January 12

Just Us- Visual Response

“It’s just me and you now buddy.” His soft fur gently gliding through my fingers as I laid there watching President’s speech on America declaring war on Korea. He stood up and took a stroll chasing his tail till he finally snuggled back between my arm and hip. His warm tongue licked me until, finally, his eyes closed. I slowly put my head back onto the pillow, wiping the tears from my face and careful not to awaken him, shielding him away from the cries of my mother upstairs.

 It was December 1951 already, the time my father was supposed to come back from his military training. The white roads held still with no sight of a car coming to drop my father back home; yet, we waited what felt like a year but still no sign of his car. That night it was quiet while my mother and I sat on the cold hard floor snuggling to keep warm as we watched the news waiting for a knock on the door. Just then breaking news appeared and the journalist was quick to change tone and read, “the President has just declared war in Korea.” My mother and I Looked at each other then focused back on the television. As the journalist went on, our telephone rang. “No, no, please Jeffory come home. He needs you, I need you.” My mother returned, tears running down her face. “Your father has been recruited to fight in the Korean War.” Instantly, I felt my throat fall into the dark abyss of my stomach, trying to escape what my mother had just said. She ran upstairs, every step forcing my throat deeper into the abyss until finally her door closed and a tear came peeking out the corner of my eye. There I sat with Scrappy purring and scratching at my arms while I continued to watch the television. The President was on now giving his proud speech as I just sat there thinking about my father. I wiped the tears from my face, put my head back on the pillow and tried to sleep as the cries from above got louder and louder. “It’s just me and you now buddy.”

 1952, we sat there in our trenches, awaiting the enemy. Conscription had torn me away from my mother and separated all three of us for longer. Her cries from when I left seemed louder than when we found out my father was enlisted for the war. My back aching, leaning against the bags of sand. I longed for a cigarette, it was the only thing that kept us from shooting ourselves, it gave us peace and reminded us of home. My knees now up against my chest and my head slouched forward. The mud that had already seeped through the holes in my boots now found its way on to my skin giving a portal to small bugs and worms. I saw something scurry past me and raised my head. First I thought it was a mouse my boot raised, ready to step on the little critter. As it purred I realized it was a cat also alone, lost from his family. Gently, I picked him up, examining and dusting off the poor kitten. I reached in my pouch and found the last handful of nuts I had managed to save despite my hunger. I unrolled my cigarette and re-rolled it loosely with the remaining nuts and offered it to the kitten. The warm tongue licked my finger and tears once again formed in the corner of my eye. The poor creature nibbled on the end of the paper as he drew the nuts into his mouth. There I sat, middle of war, feeding a kitten I had never known before with tears falling. All the memories of my mother’s cries circled my head. This small critter reminded me of her and her pain of losing the most important men in her life. I whispered to kitten, “It’s just me and you now buddy.”

January 18


At the age of 5 you fell off your bike, you remember you broke your right hand. At the age of 10 your grandfather passed away, you remember it was from cancer. At the age of 18 you moved out of your parents house, you remember your mom crying. At the age of 31 you announced you were pregnant, you remember the kicks you felt. At the age of 49 your first born turn 18, but you still remember their first words and steps. At the age of 58 your mother passed away, you remember crying. Memories are what make us who we really are because they shape our past and it changes us for the future. Happy or sad they all stay in your mind, you carry them with you everywhere.

One of my most fond memories is from when I was in atom playing hockey, I played on an all boys team and this was when I was ten years old. This was such a good year we didn’t lose anything. We were a well rounded team with good forwards, a solid wall for defense and a rocking goaltender. We made it to the finals of playoffs that year and everything was going good until, I got a really bad sinus and throat infections. I had to stay home from school that day and my parents rule has always been; no school, no hockey. But this was the one day my dad made an exception even though I looked like I was dying and personally I didn’t wanna play. My parents convinced me that this was a once in a lifetime chance to do, so I went to the game and played. My dad, being the coach but also a parent of me, sat me on the bench every few shifts and made sure I was doing alright. The game was a very close game and in order to win it we went to overtime and dropped all the way down till 2 on 2 but then the other team got a penalty. This was followed through with a penalty shot because we couldn’t just do a 2 against 1 ove overtime. This kid on my team named Jax White got to take the shot, he ends up making a really sick move and no doubt because he had the best hands on the team. Everyone got so excited and so happy but there was me, sitting on the bench coughing my lungs out with tears rolling down my face. Everyone rushes to the goalie to celebrate, taking off helmets throwing our gloves and sticks in the air because we just won city champions. But I was so sick I could barely skate, I dragged my little skates across the ice till I made it to the team. It was such an exciting event but all I remember is just wanting to go home right after. I remember this as if it was yesterday because I have stored this time period in my brain to never forget.

