January 12

Persuasive 4 day week

Dear Prosper school board I write this letter to you on the proposal of a four day school week, my name is Alex Wells and I am in grade 12. I have taken in all the potential factor not only for students but for parents and teachers, looking at both the pros and cons. I respectfully ask that the board keep my letter in mind when making the decision and to also remember their own responsibilities.  


 At first a four day week may sound very appealing and most will quickly believe less school equals less work and more free time but we should take in all the factors at hand. No matter how many days of school there will be there still must be a certain amount of class time required, and in the case of the Prosper School Board there would be longer school days starting at 7:55 and ending at 4:04. Having longer school days will begin to change the quality of students’ lives, an example of this can be seen with our student athletes who are worried they will have to attend practice after school at 4:15 then return home to eat and do homework while still being expected to wake up at 6:00am the next day and rebegin the cycle. There’s still one thing missing in a students four day week that wasn’t even mentioned in the student athletes day, every student needs a mental break from all the stress that comes with school and must be allocated time to relax. This period of relaxation resets teenagers minds and helps them refocus again. The Academic Journal states two important points in their latest research on the effect of sleep patterns on student learning first stating that teenagers require sleep to grow and mature, also that cutting sleep by just one hour drops an individual’s alertness by one third. The effects of sleep loss do not become worth the amount of days off as students would waste their time off trying to catch up with their sleep on their days off.  


 The opinion of teachers should not be taken into account when making this decision as this loss of rest will not affect them. This is displayed by the amount of school staff who said yes to the idea of four day weeks as they would be given fridays off. Teachers do not wish to have friday off for the benefit of the students but for themselves, so they are able to do other activites such as party and spend time with their friends .the opinion of parents shouldn’t be used when deciding as some of them as seen on Fastpool.com comment by Kristina Oudet believe that school is almost a day care for their young adults where they don’t have to worry about them. Thus creating a bias opinion for parents to not intake the other factors at hand, such as their child’s education or the amount of rest they will have.


I personally find it very alarming when the idea of students sacrificing rest just to gain an extra day off becomes acceptable, all students require the correct amount of rest time. If we are unable to keep the students of Prosper in the best mental and physical condition we will begin to see success rates fall lower and lower academic achievements. With the way the school system works now students have enough time for everything including work.shown by Rosies work schedule she will have the same amount of work hours per week without facing the risk of lost sleep and a greater amount of stress. Students such as Rosie prove how efficient the five day week is and why it should be kept, why must something be changed if it works perfectly fine. 


With all the reasoning given I find it clear that the four day school week should never be implemented, the cons outweigh the pros as the students quality of life should come before the benefit of anyone else. The schedule implace right now vastly beats the new one with pros and helps students become more successful.


Sincerely, Alex wells

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January 18


Alymohamed Jetha

Lit Exploration


Title: Influences

Prompt:  What is your opinion of the idea that our beliefs are influenced by the actions of others

Beliefs are what we believe in and what we think is the right thing to do in a situation. It is up to you to make a good decision based off of what you think is right; if you are influenced in to making your decision then you should think if it the right thing or not. You can choose whether to be influenced in to making a decision or you can make your own decisions yourself, it can turn out to be good or bad either way you choose to go.

In the movie A River Runs Through It  by Norman MaClean it shows this through Norms life because he is influenced by his little brother Paul on more than one occasion and it ends up being bad for him because he just gets in trouble every time. He lets Paul influence him because he is being his brothers keeper and he is not going to let him get hurt or in trouble alone at least at the beginning of the movie. One particular example is when they go over the water falls in a boat  they “borrowed” from someone. All of their friends said let’s do it but when they got there they said no and didn’t go; Paul however was still going to do it anyways and Norm had no other option but to do it with him. He was first influenced by his friends and then by his brother, knowing if anything happens to him then his parents would be very made with him.

Paul is not as easily influenced into doing things like his brother but he can still be influenced. He got a job writing for the papers and through that he started to drink and gamble more which ended badly for him. He was usually the one who influenced others like his brother. He would make his own decisions despite what other people said like when they went to the back street bar together with their girlfriends and Paul had a first nations girl with him the person who ran the bar said she wasn’t allowed but he still brought her in and after they had there drinks they started to dance in front of everyone in a way that made them stand out more from everybody else just so that he could prove a point that he does what he wants. Paul didn’t let the fact that first nations were not allowed in the bar stop him from dating one and going out with her. This shows that there are lots of types of people in this world.

