January 12

Persuasive 4 day week

Dear Prosper school board I write this letter to you on the proposal of a four day school week, my name is Alex Wells and I am in grade 12. I have taken in all the potential factor not only for students but for parents and teachers, looking at both the pros and cons. I respectfully ask that the board keep my letter in mind when making the decision and to also remember their own responsibilities.  


 At first a four day week may sound very appealing and most will quickly believe less school equals less work and more free time but we should take in all the factors at hand. No matter how many days of school there will be there still must be a certain amount of class time required, and in the case of the Prosper School Board there would be longer school days starting at 7:55 and ending at 4:04. Having longer school days will begin to change the quality of students’ lives, an example of this can be seen with our student athletes who are worried they will have to attend practice after school at 4:15 then return home to eat and do homework while still being expected to wake up at 6:00am the next day and rebegin the cycle. There’s still one thing missing in a students four day week that wasn’t even mentioned in the student athletes day, every student needs a mental break from all the stress that comes with school and must be allocated time to relax. This period of relaxation resets teenagers minds and helps them refocus again. The Academic Journal states two important points in their latest research on the effect of sleep patterns on student learning first stating that teenagers require sleep to grow and mature, also that cutting sleep by just one hour drops an individual’s alertness by one third. The effects of sleep loss do not become worth the amount of days off as students would waste their time off trying to catch up with their sleep on their days off.  


 The opinion of teachers should not be taken into account when making this decision as this loss of rest will not affect them. This is displayed by the amount of school staff who said yes to the idea of four day weeks as they would be given fridays off. Teachers do not wish to have friday off for the benefit of the students but for themselves, so they are able to do other activites such as party and spend time with their friends .the opinion of parents shouldn’t be used when deciding as some of them as seen on Fastpool.com comment by Kristina Oudet believe that school is almost a day care for their young adults where they don’t have to worry about them. Thus creating a bias opinion for parents to not intake the other factors at hand, such as their child’s education or the amount of rest they will have.


I personally find it very alarming when the idea of students sacrificing rest just to gain an extra day off becomes acceptable, all students require the correct amount of rest time. If we are unable to keep the students of Prosper in the best mental and physical condition we will begin to see success rates fall lower and lower academic achievements. With the way the school system works now students have enough time for everything including work.shown by Rosies work schedule she will have the same amount of work hours per week without facing the risk of lost sleep and a greater amount of stress. Students such as Rosie prove how efficient the five day week is and why it should be kept, why must something be changed if it works perfectly fine. 


With all the reasoning given I find it clear that the four day school week should never be implemented, the cons outweigh the pros as the students quality of life should come before the benefit of anyone else. The schedule implace right now vastly beats the new one with pros and helps students become more successful.


Sincerely, Alex wells

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October 29

“Why Is It That The People Who Need The Most Help, Won’t Take It?”

Image result for reaching out for help image

  There will be a point in everyone’s life where they will feel hopelessness rest upon their mind. Often times, this emotion can constantly run through their minds, depending on how serious their problems are.


   We’ve been taught from an early age that if we ever find ourselves in a position where we’re unsure of the next step, afraid, or simply in need to talk to someone about our problems, we should reach out to someone that we can trust to hold our vulnerableness.


  Unfortunately, for some, reaching out for help is not a step that they would usually take. For these types of individuals, there are many reasons as to why they do not seek the help they need–even when they are in desperate need of it. In some instances, reaching out for help may be considered a sign of weakness for the individual. Depending on the person, they themselves may carry a certain persona around to ensure that they do not look weak towards others. Overtime, this toxic habit may lead to damaging effects; such as having mental breakdowns, and ultimately making the situation worse emotionally and mentally. Another reason would be because they are afraid to ask for help. The individual may acknowledge and recognize that they have an underlying issue that needs to be solved, but are not sure how to attain a proper support network–in fears that may stem from the idea of being judged, criticized, and segregated from others around them.  