January 17

What Now?

The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe

Image result for the raven poem



11:30 p.m. October 13th

He was gone.

There was nothing I could have done.

He had met the same fate as the rest.

I knew there was no cure for this illness.

I knew that he was dying but my heart still ached, and I only yearned for the warm touch of his hand. Now he laid lifeless, with cold hands, and dull eyes, it was now clear that my love would never return back to me, only from the afterlife would we reunite.

I could not bear the pain no longer, if I continued to look at him, it would only strengthen the pang I am feeling within my chest.

Walking away. Walking away was the only thing I could do, walking away was the hardest thing I could have ever done to him.

But, like a switch, what was once was my grief, turned into anger.

Anger towards the Gods, for they had taken a life too early, and anger towards this damned plague that had killed my love. If it was not for this despicable disease, spreading like wildfire, he would not have died.

Leaving me all alone.

I needed to get out of this revolting place, it sickened me. I needed to clear my head, get some fresh air and let myself breathe.

I paid no attention to where I was walking, I only knew that I had to keep going. Still stuck in my own mind, I could not shake the thoughts of my love’s last breath. How he tried to put on a brave face when we both knowingly knew that he was scared.

Out of nowhere, I heard someone or something whisper my name. It soon came to my attention that I had come across a cemetery. Rows of gravestones lined from left to right, front and back, like a sea of the dead. Some recently placed, others crumbled and cracked, mold covering the engravings devoted to the dead. The trees- leaning towards the headstones- were awkwardly twisted like distorted limbs. The spiked, black fence surrounding the cemetery, acting like a prison for the dead. The gate closed and locked from the heavy chains and locks wrapped around it.

But, in the corner of my eye, I saw something move from inside the cemetery. It was dark and hard to see but I walked closer and closer. Until I was a foot away from the fence.

My hands grew clammy with sweat, my breathing quickened, but nothing happened.

As I was about to turn around  I noticed a crow was perched on top of the cemetery gate.

As it made its horrid cry, it turned and looked at me, it felt as if it was delving INTO me, almost as if it could see my soul.

The sound of a twig snapping caused me to turn my head but just as the crow had appeared, it had quickly left without a trace.

Waiting not a second longer, I immediately turned around and began walking.

But the sound of leaves crunching under my feet, for some reason made me feel uneasy, the night was only getting darker, and the wind was growing colder.

As I continued to walk, I could feel a set of eyes watching me from behind, only I knew not where their eyes were watching me from.

I kept on walking, trying, trying to the best of my abilities to never look back. But, I couldn’t. My fear was so overpowering anyone could smell it. My walk slowly turned into a jog, my eyes looking everywhere. My hands shaking from this mysterious feeling whirling inside of me.

I stopped running, trying to catch my breath. But, on top of a lamplight on the other side of the road, was a crow. Yet, more and more were coming. Gathering beside one another. It was then I heard the crunching of leaves, the snapping of twigs, and bellowing cries of the crows. As more and more crows came, it that was coming mind was……murder.

Not knowing what this all meant.

I ran.



January 17

Polished Lit Exploration

Connections within self

Friendship. Brotherhood. Family. This is how an individual thinks of others in terms of connecting with them over a certain period of time. An individual is most influenced by the positive actions of others that share a bond with them in which helps guide their actions to become a lasting memory. In other words, when others share a positive experience with an individual in which builds a sense of connection between them, it helps the development of their relationship. In the excerpt, “I BEAT THE ODDS” by Michael Oher, the film, A River Runs Through It by Robert Redford, and a personal experience, it can be seen that an individual is influenced by the positive actions of others who share a sense of connection with each other in which provides a desire for the individual to remember others’ actions as a lasting memory.  

When an individual is positively influenced by the actions of another individual, they will think of them as their role model, leaving a lasting memory of the message they were provided. In the excerpt, “I BEAT THE ODDS,” Michael Oher tells the reader of his experiences from elementary school. He tells us that his fourth-grade teacher, Ms. Verlene Logan “never made me feel as if there was anything negative” which shows that she is an optimistic person and that she cares about her students and does not judge them on their appearance or living condition. Michael Oher is positively influenced by the actions of Ms. Logan because “ she made me believe that I had a talent worth developing and the ability to see it through.” This means that Ms. Logan influenced Michael by telling him that he had talent and that he could pursue it by working hard and never giving up. This matters because, in our world, individuals of different races, appearances, and personality are often rejected by society. Overall, Michael Oher was taught a very important life lesson by Ms. Logan that he kept a lasting memory in which ended up helping him become a National Football League player.