I am the type of person that is in the middle I make my own decisions most of the time and sometimes I let others influence me to make a decision I would not otherwise make. I mainly influence my friend into doing things they don’t necessarily want to do, but it is never anything they can get into big trouble for. I don’t let people who I know are bad, influence my decisions, when I am influenced I know the risk and what can happen if I do it.  I don’t like to follow people because the last time I did I got in a lot of trouble doing something kind of bad.

In the end it is up to the person making the decision if they want to listen to someone else, or if they want to do what they believe is right and play it safe.

October 29

Where Have All The Children Gone?

Where have all the children gone?

The creaking silence of longing echoes through the streets. It sounds like the old, wooden floors under dainty feet of all the children running around. Just yesterday they were tying ribbons in their hair and swinging from the branches of their favourite trees.

Their laughs used to flood the home. Toys were scattered all over the floor, always being played with at any free moment they had. New, colourful worlds used to be scribbled onto blank pieces of paper, each more magnificent than the previous. These children were our blank canvas- a fresh start for us.

Where have all the children gone?

Bleached skin and teary eyes are all they are now. The only human contact that they get is the back of a hand across their soft cheek. Their world is just a long line of sad faces, long hours of forced work, and short times of rest. They are forced to become someone new, being told that their old self is ‘ugly’ and ‘unlovable’. They spend hours learning a language that they cannot use outside of the walls they are trapped in.

Those of us who were spared wander around like abandoned kids lost in the woods. The lights in our lives are gone. We do not know what to do without them here, there is no one to guide, no one to tell stories to.

We were told that we were a bad influence on them. The world thought that we were ‘savages’ and that they were saving our children of having the same fate as us. But, who has the right to steal a child away from their mother and call it just? What are a child without their mother’s tender nurture and words of wisdom?

Where have all the children gone?

They came back to us too late. They want to be excited to be home finally, but they cannot. They are just a broken shell of who they were. Their parents talk to them, trying to give them words of love, but they cannot understand. Their language and way of life before are entirely erased. There is nothing from the past left.

We had hoped that they were just hiding. We had hoped that they were just playing a trick on us. We had hoped that those years of their absence was just a bad dream. But we know that this was all real. That the children we once knew and loved are gone.

“When the school is on the reserve, the child lives with its parents, who are savages, and though he may learn to read and write, his habits and training mode of thought are Indian. He is simply a savage who can read and write. It has been strongly impressed upon myself, as head of the Department, that Indian children should be withdrawn as much as possible from the parental influence, and the only way to do that would be to put them in central training industrial schools where they will acquire the habits and modes of thought of white men.”

John A. MacDonald

Image Source 

I wrote this piece from the prompt on Orange Shirt Day about residential schools and how it has affected a whole generation of people. I decided to use the quote at the end to show how people viewed that residential schools were needed in Canada and how the government viewed them. I also drew information from Joseph Kerschbaum’s piece Where Have All The Children Gone.


January 15

Persuasive: School Uniforms

Dear Proser High School Administration:

Hello, my name is Quinn Whitney, a grade 12 student at Prosper High School, and I am here to suggest that the Prosper High School Administration should accept the proposal to adopt a school dress code.

A school dress code can help limit the amount of revealing clothing that students would wear which can be inappropriate for a school environment. With this in mind, I can understand that people would be upset by having a dress code as it does limit some sense of freedom that a student may have; however, as students become older, many of the clothing options that are available are more scarce in a work environment so it is best to make students focus on what is important for their future. As well, by removing distractions among the clothing, it can help increase the focus of students to focus more on their academic learnings and studies.

With a proper school dress code, it will help create a safer environment for everybody within the school area. Considering that the majority of students are in favour of a school dress code, it seems only fitting. 64% of students are in favour and 22% of students are not in favour. The majority of people who do not want to adopt a dress code were the parents, which personally, was a shock to me. With a school dress code, there are some types of clothing that people wear that other students can find offense and school should be somewhere students can feel safe and as well not having to be uncomfortable around their peers. I know from being in the school, that I have seen some students wear some offensive clothing or revealing clothing suggesting adult activities which people can be uneasy about being in this kind of environment. As well, it is deemed inappropriate for a school environment. If people were to see students leaving the building with such vulgar clothing, they may not want to send their children to our school in the future which can lower the number of enrolled students. This may not seem like a concern at the current moment, but in the future, it can become a concern for the staff here who could be out of a job and I know people do not want others to be out of a job. 

