science says by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.Plastic does not only harm wild-life it has an impact on humans as well. There are also toxins that leach out of plastic; these toxins are found in the blood of nearly all humans. Humans are also affected when they eat fish. Fish often eat plastic and get toxins in their bloodstream, these fish then get fished and get eaten by humans. Chemicals in plastic block essential hormones in the human body, which has a negative impact on their overall health.

Plastic has a great impact on our earth. According to scientific studies, there are around 5 trillion plastic pieces floating in the ocean- that’s over 250000 tons of plastic. Plastic has toxic pollutants that harm the environment and end up in the water, air, and land pollution. As someone who lives in Canada, I also see plastic bags, straws, and other garbage on the roads of Canada. I can’t walk or drive 500 meters without seeing a single piece of plastic. 86% of Canadian plastic end up in a landfill, the rest is burned or becomes litter. The plastic that is burned causes more greenhouse gases to enter the atmosphere. These greenhouses have a great impact on the earth, including climate change. Usman Valiante, a Canadian environmental policy analyst said: “Our existing recycling policies have failed and Canada needs a new industrial policy on plastic.” Canadians only recycle 9% of plastic, and that is not acceptable, we need to have laws to include this number. Individuals don’t realize how much plastic they use, they often say it’s only one piece, but they have to know that millions of people saying the same thing. In Canada, up to 15 billion plastic bags are used every year and about 57 million straws are used daily.  That’s almost 400 bags and 730 straws per Canadian each year, and that is insane; people can use reusable bags and straws they don’t need to use plastic. By banning single-use plastic, this would improve the environment that we live in, and teaches us how important it is to take care of our environment so we can be healthy and happy.

Banning single-use plastic would save money and energy. Cleaning up plastic is expensive, it takes about 17 cents per plastic bags and that only plastic bags. To clean up all the bags that Canadian use per year it would cost $2550,000,000. Banning plastic would reduce 1.8 million tonnes of carbon pollution, generate billions of dollars in revenue, and create about 42,000 jobs. Recently in Alberta, a lot of people have lost their jobs, you probably know individuals that have lost their jobs, so creating more jobs would greatly help them.  Many countries have already banned plastic and have gotten benefits from doing so. Montreal has already banned plastic bags. Canada should join the growing list of countries to ban single-use plastic.

Banning single-use plastic would greatly impact Canada, it would save the lives of many animals, make the earth more clean and better to in on, and it would save money and create more jobs. Thank you for taking time from your day to read my  letter . If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at or call me at 403-947-1234.



Zoha. Fatima





December 16

Never Shall I Forget ~ Option C


Never shall I forget the day every string of courage was stolen from my soul. 

Never shall I forget the moment every last thread of confidence was torn out of my chest,




Never shall I forget the fright I felt as hundreds of eyes glared at me.

Never shall I forget the rhythm of each and every heartbeat.

Never shall I forget the trembling of my legs, the tortue in my gut, or the damage I felt inside my head,




For this was the day I watched the girl I was deteriorate 

into the abyss.


And even now, as I stand still with all that I am,

my soul cannot help but wonder whether small pieces of who I once was have been left behind.


Never shall I forget,




It was a day like any other. My twelve year old self walked into the school building and toward the library.

I sat down, surrounded by every person in my grade, along with all my teachers.

Our heads glanced over to the front of the room as a video began to play.


Never shall I forget this day,


the day I felt betrayed by the people around me,

the day the beginning of my safety’s end had risen.


I stared into the pitch black screen when suddenly the Twin Towers appeared. 


Supercuts began rolling of planes, and smoke, and children crying in their mothers’ arms,

supercuts of ambulances, countless fire trucks, and police cars as planes crashed into the buildings.


I understood the video was describing the horrific event of 9/11.


Never shall I forget the day we watched this video,


because what I didn’t realize was that my peers held a completely different opinion on it than I.


They all turned and gazed into me with skepticism forming upon their faces.

I was bewildered, confused out of my mind. I didn’t understand why all their fingers pointed toward me.

And even though I know they didn’t mean to make me feel caged up, I still did.

I still felt like an animal at a zoo that everyone used for their entertainment.

I didn’t have a clue. Not a single clue why I was to be the scapegoat, why my people. 


Being a Muslim never meant fear until that day.


Never shall I forget it.


Never shall I forget the day I lost faith in the people around me,




December 15

Never shall I forget-Option C

Never shall I forget when you would tell us stories

Never shall I forget when I would go into your briefcase and steal the candy that was in there.

Never shall I forget the time when I had someone who was as loud as me.

Never shall I forget When we would talk, laugh and scream at the top of our lungs

Never shall I forget  your voice, your face, your personality

Because sometimes people say that I am like you in a way

Always smiling, laughing and especially always being the loud one.

I love being loud.

Because it was a way for me to be close to you

 Never shall I forget you when I’m screaming at the top of my lungs

Never shall I forget the day when you left this earth

And I cried

I cried because my best friend left me. 

I cried because he wasn’t coming back

Never shall I forget the beautiful soul that I was lucky enough to call my grandfather.

Image result for love




December 11

What Inspires me-option A

People who are mentally stimulated into pursing their goals and desires are the people that have been inspired from others who provided authentic advice and messages. When individuals are inspired they are more open and willing to experience different situations. Individuals who are inspired to go after their dreams and who are wanting to follow through with their ambitions, will then be motivated to start the process of their success, resulting into achievement and personal satisfaction.

In Finding Forrester, Jamal was someone who was inspired by William Forrester, who was a brilliant author. Jamal loved writing and was someone who had the dreams and ambitions of becoming a writer. Since Forrester was an author, Jamal asked Forrester if he could be his mentor so that way his pathway to success would be full of less obstacles and hardships. Forrester’s priority was to write and read, and since those were the two things that interested him, he excelled in these two categories. Jamal wanted to be like him so he put in the work and effort for the outcomes to be beneficial towards his success. Jamal was not rich or popular, which is why this film inspired me. His personal life was not filled with wealth, but he used his knowledge to the fullest extent which resulted him into being a high quality writer. When I saw how Jamal chased after his dreams and set his goals as a priority, which led him to successfully achieve his goal, it showed me that with the proper amount of work and effort, I can too achieve my goals. I have always wanted to have a proper mindset and balance in my life because my life revolves around stress and a lack of tranquility. This has caused me many hardships and conflicts throughout my life, but after seeing how Jamal was firm on successfully achieving his goal, I thought about doing the same. Joining yoga and finding different ways to let out my stress and anxiety is something I started doing, and the outcomes were something that made me proud of myself because I am now a calm and joyful person. Going through my most lowest point in life was devastating for me, but the way Jamal approached achieving his dreams impelled me to do the same. My dream was to forget about the stress, and due to the choices and ideas I made to do so, I was successful. When individuals are inspired, their lives can change for the better because the results and outcomes can lead to a more joyful and exciting life.

Inspiration comes from something that causes a spark in ones heart, making the person motivated to add full effort into the journey of reaching success. Inspiration can come from films, celebrities or books, but the only way to achieve the desired result one has, is by putting in effort. This is because the inspirational factors that individuals encounter should motivate people to try more. The only way one gets inspired is if the motivator had great results because that shows that anyone can have their desired results if passion and effort is put in.

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