   In my case, I have seen many instances where I’ve encountered people who avoid getting the help they need because they are afraid of the consequences. One of these encounters happens to be a close friend of mine. This friend constantly helped people, but never herself. Her priorities were to always help the people around her first before helping herself–eventually neglecting herself in the end. This toxic behavior not only lead to neglection of personal needs, but also, the downfall of her mental health. When her mental health had finally deteriorated, she sought to me for advice and help. I then asked, what took so long for her to reach out, and she answered:


“Because I’m afraid of people judging me after I tell them my problems.”


 This was when I understood that she was afraid of the aftermath. She was scared to trust the people around her–even her siblings and parents. She continued to act strong to trick herself into believing she was alright; when in reality, she wasn’t.


  Although this may not be the case for everyone, a significant reason as to why the people who need the most help but don’t reach for it, is because they have yet to find an answer to this question:


“Who can I trust?”


And only once this question is answered, will they find a way to get the help they need in order to establish a stable supportive network.




https://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj7q8iuyq7eAhUZGTQIHal6AhEQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Finspiritedminds.org.uk%2F2017%2F08%2F29%2Freaching-out-for-help%2F&psig=AOvVaw3nXRDP63D7k-j8OdZCat4c&ust=1541003182777619, accessed October 30, 2018, Title: Reaching Out For Help?

January 11

Polished Literary Exploration – Effects on Us

Effects on Us

Many individuals influence us throughout our lives. Though not all individuals have positive effects on us, we always learn something from their actions. Some of them, we forget lifelong bonds with, and some we wish we never knew. Some people have been an influence on us from the day we are born and other arriving only days before we pass. This idea is demonstrated in the short story, I Beat The Odds by Michael Oher. Oher describes the influence his elementary teacher had on him as a child. As well, this is explored in the film, A River Runs Through It, directed by Robert Redford, where Reverend Maclean, who is a Presbyterian minister in Missoula, Montana, influenced his son Norman’s life and his pathway. These two pieces show how a small gesture from one person can change an individual’s life for the better or worse.

In the excerpt from I Beat The Odds by Michael Oher, his elementary teacher, Ms. Verlene Logan, inspired a young boy. He will always remember her kind and courageous words since she has positively impacted and influenced his life. She helped build confidence and courage in her students through her sweet and gentle words, which taught them to not be afraid of being themselves.  Her words, “Can’t never could and ain’t never would” will stick with Michael Oher till his last breath. She did this because she believed that every student is capable of achieving great things in life, therefore, helping them boost their self-esteem and confidence will only leave a positive impact and influence on the lives of her students. Ms. Verlene Logan always encouraged him to improve upon what he is struggling with and never give up on his sports. She believed that he could accomplish anything he wanted to in life and also be the person he wanted to be only if he believed in himself. The influence she had on him, to never look down on himself or others, will always stay with him. Because of her words and gestures, Michael is now someone who never gave up on his dreams, never gave up in trying to be the best version of him, and never gave up on making Ms. Verlene Logan proud. When someone has such a great influence on you from a young age, you remember them during your greatest successes and you imagine how proud you made them feel, but during your greatest downfalls, you remember the things they told you: to keep going until you reach your full potential.

In the film, A River Runs Through It, directed by Robert Redford, Reverend Maclean has a great influence on his children, more on Norman than on Paul. Norman from a young age has sought for his father’s approval in his life. When Norman returns home after six years of studies, he decides he wants to be a forest servicer, but while talking to his father in his office, he has flashbacks to when he was a young child entering into his father’s office with a piece of paper to get his father’s approval; Norman keeps trying until his father is pleased. At that time, Reverend Maclean is correcting Norman’s writing with a red pen and after many years, Reverend Maclean has this red pen in his hand while talking to Norman in his office to correct his “mistakes” and to get him on the right path. When Norman mentions he wants to be in the forest service, he is seeking his father’s approval. When he doesn’t receive the encouragement, he then mentions that he has applied to universities as a professor in Chicago, and suddenly, the environment feels relaxed. Reverend Maclean has great authority over Norman’s life when it comes to his well being and success. The actions of his father overpowering him influences his decisions and it encourages him to be a better person by choosing a career path that is right for him. Norman definitely feels defeated and powerless about the way his father takes the lead in his life, but he is well aware of the positive effect it will have on him and his family in the near future – the one that includes security, prosperity and a decent quality of life.