Outside of a school environment, people in a workplace have some sort of dress code that they must follow or even wear uniforms to work. With this in mind, people need to understand that in the future, if they only wear the clothing that is going to be prohibited, that they will need to spend funds elsewhere and get new clothing that is more appropriate for that environment. By having a dress code in school, it can help students become more familiar with the circumstances and can adapt more easily. Charles Novak states, “When I entered the professional world I traded in my ripped jeans for dress pants and a tie. To be taken seriously, you have to dress the part,” which is further demonstrating the point of how he had to change the way that he looked just so that he could fit into his job. It is much more important for students to focus on what they really need to graduate school and if they choose to go study even further for post-secondary schooling. By enforcing a dress code now in school, students become more aware of the troubles that they could face if they wore those types of clothing to a workplace where they could not be so lenient.

By having a school dress code, it can help increase the focus of students so that they can focus during classes and learn the information that they require to achieve good grades. Studies show that the academic performance of students is not entirely based upon cognitive abilities but rather somewhat based upon the number of distractions that can be caused within a classroom. I know that I have witnessed people being distracted by the lack of clothing some girls would wear which then leads to people not being able to focus on what the teacher is saying. By removing distractions, according to studies, can help improve concentration by twenty percent which is a big improvement, even if it does not seem like a big deal. Of course, if a student has psychological factors that make them distracted, it is harder to control and that is something that people will just have to face and overcome. By removing distractions that can revolve around an individual’s clothing options, it can help more students focus on the matter at hand.

By adopting a school dress code, it can help students feel like they are in a safer environment; it is beneficial for the future as there are dress codes within workspaces, and it can help increase focus on students so that they can achieve the grades that they want which only can benefit themselves in the long run. I appreciate that time that the Prosper High School Administration has taken into reading my letter. I hope you can take this into consideration and if you have any further concerns about me, you can email me at Quinn.Whitney@fake.email or my phone number at 808-404-101.




Quinn Whitney

November 9

The Shack at 219 Tomel Street

“The cold winter gust of wind and snow blew through the holes and cracks of the dilapidated building that could only be called the shack at of 219 Tomel Street. That is how Robert and Emma found it, while looking for Jacob, their cousin who had just moved to town.
Robert stared at the house. ‘Are you sure this is the house? It looks rundown.’
Emma pulled the note out her pocket squinting against the cold and wind. ‘It says two one Tomel Street. Or it could be a seven, what do you think?’ She handed the paper over to her twin. He fumbled and dropped it. It blew under the front porch.
‘Crap… But this is probably not the house. Look how run down it is.’
‘But the note said two one nine, and this is it. Even if it’s not it doesn’t hurt to knock.’
‘Fine let’s get this over with.” Robert ‘bravely’ struck the door intending to knock, but it opened. ‘Woah, ahem. Is anyone home?’ The only answer was what sounded like a moan from deeper within the decrepit ruin.
They stood staring into the shack, the carpet looked stained with a horrid smelling red, the walls were covered in tears, and scratches. As the door swung open a light bulb fell and smashed on the floor. They both screamed, Robert a bit louder, though he would deny it. A rat scurried across the floor as the wind howled. There was a creaking or maybe a scraping sound. And a wet thud. A musty scent radiated from the drafty shack. Their was a pained moan coming from somewhere out of sight a raspy voice called out from the back out of view: “Help…”. An emaciated arm reached out and into the light.
‘This probably isn’t the place.’ Emma backed out of the shack. Rob stayed.
‘Are you kidding, this is so much more interesting than…’ Emma grabbed him and dragged him to the side walk. As they reached the sidewalk they saw Jacob strolling down the street.
‘Oh! Hey, I wondered if you had gotten side tracked.’
Emma and Robert in unison said ‘Is it two seven nine Tomel Street?’
‘Yeah, isn’t that what was written down.’
They walked up the street and soon forgot about the shack at 219 Tomel Street. Robert pulled out his phone, and started playing a game..

