January 16

ARRTI – Literary Exploration

Question: What is your opinion on the idea that an individual’s life can be altered by a particular experience?

Life Altering Experiences


          An individual’s life can be changed through a certain experience. This experience could be the one that we have never encountered before, which could affect your decisions or attitude. When individuals encounter first time experiences, they find it difficult to react, doing nothing to affect or change the experiences. This situation should be able to teach us lessons on what to do, as for the next time something similar happens, the individual will be prepared to face and deal with the situation properly. From learning specific experiences, the individuals will be able to properly commit a decision. In the story, “A River Runs Through It”, Robert Redford reveals a character that does not know how to react to a certain situation, causing him to commit an action that he can only think of that works in different situations. The same character as well also uses these actions which soon affect his behaviour towards others. This has also affected me in a way to commit similar actions towards specific people for specific reasons. An individual’s life is changed through experiences that they have never faced before, as these experiences teach lessons that people can possibly use in the future.


          In “A River Runs Through It”, the character Norman Maclean reacts to his brother Paul Maclean, who acts rebellious in secret ways. For example, Paul and Norman had taken a boat and decided to “shoot the chutes” through a waterfall, and after that experience, it is seen that Norman separates from his friends and Paul. Later through the film, the audience can witness how Norman explodes with anger towards Paul about a sandwich, which is really not the reason for his anger. Although Norman decides to act as a brother’s keeper and rides with Paul down the waterfall, he has never experienced being in danger, which causes him to separate from his group of friends, as well as get in trouble with his parents.This experience had changed his mood, as Paul’s recklessness continues when nobody is watching except for his brother. This reaches a point that Norman had exploded in anger, which ends up in a fight scene. On this point onwards, Norman’s life is changed, and sometimes affected through Paul’s attitude. From this experience, he has no choice but to commit an action that is known to work towards others.


          Through the same film, Norman and Paul had decided to celebrate his success with winning over Jessie, and as Norman becomes drunk, Paul had taken him to a known illegal poker place called Lolo’s. From going inside, Norman later witnesses what happens to Paul and he attempts to play in a poker table, and sobers up. Through this experience, like other experiences he faced before, he knew that him and his brother were not welcome into the area, and causes him to leave, although his brother wanted to stay. Norman had decided to ignore Paul’s invitation to join him for poker, as his anger also caused him to drive Paul’s car back home. His reaction to this scenario shows how he used the exact same action to earlier situations as it is known to work with previous times. Considering their promises to never fight again, Norman had no other choice but to leave in anger towards Paul, who had kept his reckless behaviour towards maturing. Ever since the change in Paul’s behaviour, Norman has had some situations where he had to deal with it himself towards his own brother. Without being Paul’s brothers keeper, Norman would not learn how to deal with situations that have a negative outcome. I may not have a brother myself that I have a responsibility of, but I have a similar reaction to experiences such as Normans.


          When I was in Grade 9, only had I faced situations of bullying or fighting between others in the school, and that has affected my views towards others, as well as a bit of a change in attitude. I was in a class to which I barely knew anyone and overheard somebody judging me already to others. They have also attempted to made fun of me through their own languages, which I found it frustrating. From this experience though, it  taught me how to ignore sentences that I find disturbing when said verbally, and learned how to react to it. Another was nearby summer when I was hanging out with friends when all of the sudden two friends started fighting each other through an argument they had made. I reacted to this a bit in a fearful way, as this was the first time I ever found people that I know were physically hurting each other. All of these situations had forced me to commit actions similar to Norman’s, which is just to walk away and ignore any hurtful comments that may affect you. My life still consists of some bullying, whether its to me or others, but I am still able to commit actions that work, but has changed my lifestyle throughout highschool. If I haven’t faced these situations back then, I would find it hard to react to similar experiences in the future.


          Lessons that are learned from previous experiences, can help change an individual’s life in the future, as they would learn how to react. Norman first experienced dangerous acts through his brother and learned that his brother would still continue these acts. Norman had learned lessons from these experiences to just walk away from negative experiences that Paul had faced. This had always affected me when I first learned that life is not always perfect, as it made me more pessimistic than optimistic, although it has taught me lessons. Without these experiences, how would people react to new situations?