Many people have influenced my life, in ways that have helped me become a better person but also in ways I wish I could leave behind and forget. But both the positive and negative influences have helped me become who I am as an individual today. The biggest influence on my life is my best friend, and my greatest strength and weakness: my brother, Sushant. We were the ideal siblings in our town, we never fought, and we never had an argument till a year ago. He is the one person I can be honest with about anything happening in my life without having the fear of judgment. Before we came to Canada, my aunties, uncles and grandparents gave me a little pep talk about obeying my parents and respecting them always, and along with that, not forgetting my roots. But the talk I had with my brother is one that I still recall to this day whenever I am in need of him and he is not here with me physically. He told me to forget everything they had told me and to just “follow your heart.” He told me to not be afraid of judgment or ever think about fitting in with the rest of society since I have enough self-respect to not task for other’s approvals. He promised me that he will be there for me when I just need him to tell me who I am and what I am capable of because. He knows me better than anyone and that is why his opinion matters the most. He told me I will face people who are going to do everything in their power to bring me down because they have and still are trying to bring me down. But because of his words, promises and advice, I am still standing tall and not letting others affect me. He inspires me to be myself and be the best version of me. His influence on me has always helped me, is helping me, and will continue to help me through all the obstacles I face in life.

Once someone has influenced you, it will stay with you forever, whether it is in a positive or negative way. Michael Oher will always remember Ms. Verlene Logan’s words and her advice throughout his life, therefore, he will continue to improve on his abilities. Norman will always be thankful and grateful to his father and his encouraging words, even though at times, his words made Norman powerless and defeated. I will always admire my brother’s words, follow them, and remember them when the sky turns starless and the light turns into darkness. Influences are powerful and most of them will last till our last breath because they help us improve our abilities and they help us become better individuals at the end of the day.

November 28

Dreaming of the future

Why are the things we love Always so hard to get?

This gives us a chance to prove how bad you want it.

There are always going to be other people that want the same thing, it always comes down to who wants it more.


Without the challenge of discovering the things we love, life would be boring. As a human we are made to discover our interests. This is achieved mainly through school and extracurricular activities. Allowing for our minds to discover the things we love. Most of the time these things turn out to be classified as  dreams. A Lot of people give up on these dreams as they seem simply unattainable. But nothing is unattainable. There is one simple answer to why things are so hard to get. And that is to prove how bad we want it. This allows for us to define who the best of the best is as not anyone can make it to the NHL or NASCAR. If these things we admire came across as easy we would not have them same respect for them. This all in all creates for a challenge that we all admire. Getting to this level of excellence takes some serious skill and dedication. If you want to achieve your dream you must put in some serious effort and not let anyone hold you back. This is possible but you must never give up, never stop practicing and never back down. Once done you will have done what you were made to do reach for your dream and jump out and grab it. In the end you will not be the only person striving for a dream there will be many other competitors that you must outwit and out match to become the very best that the world has ever seen.


If you have ever had a dream like i have the key is to be patent it’s not worth rushing and everything normally goes better if you are able to relax prepare and take your time. No matter how impossible things seem to be there will always be a way to get around the obstacles you see before you.


November 9

Tata <3

You mean the WORLD to me.

Like, rain makes rainbows

In the naked sky

Like, spring makes flowers  

Bloom in the sun

The same way

You made me feel alive

You are a cozy blanket for me in the winter

And a soft breeze of air in the summer

You are the love of my life, my hero, and my guardian angel

My strength and

My weakness


My life is dedicated to my best friend, my hero, the man I love most.  He means everything to me. The years where he could reach out and hold my hand have faded, and he only lives on in my memories, my words, my soul.

You know how someone will tell you that you don’t realize the value of things until they disappear? That what you take for granted in the morning is never seen of again by night?  I have never stopped and thought about what I have done to deserve his love,

and his unceasing support. He is someone I have looked up to and will continue looking up to for infinity and more, both figuratively and literally. He is my guardian angel.

I miss him. Maybe I miss him a little too much. I didn’t speak to him every day when he was alive, but I guess just knowing he was there was enough for me to go through my day with a smile on my face.