You see Humans have weakened themselves, their advancing in technology lead to the ability to have entertainment at their fingertips at all times. They are so displaced from boredom and curiosity, that they don’t blink twice when they see something odd or disturbing they would rather just go on with their day, head not in the clouds, but in the cloud. In this day and age a group of kids would rather look at their phone than explore abandoned buildings.
And what’s more, the humans are divided, and tensions are rising, they care for themselves more than for others. If you don’t believe me, well they estimate that 795 million people are starving in the world, they could end world hunger if they truly tried, but they would rather spend money on app games on their phones. And that isn’t all some of these are in their majorly populated cities and few bat an eye. These children forgot about the moan of pain in the shack, if the most innocent of them can overlook suffering then truly humankind is unstable they need a strong force to unite them. That is us.
We can continue our experiments and research in secret on their planet with no consequence or rule their planet if we want. They stand no chance against us with force, their leaders can become our puppets or with a hint of mettling we can make the humans bring themselves to our knees warring with each other that we might bring peace, and order. Please, vote for Smelglar7-89-Sneble-Ep-Ep, and we can return to our ruling glory and rule the earth. We will make Pluto great again, nay, the solar system great again under Pluto!”


November 9

Buried Life

Little by little as you left your buried life behind, the light began to turn
into darkness through the darkest times in life and there was a new life
which you slowly recognized as your own.
The buried life was lost but never forgotten.

Here l am again wondering why the buried life has yet passed by me.
The unspeakable desires froze and stayed in the buried life, leaving me
in a den of lions hoping that in the future l would be brave and not leave
the buried life.

How am l still in this life?
Why am l still wasting my time? When l miss the buried life.

The longing to be able to be successful passed by me, fast and furious.
The buried life was never introduced to the past me but hoped that l could
grab hold of it; maybe, just maybe, l could have had a wild and free life.
But the past is past, the present is present, all the possible life lost yet the future awaits.

My idea of buried life presumes that every human life is imbued with a true path, an authentic course, a call to adventure, and a genuine sense of vocation. Buried life inspires the desire to seek liberation from that which binds. When we are faced with a painful adventure in life we tend to get lost along the way and leave our buried life behind.

When l started writing my free choice, l became to think why l had a buried and how my buried life began. I finally realized that my buried life began a long time ago however l was never aware of it. I began thinking how, why, what and when. It began the day l felt like l needed to be strong for everyone around me who had the same grief. Grief after losing someone to suicide can feel like a roller-coaster, full of intense ups and downs and everything in between.

In 2013 , when my childhood best friend died, l was devastated. I did not know how l could deal with such a horrific event. The only way l knew how to deal with death was putting my own feelings aside for the sake of everyone around me. I felt like l was the one who had to be strong for everyone. In reality l knew that l was not as strong as everyone thought l was. I was only being strong because everyone was expecting me to break down. I didn’t want everyone to see me weak. The shock and grief that consumes you after you lose someone to suicide is overwhelming. It can feel like you have fallen into a deep hole and will never be able to get out. That’s how l felt.

I got lost along the way and l forgot who l was. I became this person who was broken inside but strong on the outside. I forgot my true self and l became someone who l was not. I became this person who hides her feeling inside. That was never part of the plan. The plan was for me to be strong for everyone and deal with own emotions later. However, l hid those feeling inside for so long that l forgot the real me. The real me was confident, happy, wild and free. Who was l now? Was it too let go back to the buried life? Slowly l have been recognizing my own life as the buried life l knew from before.

September 16

My Persistence In Life

Let go of what’s holding you back.

You may have many things from your past that you are holding on to, just let them go. Holding onto grudges, anger, and regret will not get you anywhere. You may be angry at your friend for some reason and if you decide to hold a grudge against something they did you will gain absolutely nothing. So, let go of that one thing in the back of your mind that is still bothering you, because it is just stored there as useless information and nothing more. Let go of that thing and see how relaxed and happy you feel once you have it off your shoulder.

All that matters is what you think of yourself!

Yeah, others have an opinion about you, some may be good ones and some may be bad ones, but all that does not matter because what they think of you does not define you. What you think about yourself is the only thing that does. Be brave enough to not believe in what others are saying about you and tell them that it does not affect your true self. Don’t ever let others judgment get the best of you. Show them you are better than what they think of you, not through words but through actions.

Reach out, someone will always be there to hold your hand. 