January 14

The Power of Experience


Experiences have the ability to make or break someone; many of them shape who we are as individuals. When we go through something often we carry the lessons from it. It is the bad experiences that we remember and learn from, the experiences that bring great adversity within our lives. In A River Runs Through It, written by Norman Maclean, we are introduced to the Maclean boys Paul and Norman who as they grow up face many adversities but deal with them differently leading to a tragic ending to their story. Even though experiences have the ability to alter someone’s life it is how the individual deals with it that truly alters who they are.


In A River Runs Through It by Norman Maclean it can be seen that throughout his life Paul Maclean is always seen as someone who made and followed their own rules but as he grows older he becomes darker getting involved with drinking and gambling at Lolo’s leaving those around him worried. Norman offers to help but his help is refused by his brother after he reveals his truth and his darkness to Norman. This experience with his brother left Norman feeling like he had failed to fill his role as the “brother’s keeper” though Paul is an adult and has the capability to deal with the consequences that come with his decisions. In the beginning of the film Norman says “My father once said to me Norman you like to write… Maybe one day you can write our story and only then you will understand what happened.” Norman like much of his family

ignored many of the problems that followed his brother Paul only quietly fearing what would happen to his brother. Not understanding what had happened to his brother Norman is left with the constant feelings of shame and guilt that he was not able to save his brother from his own demise.


After Paul’s death the Maclean family became more distant rarely ever talking about what had happened to Paul. When reverend Maclean and his wife are sitting in the kitchen at the table eating but not looking at each other, it is clear to the audience that Paul had been the glue of the family and having loss him they had lost a way to talk and connect with each other. Much like Paul his parents had a difficult time connecting and talking about the problems that come with losing a child especially one like Paul who often entertained and brought conversation to the dinner table that had been silent so many nights he hadn’t been there. Leaving a feeling of emptiness within the family.  Often families are brought together by loss and not torn apart, throughout the movie it is shown that the MacLean’s rarely ever address any problems pushing them to the side which could be seen as the driving force behind Paul’s death. This experience brought a

feeling of defeat within reverend Maclean who had been a man who walked proudly of who he was but now was hunched over by the time he had delivered one of his last sermons where he said “But we can still love them. We can love them completely without complete understanding” showing that though he does not understand his son he had come to terms with his death and loved him unconditionally.

There have been many experiences that have permanently altered my life. From the age of five to thirteen I had been bullied throughout all the schools I went to. It was like no matter where I went I wasn’t able to escape the demons that enjoyed torturing me. The feeling of being in a situation where your feel alone and like no one understands you makes your push into isolate yourself in fear of vulnerability. Opening up became a big fear of mine leading me to have constant anxiety and letting others take away my happiness. These very experiences helped me become who I am today. For many years I tried to run away from it until I hit a brick wall and had to fight back and find me. Building up my core values and showing that I am strong and capable but most importantly I have the power of being resilient. Like the MacLean’s I come from a culture where we push things under the rug: if it’s never mentioned it’s not a problem. The lack of understanding is often defeating but it is the unconditional love that I am given that keeps me going and pushing me into the right direction.


How an individual reacts to experiences alters who they are. It allows them an opportunity for growth and learning if not taken it can lead to a tragic ending like that of Paul Maclean. In A River Runs Through It, written by Norman Maclean the audience is shown through Normans actions with his brother along with the lasting effect Paul’s death had on the family that negative experiences have the power to make or break you. The repercussions of the experience shape who you are and the individual you will eventually become.

January 19

Literary Exploration (ARRTI) – Polished

The Influence of Actions

What is your opinion of the idea that our beliefs are influenced by the actions of others?

Friends and family shape the way an individual sees the world by influencing their beliefs, showing them a new perspective of how the world can be viewed. In the film, “A River Runs Through It,” by Norman Maclean, a character, also named Norman Maclean, is shown to have beliefs that were influenced greatly by his father, Reverend John Norman Maclean, and his brother, Paul Maclean. Norman’s childhood was filled with innocence. A family consisting of a father, mother, brother, and himself.

As an individual starts out their life, their perspective and personality is based off of a parents’ ideals. Norman was homeschooled by his father, mainly working on writing. Whenever Norman made mistakes and/or wasn’t up to the standards set by his father, the father would correct his mistakes using a red pen and make Norman rewrite his work until it was perfected. This affected him as he grew up, shown in the scene where Norman comes back after studying abroad and begins engaging in a conversation with his father in his study. As the conversation goes on, Norman and the father talk about the possibilities of careers that Norman can have as a permanent job. Norman had a dream of having a specific career but it was immediately crushed after seeing his father holding a red pen, symbolizing disappointment, as Norman was mentioning it. Because of this, Norman then changes his career idea to being a teacher. He chooses to do this because his belief, as he grew up, was to always meet his father’s standards.