I miss him because of his smile. I miss the way I could talk to him about just the most random topics on this planet. I miss the fact that he was just there for me. I miss the little gestures he made whenever he wanted something. The way he turned his index finger when he wanted me to turn off the fan for him. The way he played air piano with one hand when he needed the remote. But what I really miss? Love.

He loved me more than a father, took care of me better than a mother, protected me better than a brother and stood by my better than a sister. He never let me feel like I was rejected and unworthy. He gave me a voice, a life and everything I am today or ever will be because of his love and affection. He wasn’t the most educated person in my life but he still taught me some of the life’s most valuable lessons. He taught me to love myself, he taught me to accept myself, he taught me the difference between right and wrong, and most of all he taught me to believe in myself.

He loved me more than I think I will ever love myself. He took me in when the entire world rejected me. It was the two of us against the world and yet I felt the most powerful with him.

I guess that’s the power of love.


He showered me with unconditional love. And now it’s something I feel incomplete without, yet I still feel his presence. I still feel him smiling at me from the stars above. I feel empty without him in my life; it was like darkness fell over my life within seconds, to the point where now I am blinded by the light. But I’m learning to live again, to live happily without him in my life and I know that he will always be there for me.

If there is one thing I’m proud of is being called his granddaughter.

September 15

Life Philosophies


Image result for perseverance pictures

       The most obvious one. Work hard. Work hard for yourself. Work for the things you want to achieve. On the road to your success you will face many obstacles and feel like giving up. But there is no point in trying and settling for less than you planned to.

       I’d like to share a story of me in grade 10. I was in -2 english and -3 math I knew there were a lot of people taking -2 so I was fine with that but taking -3 math made me feel like I was put into a class full of people who don’t try in school at all. So instead of actually trying I kind of accepted that I was dumb and worthless especially after I searched up -3 math can’t get me a proper job in the future. My parents were disappointed in me and all of my friends were in -1 classes. I didn’t try the whole semester so when I was put into math 10c I realized that this is my chance to work hard and prove to my friends and family that I am capable of something. I ended up getting a higher mark in 10c than I did in -3.

       So that is what motivates me to keep trying in school and not giving up because I am capable of achieving more than I can imagine. Its these small steps that prepare you to keep on working hard. And you all may not see how much potential you all have but believing in yourself and working hard and having a strong mindset will get you where you want to be.


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       Although it can be hard to try things that are nerve racking it is important for all of us to try something new because with new experiences comes more knowledge and opportunities. Maybe when you come out of your bubble, everything you ever wanted can be out there.

      Some of us are not as privileged as others so we should not take anything for granted instead we should make use of yourselves.

        Later on we will realize that bad decisions and choices have only made us more knowledgeable and prepared us for other life challenges. We should all take our mistakes and bad choices as blessings so we are better prepared for next time.We should all learn to forgive ourselves not only for the bad choices we made but for not knowing what we know now. There is strength in forgiving. Because forgiveness does not mean you are over it, it means you understand your worth and you are powerful enough to not let that bring you down.


       Be happy. Once this year is done I encourage you all to plan your future where you feel comfortable around the people you are with and happy with what you do. Take a year off to travel or to work or go to university or any trade school if that is what you want. Because of what I have noticed in my life personally is that if I don’t like the people I’m surrounded by I miss out on the fun. If I don’t genuinely like what I am doing I won’t try at all. Do stuff you’re passionate about no matter what anyone thinks because this is your life follow your dreams and work hard for your goals. If you aren’t happy with where you are in life make goals to change yourself and/or circumstances. Work hard for your happiness. Once you are happy life becomes beautiful to you. Life is too short to always live under other people’s rules. Invest time in yourself and I promise you happiness will follow you.