Never be afraid to ask for help, don’t ever think seeking help is only for the weak. In fact, seeking for help is one of the bravest things. One should have the courage to ask for help when needed, whether it be at school, or for personal problems. Don’t ever hold yourself back just because you are afraid of judgment. Everyone at one point will be judged but that should never stop anyone from being able to seek help when they need it.

Don’t live in your past.

Sometimes we get hung up on things from our past and we forget to live in the moment. I was 12 years old when I first moved to Toronto, Ontario. It was my first day at my new school, I was really excited to be making new friends and to just be part of a new community. I just wanted to experience happiness and fit in. I guess that was not the plan for me. I only stayed in that school for 6 months but I may have had the worst memories. I was bullied constantly because I was myself, but my aunts had always taught me being myself was the best thing I could be, but I guess it was not true in Canada (or so I thought). It came to the point when I refused to go to school some days because I just couldn’t take it. I guess that’s when I met my best friend Vishwak. He told me he experienced the same things as I did but he never let it get to him because he did not care what others said about him. He helped move past all the obstacles I faced at my school. Just when we were getting to know each other more and started appreciating each other in our lives, I had to move, I know the most devasting, leaving my first best friend behind. We lost touch after I moved to Calgary. I was also the “new” kid in my junior when I moved to Calgary. I really taught it would be different here but I guess I was wrong AGAIN. Just because I looked different and had a different accent, it did not give them the right to treat me the way they did. This was one the hardest times of my life because, my hero and my best friend (my grandpa) was fighting for his life at the hospital, I was emotionally disturbed by the fact that I may never get to see my hero ever again. It was just even more devasting when I could not attend his funeral due to problems with my visa. This was the time I need my best friend the most but while moving I had lost all my contacts of him. I must have done something wrong to someone at some point to lose my best friend especially the time I needed him the most. I was able to reconnect with him in grade 10 but we had lost such huge parts of each other’s lives, I don’t think I will ever be able to reconnect with him. I hope one day we will be able to reconnect again because I really miss my best friend, he was there for me when no one else was. I tried staying stong every day at school, by just remember the things he had told me in Toronto. I would be lying if I said it did not help me, but it was same as him being there to tell me that everything gets better. I may have never missed him that much. I literally used to cry myself to sleep somedays because it was just something I could not take anymore. This also the time I met two people who I really admire and appreciate Shiksha and Ayushi. They were there for me in ways, I could not even imagine. But I guess everything changed when we got a new vice principal Mr. Leavitt. He was my savior, my entire junior high experience changed when he moved to our school, in many ways he was able to help me get through the pain and suffering, but I could have never gotten through my junior without the support I received from Shiksha and Ayushi. Many times I relive those moments and wonder what I had done wrong to have such heartbreaking experiences. First I lose my best friend and then my grandpa, but my friends made me realize by living reliving moments from my past I would be missing out on many opportunities that come my way. I will never forget my junior experiences because they made me who I am now, I will always miss Viskwak, his beautiful friendship and his presence in my life. And my hero, he will forever stay in my heart and in a way he gives me the strength to keep moving regardless of the obstacles I face. I know Shiksha and Ayushi will always have my back, will help me get through everything and anything I face. They are my constant reminder of the fact that I should let off the things that have happened in my past and live in the present and just enjoy it because we only live once. 

Just because the world is right side up, doesn’t mean you have to be too! 

The society we live in makes us believe that everyone has to be the same and being different is not okay. But I absolutely don’t believe that; everyone has their own way of expressing themselves just because it’s not your way doesn’t mean it is the wrong way. Be different, wear a red lipstick with a yellow blazer, just BE YOURSELF because there aren’t any of you in this world.

Everyone has their own definitions of “perfect”! 

The word perfect has so many different meanings to it. Out of 7 billion people on this planet, every single one of them has a different definition of perfect. Just because your definition does not match mine, does not mean there are flaws in. It just means we look at the world with a different perspective. The note that is below the line, it’s just perfect the way it is. If we move it up or down, so it fits in with the rest of the notes, it will not create the same sound. The same way, if you try to change yourself because you want to fit in; you will lose the meaning of your life. Therefore, don’t worry about fitting in with your group of friends, find a group of friends where you don’t have to change who you are, where you came from, or how you want to live your life.