Another area where the idea of actions causing influence onto your beliefs is through Paul’s eyes. His belief as he grew up was that he will be in the spotlight, the center of attention, well-known, and be famous. The main idea was him being the best. His beliefs begin to shift around and change when Norman comes back from abroad. Paul begins having jealousy towards his brother because of the attention Norman is getting for becoming a Professor. During the scene of the community get together, Norman is shown around by his mother, gloating about his accomplishments to the other ladies in the community. Paul is then shown around the end of the scene, just arriving, getting along with everyone, including their parents, but not speaking to Norman as he leaves.  Since this was the case, Paul then tries to do more things involved with the community to get him more recognized to counter Norman’s new uprising popularity. Because Paul felt like it was a competition and needed to get to the top, he continued stressing out more behind the scenes and is exposed later on through his addiction to alcohol.

My personal experience with this is more of when a belief was put upon me by another individual until I broke out of the idea, so I could change. As a young child, I was always restricted from going outside alone; Whether it’d be a short walk to the river, or just going to the nearby playground to meet up a neighborhood friend; It was never an option to go out without one of my parents or sister accompanying me there. Growing up, my belief that rose from that continued to twist and turn my ideas of not being allowed to go out without one of them until recently. Not that long ago, I went out for the first time, alone, to explore the city, to venture alone for once since I didn’t exactly have friends or anyone to accompany myself, but it felt more fulfilling without others. It’s not a small thing that not many people consider but this small act really helped me in being just that little more free, both externally and internally, instead of staying trapped in the dark abyss that limited everything I was to see and experience. This changed my belief into doing more than I thought I ever could, the little more I could do without plunging into a state of distorted fear and panic due to my personal fear of consequences.

Altogether, the three perspectives listed here connect together because all of them had an experience in a change of beliefs caused by others. Norman’s belief being influenced by his father’s, Paul’s belief broken down because of Norman, and the belief that was put upon me until I changed it. One day, each and every individual, whether it was in the past, present, or future, will inevitably experience another individual’s influence changing their perspective. All in all, this shows how the influence of others, what they say and what they do, can greatly impact how an individual lives their life.



January 18


Alymohamed Jetha

Lit Exploration


Title: Influences

Prompt:  What is your opinion of the idea that our beliefs are influenced by the actions of others

Beliefs are what we believe in and what we think is the right thing to do in a situation. It is up to you to make a good decision based off of what you think is right; if you are influenced in to making your decision then you should think if it the right thing or not. You can choose whether to be influenced in to making a decision or you can make your own decisions yourself, it can turn out to be good or bad either way you choose to go.

In the movie A River Runs Through It  by Norman MaClean it shows this through Norms life because he is influenced by his little brother Paul on more than one occasion and it ends up being bad for him because he just gets in trouble every time. He lets Paul influence him because he is being his brothers keeper and he is not going to let him get hurt or in trouble alone at least at the beginning of the movie. One particular example is when they go over the water falls in a boat  they “borrowed” from someone. All of their friends said let’s do it but when they got there they said no and didn’t go; Paul however was still going to do it anyways and Norm had no other option but to do it with him. He was first influenced by his friends and then by his brother, knowing if anything happens to him then his parents would be very made with him.

Paul is not as easily influenced into doing things like his brother but he can still be influenced. He got a job writing for the papers and through that he started to drink and gamble more which ended badly for him. He was usually the one who influenced others like his brother. He would make his own decisions despite what other people said like when they went to the back street bar together with their girlfriends and Paul had a first nations girl with him the person who ran the bar said she wasn’t allowed but he still brought her in and after they had there drinks they started to dance in front of everyone in a way that made them stand out more from everybody else just so that he could prove a point that he does what he wants. Paul didn’t let the fact that first nations were not allowed in the bar stop him from dating one and going out with her. This shows that there are lots of types of people in this world.

I am the type of person that is in the middle I make my own decisions most of the time and sometimes I let others influence me to make a decision I would not otherwise make. I mainly influence my friend into doing things they don’t necessarily want to do, but it is never anything they can get into big trouble for. I don’t let people who I know are bad, influence my decisions, when I am influenced I know the risk and what can happen if I do it.  I don’t like to follow people because the last time I did I got in a lot of trouble doing something kind of bad.