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       And my one last. Love yourself. Love yourself because no one will do it for you. I feel this one needs to be brought out in today’s society especially since it is such an important part in building yourself. You cannot expect anyone to give you the love you need to be happy. Not your girlfriend not your boyfriend, your best friend or even your family sometimes. I feel like when someone starts to show some attention we become too attached and sometimes in that process of being attracted to someone we detach yourself from us. It is true that every relationship has problems whether it is with your spouse friend or family.But some relationship can be unhealthy. There is a lot of emotional, physical and sexually abuse that happens often in some relationship making it hard for the victim to consider themselves as a victim in the first place. And then it gets hard to walk away or take a stand for yourself especially when the other person is using your weakness against you. I believe the first step to love yourself is to believe that you are everything you will ever need. Before you are someone’s friend, sister, brother, daughter, mom or dad you are your own person. Do not allow anyone to make you their property. Sometime in your lifetime you will have people bringing you down and no matter how hard it gets you need to convince your mind that you are nothing but beautiful.  

        Over the weekend I was caught in between two teenager girls arguing with the mom of the girls ex-best friend.  They started off talking about how her daughter is a “cokehead” and how her boyfriend beats her. Before the mother got to say anything back they yelled at her for not being financially stable and made her feel like society views her lower than everyone else just because she lives on rent. I was standing there trying to process how much hate those girls have for them to not only talk rudely about their ex best friend but also create a scene where they yell at a mother who probably is working hard to keep a roof over her families head. If I was to assume they were telling the truth, it blows my mind just trying to imagine what that young girl might be going through. The abusive boyfriend might be using her weakness against her making it hard for her to realize that she is worth way more than that boy treats her. Maybe she does not have anyone supporting her- helping her gain that confidence to stand up for herself. Maybe due to her innocence she unintentionally gave him the power of control. And that is not a sign of weakness- is a sign of broken love; broken promises; childhood trauma that still needs healing till this day. If the picture of her in my head is true I admire her. As a another girl in this world I want her to know that she will survive this. I feel a really strong connection with her, without even knowing her and if I was to reach out to her I won’t ask why, when, where or any detail of traumatic incidents where she struggles to define her feelings. I will open my arms to her; provide her shelter and prove to her that she will find a way back to herself. 

        One thing everyone can take away with this is to not fear anyone’s rejection, so when you believe what you are, you will respect yourself and the right people will come to you.

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September 11

My Personal Philosophy’s

These are my personal Philosophy that i believe everyone should follow as they will help you through life’s tough challenges and risks that everyone must face in order to understand who they are as a person.



Explore every dark place until your world becomes full of light.

In life there are many things that we are able to do as human beings, when we are scared or seem to be unworthy we must find the light in our fears. soon you will be able to see through the dark knowing that we will get through what ever comes our way emotional or physical.




Don’t be afraid to show your true ability and skills, we often hide in our shell not wanting to explore or impress, Simply said Live it up!



Don’t hold a grudge

For every second you spend sad or disappointed you waste a second were you could have been happy. The moral of the story is not to stay sad or disappointed. Try to get over things as fast as possible you will move on from this and should continue your life living in the present not looking back at the past. life’s simple we make our choices and we don’t look back



Always have faith!

Always! Always believe in yourself. Things are gonna get better no matter how bad things are! always have faith, Having this simple belief that you can get better, do better, feel better, this will push you through life, You are most important to you so do it for you and never give up!



Keep yourself grounded.

Know your limits. We are all capable of great things but before we jump right in we must train. The ability to keep yourself grounded will help you accomplish great things well avoiding injury and frustration.


In my life I was not able to keep my self grounded. i was Snowboarding and may i say it i was showing off. In the end i had broke my wrist, I broke both bones clean through along with my growth plate it was not a nice sight. This injury has effected me ever since it happened I now have to limit my self to things i do. I can no longer do down hill MTB. when i snowboard now i always think about my wrist and re living the memories of the event. if i would have simply kept my self grounded i would have been able to ride away with out the year of rehab.


September 24

Think, Believe, and Live for Yourself

Copy of 

Life Philosophies – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Q7U2HXQKa2_1441946032265Don’t be jealous of others.

I believe one should not be jealous of others’ success but instead use that jealousy as a motivator to achieve their own goals. Being jealous of someone else is a waste of time. I believe that you need to realize that you are capable of doing anything someone else can do. For example, if a friend of yours has just gotten a job or is doing well is school, instead of being bitter about it, fuel yourself to build up the courage to get a job or push yourself to do well in school.