October 2

The “F” Word

Feminist: A person who believe in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes. This simple definition has been misconstrued into the labels of; man hating, bossy, needy for attention, and that women are all powerful. The line between the misinterpreted definition of hating men and hating sexism has been blurred; feminism is a movement for not only women, but men who believe in equal rights. You believe in this? You’re a feminist. J.K Rowling wrote, “Fear of the name only increases the fear of the thing itself.” With the confidence to call yourself a feminist you bring along the movement of equality and remind others feminists are simply people who want to live in a more just world. The word its self has become a dirty one, something not to speak of unless you want all the negative stereotypes to go along with it. When it is really quite simple, gender equality should be granted in all aspects of life.

The dialogue shared between children from a young age although unaware of it, many times can be degrading to women and men alike. “Don’t be such a girl.” The worst insult was to be compared to women, and boys who share feelings and are emotionally open are soft or girly. House hold chores once done by a male are seen degrading to how manly he is. The fact that clothes alone have a gender they are preferred to be seen on, a girl who enjoys cars or fixing things is seen as weird, different, and boyish. When a boy is told to do something by a women he is seen as weak and she is seen as bossy. Many of these ideas of women and male gender stereo types have been seen for hundreds of years, it is the twenty first century yet we expect the norm of horse drawn carriages and wood burning ovens. In order to see a change in society the support of both girls and boys equality needs to be expressed from an early age.

In the average job women make seventy seven cents to every dollar a man makes, and it doesn’t get any better the higher up in ranking you get. Americas top female CEO’s earn about thirty three cents for every dollar earned by a male CEO. In the United States, one of the most modernized countries in the world, only 17% of the congress are women. It is still rare to this day to see women in equal political and economic positions as men. Many people are afraid to call themselves a feminist, afraid to stand up for equality and it is left on the back burner in many aspects of our lives.

Feminism is not man hating women worshiping cult for girls, but a movement in which you believe in equal pay, equal punishment, and treatment between genders. Not pushing anyone into a gender stereo type. It doesn’t take a special person to believe in this girl, guy, gay, straight or anything in between. The belief that there is no better sex and people and children will not be forced into activities, clothes, or jobs because of gender. A feminist: It’s really quite simple, equality between sexes.

October 2

My Life Philosophies

Never give up no mater what life throws at you. This is a life philosophy to me because life has its ups and downs so you have to adjust to life the way it wants you to live it. Whatever life throws at you either in a good way or a bad just think in a positive way that will help you adjust to the situation.

Happy life goes a long way. Life is filled with all kinds of sorrows and happiness. Always be happy because no matter what a life of happiness always will lead you to a path full of life then depression. The happier you are the more chance you have to live life for longer and happy.

Trust people that you know are worthy enough to be trusted. People are not easily trusted at because you never know what they would say at what time. So make the effort of trusting people that you know are really close to you either if they are family or friends. Trusting people are hard but if you trust people that you know are worthy enough to be trusted  you would know that you have someone always beside you always.

You never know how long your life is so just enjoy it. Life is filled with surprises. You never know when the end of your life is and how long you will live. Live is as long as you are living, breathing and enjoying your life, so instead of worrying of any kind of disaster just live it and enjoy it till your very last breath.

 Your life is like a story live it and then pass it on. Sometimes life is short but you never know what you can accomplish in that short time. You can always just live a life either in a happy or depressed way but life is always with you that you can tell other people that are important to your life. That life can last you living if you are no longer living by just passing on the stories that you have told your loved ones.

September 29

Mental Illness

imageMental illness is something that is either looked down upon or just ignored, people who have never felt it assume that it’s all a choice to be anxious, depressed or even suicidal; but what they don’t see is the daily battle with one self to remain living until the end. Fighting with someone you love is one thing but can you imagine fighting your own mind, obsessions and actions feeling so much hatred and pain that doing the littlest things are the biggest challenges of your life, a life which you don’t even want to live to begin with.  It’s true that how you handle life and situations thrown at you is a choice but those suffering with mental illness know very well that life isn’t always that simple, asking for help is the start but how do you even ask or even admit that somethings wrong when having a mental illness makes you a freak in societies eyes. No one would ever ask for misery and pain in their daily lives and people with physical illness are not put down or bothered for their problem so why are we ? It’s wrong to assume that just because someone is normal on the outside that they are not completely shattered on the inside needing  nothing more than your support and love not your judgment.