In the end it is up to the person making the decision if they want to listen to someone else, or if they want to do what they believe is right and play it safe.

January 17

Rising towards the expectations of others (Polished Lit Exploration)

Talha Muhammad

Lit Exploration

October 23, 2018


Rising Towards The Expectations Of Others


Our beliefs towards certain things/concepts are often influenced by are family in an attempt to rise or to exceed their expectations. This is seen in the film,  ¨A River Runs Through It¨ as Norman struggles to please his father and rise towards the expectations that has been placed on him. Individuals will have to struggle for a period of time before meeting their kin´s expectations. Individuals with the desire to rise to their kins expectations will often change their minds towards the decisions they previously made in order to please their kin.


Individuals often fear betraying their kin´s expectations as they have a deeply rooted fear in them in going against their expectations given to them. In the film, ¨A River Runs Through It¨  we see Norman in his father’s office feeling nostalgic of his childhood. His father the minister have a chat together about his future aspirations. Just as he is about to answer something his father wouldn’t want to hear he picks up his red pen and Norman quickly changes his answer. Norman is in his father’s office and is talking about his future aspirations with his father but suddenly changes his answer when his father picks up his red pen. Norman still has fears of disappointing his father by giving him an answer that he would not like to here. Despite Norman maturing towards the time he had gone to further his education he still fears his fatherś red pen which he used to correct his mistakes when he was small. Individuals that have not escaped their past or are often haunted by it will find it difficult to move forward towards their aspirations and beliefs Norman, despite maturing while he was away he still changes his decisions when he sees his father´s dissatisfaction.


Individuals often have a sense of relief and happiness when they have risen towards the towards both their and their parents expectations. In the film, ¨A River Runs Through It¨ we see Norman sitting on the dining table with his entire family including Paul. Norman talks to his whole family about him gaining acceptance to a university and making the decision to accept it. Everyone is excited that he is about to become a real professor and his father openly admits for the first time that he is pleased with Norman. Norman talks to his family in the dining room about him gaining and accepting the invitation from the university and his father looks relieved for the first time as one of his sons is moving on to the next stages of his life. Norman has exceeded his father’s expectation by getting an acceptance letter from a university for a teaching position and accepting it, moving on to the next stage in his life. Norman is ready to move on to the next stage in his life and no longer has to worry about his father’s expectations that binded him like shackles in his life. Once an individual is freed from others expectations they can move on freely in life and work towards their future goals without having to worry about them anymore. Individuals that have risen to their kin´s expectation no longer have to face this pressure that they have to change their goals to make them happy.


Individuals that try to please their kin through changing their goals often struggle to accomplish them later on. An example of where I try to meet with my father’s expectation is last year when I was trying to raise my grades towards math to his satisfaction. That time was difficult as I had a lot going on in my different subjects so I had to make time to from my other subjects to do math in order to make him happy. In order to raise my grade for math I had to make time for my other subjects to make him happy. I had to allocate more time towards math than my other subjects in order to meet with my father´s expectations. Individuals that often try to make more time for things often find themselves working frantically to meet up with others expectations.


Individuals will attempt to meet their expectations alongside their parents expectations in order to pursue their happiness. Individuals often strive to meet the expectations that are given to them even if it means leaving their family in order to pursue greater knowledge, to ensure greater success later on in life.


Category: Talha | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 17

It Runs In The Family (A River Runs Through It Lit Exploration)

An individual’s values are shaped by the people around them and help influence their decisions.


Family is something in life that you can never avoid. Ever since you were born, your parents and siblings have been helping you learn lessons on life and how to grow up. Most of the time, the things that your family has taught you will stay with you and become your core values and beliefs in life. Even when you are grown, you are subconsciously following the values that you had been influenced by since you were young. This is because an individual’s values are shaped by the people around them, and help influence their actions and decisions.  