Never take advice.

Although this philosophy may seem confusing to some, it is one I live by every day. It is often easy to take advice and experience a situation with that preconceived advice. However, I believe it is imperative that I experience things on my own without any expectations or guide lines beforehand. This way, I am able to make my own advice for myself. I feel that taking advice may skew ones perspective of a situation and therefore may ruin the experience for them. For us teenagers, we often have advice thrown at us from all directions: parents, teachers, mentors, etc. which is able to easily confuse us because we are being told so many different things. Furthermore, I believe it is more beneficial for us to take the road as it comes and make the best of it.


Don’t allow other to intrude your life.

Allowing negative people into one’s personal life can consequently lead one to alter their beliefs or actions due to judgement. I believe that you should surround yourself with positive people, and although that may sound cliche, it is very important. Judgmental people can be toxic to ones well being because it can ruin one’s self esteem and make them self conscious. Sometimes it is a good thing to remain reserved about yourself.


Believe in yourself.

Believing in yourself is one of the best things you can do. Why? Believing in yourself can allow you to obtain and achieve anything you want in life. People often sell themselves short by thinking they’re incapable of doing something. This is where the problem is. If you know your worth and have faith your capabilities, you are able to maximize your potential to the fullest. The mindset of being positive and having faith is one of the greatest tools a person can have because it allows them believe in what they’re doing and strive for success. Having no faith and being negative about your capabilities will attract that kind of energy and subsequently lead yourself down a path of failure.


Do something you absolutely hate in order to find out what you love to do.

If you don’t know what you want to do in life, this is the most useful tip I can give to anyone. I discovered this philosophy over the summer while I had a job painting houses. All summer I would be surrounded by the nauseating scent of paint and have paint all over myself and in my hair, it was horrible. I hated this job. I hated this job so much that all I could think about was what I would rather be doing at that time while I was painting. And at this point, I decided that I would rather be at school. All the headaches and endless shower attempts to get paint off of me lead me to realize that although I didn’t like school that much, I would rather try to succeed in it rather than be stuck painting houses. Painting granted me so much motivation to do well in school. Now that it’s senior year for me, I’ve been channeling that motivation to do well and succeed for the betterment of my future.

(Citation on each image in HaikuDeck presentation)

September 30

Anger isn’t the solution, it only builds and leads to a greater mishap

Randy Pausch- “Never found anger a way to make things better”.

Randy Pausch, a man living his last moments of life when he wrote the “Last Lecture” has made a great impact on me with his philosophies. A quote that has touched and connected to my life personally is when Randy Pausch says, “Never found anger as a way to make things better”. This quote implies that often times throughout life we go through adversity and harsh struggle; however we shouldn’t approach the solution with belligerence. There are many rainy days that we face where we are in dismay, but we shouldn’t seek a resolution for a problem with rage or hatred whether it is against a family member, parent or friend. Quite often small problems turn into catastrophes because of the aspect of anger. This quote holds true to my life because anger has made the situation in hand worse instead of lessening it. A contemporary example of this happening to me is when my brother and I got into a dispute over the weekend of who gets to play GTA 5. Instead of coming to a consensus we got into a fight, which led to punching and didn’t change anything about the situation; however it made it much more worse. After this I had came to a realization that something so small that could have been solved so easily had turned into large fight. I had felt regret and instead of approaching the situation with anger I had decided to talk it out and come to a mutual agreement. What had been a a large fight had turned out into a five minute resolution without any anger. This scenario had me reflect upon Randy Pausch’s quote and how it connects to our daily lives and how great it could be if we approach things with a better attitude and stay positive. This quote holds true for many individuals such as myself and I have many times tried using anger as the solution; although certain situations should be solved with joyous and peaceful manner. Freeing our minds of hatred and anger is important if we want a clean path in life even though there are many bumps on the way, anger shouldn’t be a factor ruining your relationship with your family and friends. Randy Pausch demonstrates this quote as a philosophy  because  it’s connected to everyone’s lives and the challenges they may face, but he conveys the ideal theme of not founding anger as the easy way out.