In A River Runs Through It, it can be seen from the very start of the film that Reverend Maclean plays a huge part in his children’s lives – mainly Norman’s, whose own values and life decisions are influenced by his father’s expectations and values. He had learned a lot from his father in his childhood that can be seen throughout the rest of the film. Some of his main character traits are parallel to the foundations of fly-fishing, a lesson taught by his father: fly-fishing was an art that required structure, discipline, and grace to be done properly, and it is reflected in the way that Norman is as a person. By the father teaching his sons how to fish, he helped to foster their core values not only when they were fishing, but also in their life. The activities, where we connect most with our parents, can impact our own interests and values acquired through sharing and learning from these activities.  Norman’s father also homeschooled Norman from a young age, making sure that all of his work was perfect and there were no errors in it – holding him to a high standard. Reverend Maclean would correct Norman’s writing with a red pen that would later be used to symbolize how the father was still correcting Norman in his adult life. This was shown in a later scene between adult Norman and the father are in the father’s study where he used to be homeschooled. Norman is explaining to his father he wants to work in forestry and the father – with the red pen in hand – is instantly correcting him, telling Norman that it is not a good idea. The father picking up the red pen at this time parallels from when Norman was just a boy. The father only puts down the pen when Norman says that he wants to become a professor, pleasing the father enough. Norman’s profession has always been influenced by the father. Even when he was a child, he said that he wanted to be a minister because he assumed that was expected of him. He was thinking realistically until he was asked if he could be anything, what would he choose to be? He quickly changed his answer to a boxer. He chose to say minister first because he thought that it was just what was expected of him to do and that he had to do it, but deep down, he wanted to follow his dreams and become a boxer. When Norman gets a job offered a job from the University of Chicago as a and English professor, pleasing the father, Norman is still happy because it is something that he wants to do as literature and writing are another value and interest in his life. He had become his father in a way, teaching people and correcting them when they made a mistake, the same way the father did to Norman when he was being homeschooled.  For many people, like Norman, they follow in either the footsteps of their parents, or work towards a future that is expected of them by their family because it brings a sense of achievement and pride in their life – finding success for them and honour for their family.  Norman accepted the interests and beliefs of his father, allowing them to influence his professional career, his own family’s values, and his hobby for fly-fishing.  The Reverend Maclean’s influence over Norman led to both his success and happiness.

Although Paul was younger than Norman, he still had a lot of influence in his brother’s life. He played the role of Norman’s brother’s keeper and influenced some of his actions greatly when they were children. Paul was the idealistic one out of the two of them; when thinking about what he wanted to do when he grew up, he decided he wanted to be a fly fisherman. When told that it wasn’t a real job, he changed his answer to a boxer as a more ‘realistic’ answer but it was still idealistic. By changing his answer, Norman is prompted to do the same, changing his answer to the boxer as well, thinking more idealistically. This scene was shown to see the differing beliefs that the boys had- Paul always thinking more ideally while Norman thought realistically. Although they thought very differently, Paul was usually able to influence Norman to think more like him. An example of this is in the scene where Norman, Paul, and their friends all steal a boat to go down a waterfall. Their friends back out, thinking realistically of the consequences. Paul, on the other hand, wants to do it and persuaded Norman to join him. Paul was in the front of the boat, leading, while Norman was in the back. This shows how Paul is guiding Norman’s ideas and influencing him to be more like Paul, thinking more idealistically. It can also show how Paul is more reckless, irresponsible, and passionate while normal is thoughtful, cautious and responsible, but can still be persuaded to be reckless like Paul. Once their boat crashes, Norman is seen isolated from the rest of his friends and shifted in personality. He is more solemn and quiet because he realizes the consequences of his actions and how it could have gone badly, unlike Paul who is just focussing on how much fun the experience was. Norman is later seen making a sandwich, still shaken up by what happened during the boat scene. Paul comes in as his usual cheery self and begins to ‘fix’ Norman’s sandwich. The whole time, Norman is saying that he doesn’t want Paul to fix it, that it was fine how it was. This was to symbolize Norman rejecting Paul’s influence in Norman’s life. The sandwich reflected Norman’s ideologies and when Paul came to fix it, he was trying to impede his way of thinking onto Norman. But, Norman rejected this, not allowing Norman to influence his values and beliefs. This is why when they are grown up, there is such a contrast between their characters. Norman is more affected by his father’s influence while Paul is living life his own way. It could be examined that by Paul not being influenced by his father’s beliefs, his actions that he decided to do throughout his adult life could have caused his death. He was violent and hot-headed, unlike Norman, and eventually died from his actions.

I have also been heavily influenced by my family. All throughout my childhood, I was told that I wanted to be a vet. My parents would constantly tell me that being a vet would be the best course of actions for me when I was an adult because it paid well and I got to help animals. I believed them and throughout my whole childhood, my actions were influenced by the idea of me becoming a vet. I would read only animal and vet books and pretend to be doing surgery on my stuffed animals all so that I could make my parents proud of me. Helping animals became one of my values growing up and it affected the way that I handled situations, like taking care of my own pets. But as I began to get older and the animals that I had had since birth began dying, I started to realize that I wouldn’t be able to handle the idea of some of my animal patients dying. I loved animals too much to watch them in pain, and I realized that I didn’t want to be the reason that an animal was in pain as I was trying to help them, so I needed to find another profession. I started noticing that I liked to make people feel good- I liked making them happy and being the reason that they smiled. My friends would come to me with problems that they had and I was excited to help them work through it. I had found a new purpose in life, to help people instead of animals. I would still hold my core value of helping something, but I could direct it to people instead and not have to worry about hurting them physically. By my parents influencing me at such a young age to help something in need, I was able to find something that I really want to do while still following their wishes. Helping is one of my core values in life and I try to help at least one person a day because that’s what my parents have taught me to do.

Family is one of the biggest factors in shaping an individual’s values and beliefs that will influence their actions and choices in life. Even if you do not have the strongest relationships with your family, what they had taught you in your childhood remains with you as you grow old. The memories that you share with them, the experiences that are taught will guide you through life, for better or for worse. But, you are still able to become your own person, you can learn from your family’s mistakes and become someone completely different than them, later teaching your own children your personal values and beliefs.

Category: Paxton | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 11

The Power of Influence

What is your opinion of the idea that our beliefs are influenced by the actions of others?

Numerous people have expectations for others that are too grand, that the individual is motivated to be better. Which in turn creates their passion. This is illustrated through the character of Paul MacLean in director Robert Redford’s film, A River Runs Through It. Paul is a stubborn young boy who desires to become a professional fly-fisherman when he grows up. He is primarily influenced by his father’s intelligence and his brother’s works. When an individual is influenced to be perceived as inadequate in the eyes of the people they love, they struggle to “be good at something” when their source of passion is idyllic.

In the beginning, the family is the primary source of an individual’s character in regards to the actions that they take. Paul submerges himself deeper into the waters, not only catch more fish but to connect to nature as well. Through his father’s teaching; how to properly fish, with a certain stance and rhythm, Paul begins to believe that fly-fishing is not only a means of leisure but an art. As he grows older, we begin to identify a change in Paul’s character, he begins to follow his own rhythm, as Norman says, “ For the first time, Paul broke free of our father’s instruction into a rhythm all his own”, and that makes fly-fishing his true passion, a mastery. His father does not correct him, and instead, he acknowledges him. Fly-fishing overshadows Paul’s weaknesses, however. A comfort zone for Paul, when he feels he has hurt someone he loves. To connect and to strengthen the bonds between himself and the MacLean men. In reality, however, his stubbornness leads him to feel reluctant to accept anyone’s help. Consequently, when an individual finds their true passion, they embrace it, even though it may be a source of escape from realities miseries.

The source of influence and inspiration begin to have difficulty in leading the individual to a favorable outcome, especially when their means of success is an escape. Paul, in reality, is a famous reporter for a small newspaper. During the first part of the day, Paul spends his time working and at night, he makes his way to the bar to drink. His brother, Norman Maclean, learns from this behavior and tries to influence Paul to do the opposite, avoiding drinking and fist-fights. Despite his popularity as a reporter and a penchant for gambling. Norman fails to do so. Paul seeks to find “coping mechanisms” to distract himself from the once strong bond between his brother and himself, because of Norman’s absence during most of his life. Consequently leading Paul to a series of unfortunate events; going to jail countless times, eventually making the decision to face his family without feeling uncomfortable and inadequate. The lack of primal influence can affect the individual who once depended on it, eventually creating more distance between the two groups.

When an individual can no longer depend on someone, they are lead to believe that they had no purpose in life. Paul is troubled because of the means he uses for his own success. We see that he is late for fishing one day, though the MacLean men believe that, “ In Montana, you are never late for church, work, and fishing.” It is here then that Paul begins to lose control of his life. He begins to realize that his success was only temporary and that he is inadequate compared to his brother. Because of the lack of direction, he begins to indirectly ask for help from the people that changed him. Again, Norman fails to help his brother. Norman, in the other hand, is successful, he will be a professor and a married man. At times like this, Paul’s passion could not mask his weakness. He goes to his only source of success, the bar, to gamble. This leads to Paul’s demise. He is beaten to death with the butt of a gun, with the bones on his right hand all broken. Norman’s narration tells us that if Paul were to survive he would have no sense of purpose, and it would be best if he were dead. For fly-fishing was Paul’s greatest characteristic. Without it, he may never find comfort and a sense of belonging. Because of his death, Norman writes a story to understand his brother. Now that he has come into the realization of the anonymity of his brother’s life. He believes that he only understood his brother to be a fine fly-fisherman. But he was more than that. As Norman believes that fly-fishing is what defines Paul, even in death.

When an individual feels inadequate, they will find their own source of success, even if it may be immoral. Because of this, to influence the individual is difficult, but it has its limits. And sometimes, all we need is to listen to others to help them define their purpose in their lives.

January 8

Literary Exploration

Beliefs can impact how others may act throughout everyday life. It can persuade individuals and in addition make them think and act an unexpected route in comparison to they would have previously.In life individuals require the feeling of belief in their lives and how their actions can influence the lives of others.


In the film A River Runs Through It both Norman and Paul have an alternate arrangement of beliefs and they both affect the general population in their lives in a different way. Right off the bat I am will discuss Paul and what his beliefs are and how those affected Norman. Paul dependably acted like he was generally so decent and kind and never committed errors around the family. Anyway when Paul didn’t have anybody to flaunt for he came back to his typical self of not thinking extremely about anything.In one moment in the film Norman needed to safeguard Paul out of prison. In the scene when he arrived Paul was perched on the bed while Mayble (his date) was lying face down on the chilly hard floor. In the scene you could see that Paul wouldn’t let Mayble have the bed and didn’t appear to mind that she was passed out flushed on the floor. This influenced Norman that way that Paul trusted it was correct and the manner in which that he acted on the grounds that Norman saw a revolting side of Paul and he would not like to need to see his sibling that way. Paul was additionally soo drained and flushed that Norman was the one that needed to complete Mayble of the correctional facility cell. Then again Normans beliefs an alternate in the manner in which that he generally needs to make the best choice regardless and dependably act naturally. He is in a sense a goody two shoes and doesn’t like too break the rules. An example when Norman helped out somebody other than himself was the point at which he went fishing with Jesse’s sibling Neal. This affected Jesse in light of the fact that she was extremely satisfied that Norman would want to take Neal fishing for her despite the fact that he was a major twitch. Both Norman and Paul have a different arrangement of beliefs and impact each other in two inverse diverse ways.


Last year my sister had a track and field competition meet and she was just about prepared to go for her last and final race. My sister is the kind of individual to surrender effortlessly and to not attempt things a second time. When it was the ideal opportunity for her to run she ran so quick and stumbled and fell and skidded her back, arms, and legs. At the point when this happened everybody continued cheering for her since they believed that she could do It. When she was listening to each one call her name it gave her the inspiration that let her get up. IN doing as such she ran quicker than she at any point thought conceivable and passed two distinct individuals and completed the race. It was the way that each one put faith in her and their activities gave my sister the additional lift that she needed to win. She may have not one the whole race but rather to each one else in their eyes she was a champ to them.


In spite of the fact that my sisters examples with the models I utilized from A River Runs Through It may not be the very same they do have comparative viewpoints. In both the models from A River Runs Through It, it affected all of Jesse Norman and Paul in as indicated by their beliefs simply like the crowds beliefs had affected my sister. Them two have exceptionally important exercises that we can discover that to be sure actions do speak louder than words. It just relies upon how you utilize them to characterize what your attempting to state.


In conclusion, in my paragraphs I talked about how individuals beliefs affected the lives of others and how their actions act upon that. Every human can take any belief they have and show that through their actions and make sure that their heard.

October 31

The Burden of Staying Silent

Why is it that people who need the most help, won’t take it?

Image result for accepting help

We all have experienced multiple times in our lives when we require the help of others. We don’t ever and will never know all the answers, to satisfy our curiosity or understand everything that it takes to thrive and be successful, and we certainly don’t expect the same for others.

The primary reason why people would rather stay trapped in confusion and fight their eagerness and concerns than reach out and be enlightened, is because of fear.  I relate to this is my own life, where I fear that I will be criticized, rejected, or be told no. I also think it’s mainly because fear is being seen as “less than or weaker”, and not a state of vulnerability  that allows for people to come to terms of accepting why they are the way they are and expose the way they really feel. Sometimes, it comes from a place a realizing your failures and damaging your reputation. Other times, for me especially, it can be because, I don’t want to appear to be needy and bother others, or make them feel that they are responsible for carrying my weights for me.

Being told “no” is a very simple yet bold statement, that doesn’t need to be as complicated and difficult for us to comprehend as others make it seem. Instead of always perceiving this word with a negative connotation, it’s important to look at it from another perspective. Rather of thinking that being told no is your last chance and a setback when it is said, maybe the best thing to do in that moment is to accept it and move on and work harder for myself and my journey instead of diverting from it. If I kept on refusing to get help then at least I know not to waste my time and energy on something or someone that possibly wasn’t even worth it in the first place, and so with that being said, you can guide yourself to someone who will say yes and be appreciative and considerate for who you really set yourself out to be.

Asking for help, allows you to gain the ability to move forward, learn and the opportunity to collaborate. Instead of being stranded in the moment, you know how to proceed. Not believing that I could ask for help, or seek advice and assistance, wouldn’t get me to the place I am in now and the opportunities that I have been so lucky to be given a chance to partake in. While not everyone is able to say “yes,” people are often respected by that request. It means you admire their expertise or abilities enough to inquire knowledge from them.

Overall, I also strongly believe that not accepting help comes from a place of not wanting to expose ones vulnerability. You are pressured with the burden of trying to be as strong as possible for the sake of yourself and for those you lead. That you have to keep everything together all the time, and not show any indication of weakness. The truth is, that being vulnerable requires an incredible amount of courage and courage requires strength.

It takes more strength to open up and be truthful about the way you feel, than covering yourself with a mask to hide away your fears and insecurities.

It takes more strength to free yourself than be trapped.

It takes more strength to push forward than to hold back.

And finally, it takes more strength to risk personal destruction for the hopes of achieving something bigger than ignoring the circumstances.

Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.”

I am no stranger to feeling afflicted and helpless. But because I am able to acknowledge the presence of these emotions, I am able to carry on and live my life without regret. And this is all because, I know when to ask for help and I don’t let vulnerability defeat or define me in any way, but let it be my sign of direction. 

Sources: https://twitter.com/shinybluedress/status/917691296290148353

October 30

The power of influence

prompt: Write a personal about your relationship with your sibling, or how your father or mother influenced you, or what skills or talents do you have. (inspired by Paul and Norman’s relationships/ influences)

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My parents have influenced me in many ways over the years in a lot of things and its not just them its also my brother, video games, and friends. Even now that I am in high school they still influence me to make good decisions and to do good in school so I can have a good life after I finish school. Through out my entire life they have wanted me to good and be successful in whatever I do.  They always tell me not to give up and fallow what I believe in. since my parents always influenced me I learned how to work on cars because that was something my dad and grand father did as well so now I have a love for cars and I work on them when ever I get a chance. this is like Paul and Norman when they go fly-fishing with there dad and like to do it when they can even on there own.

It’s not just my parents who influence me it’s my brother also who plays a roll in my life because he is always telling me if I do something to do it right. He is the reason I like to drive and like playing video games.  He tells me if I do something just to be careful. His influence on me is that he has thought me to be careful about my surroundings and make sure that I am safe when I go out for example to make sure that no one is fallowing me.

Something else that has had a big influence on my life is video games I have played them all my life and they help me relieve stress and they have thought me how not to handle some situation. I play video games on my free time so it influences me to stay in the house instead of going out alone and doing something bad. When I am not playing video games I am out with friends. Friends is something else that influences me to do things like go out and work out because I go to the gym with them and we play basket ball and work out together. I have also had a influence on my family and friends as wall the digest influence is on my friends tho because I uselessly make all the plans. I am uselessly a good influence because I have had different influences around me my entire life and I  have learned how to get people to fallow me and listen to what I say. Some times I can be a bad influences on people but I try not be because it is one thing if I get in trouble but I don’t want to be responsible for getting my friends in trouble.

In my life I have many things that influence my decision and what I do. One of my favorite quotes is “it is easier to influence strong then weak characters in life”by Margret Asquith. To me this means to take influence from strong and confident people I believe that I am one of those strong people who influences others.