When an individual develops a strong sense of connection with others, they will show the individual the value of different lifestyles. In the film, A River Runs Through It by Robert Redford, Norman is shown to be an optimistic and observant individual and is influenced by the actions of his brother Paul, and his father, Reverend Maclean. Reverend Maclean is a Presbyterian working in the church of Montana and is also the father of Paul and Norman. At youth ages, Reverend Maclean taught the boys about the Church and fly-fishing, both of which are highly valued by the three men throughout the film. Norman was influenced by his father’s different lifestyles, he valued both lifestyles and felt a responsibility as the older brother to be accountable for the actions of his brother and acceptable by his father. In the film, Paul is shown off as a rebellious individual, he is strong and will stand up for himself by any means. Norman was influenced by this side of Paul: Norman never said “no” to Paul, even during the Rowboat scene. Paul called on the other boys to go shoot the chutes, however, none of them accepted until he asked Norman who knew it was a bad idea but went along with Paul because of his sense of brotherhood towards Paul. This means that Norman is influenced by the connections he has with Paul and Reverend Maclean; he learned to be faithful, have a sense of hope, be responsible and accountable, and to help the people who need it the most. This matters because, in our world, some individuals do not have the opportunity to learn certain traits and skills in order grow as a strong individual. Overall, Norman grew up to become a faithful individual who valued others and had a sense of responsibility towards his family.

When individuals are often shown the path towards ignorance, they cannot find the guidance that they need until they desperately search for their role model/figure. In a personal experience, I was taught to only follow and do the things that my parents had planned for me. I thought by being loyal to my parents I would gain my own authority when I was an adult, but I soon realized that I had been following a path of ignorance by not following my own dreams, and not taking the initiative to plan out my future. My parents had a great role in my life as my role model until I realized that I had different wants and needs than them. I left the path of ignorance and searched for a role model in which I found within a professor at the MIT. He eventually stopped teaching at the university, but he gives students help online through social media, which I find helpful towards achieving my own dreams. This matters because, in the real world, there are many young individuals who are often lead towards a certain goal by others and do not realize that they are being led towards ignorance until they realize the differences in their desires.

In conclusion, from the excerpt, “I BEAT THE ODDS” by Michael Oher, the film, A River Runs Through It by Robert Redford, and a personal experience, it can be seen that an individual is influenced by the positive actions of others who share a sense of connection with each other which provides a desire for the individual to remember others’ actions as a lasting memory.  Michael Oher learned to never give up and through his hard work, he can see through his talent. Norman learned to be faithful, responsible and accountable because of the experiences of his brother, Paul, and his father, Reverend Maclean. Finally, I learned that I was being led towards a path of ignorance by letting others choose my decisions for me instead of having the acknowledgment to set my own goals and a long-term goal which I discovered at a youthful age and was guided by a former proffesor from MIT. 

December 31

Remember How We Forgot

Remember how we forgot?
How we never actually played by the rules we were taught
Because each thought came from our minds and our imaginations were running wild, and our dreams included becoming princesses, rock stars, dinosaurs, and garbage men.
And nobody told us we couldn’t because after all, we were just “silly kids”?
Remember how the worst fights were over who broke the brightest crayon and who got the last bite but everyone was still friends
Because, that was before we were taught that all good things must end?
Remember when love filled our hearts, instead of draining them,
So we never dared bet against Annie because we were absolutely sure that the Sun would come out tomorrow,
For everyone?

Then we reached high school,
Then we “grew up”,
Remember how we forgot?
We started going by all the rules against which we fought.
And our thoughts became as standardized as the tests we took.
We gave up hope on becoming princesses when society told us there were no happy endings.
The stars in our eyes dimmed when musicians were replaced by a computer with a pretty face.
We forgot about T-rex when our creativity was thrown out by the “5 paragraph essay.”
So we assumed the role of garbage man and took out the “trash”
With every FCAT, SAT, ACT, ABC test they could think of
To measure our aptitude, to measure our achievement.
Then society preached individuality and originality
When the reality is that it was driven out of us
The same way the innocence was driven out of us when the fights turned into wars,
When arguments couldn’t be solved with a simple, “I’m sorry,”
When we lost friends over race, greed, and mistakes.
And hearts began breaking more often than beating because that’s when we stopped believing in the sureness of the Sun.

But I think society does that on purpose—
Tries to create formulas for every aspect of our lives.
I think they do that to separate us from the imitators,
The contenders from the pretenders,
The motivated and passionate from the ones who gave up and gave in because if there is one thing I have learned, it is that without passion, you have nothing.
Every single obstacle we have overcome was deliberately set in our path to test us.
We are those who looked, laughed, and rose to the challenge.
We did what we needed to do and more by staying true to ourselves and to our dreams.
We worked hard and made it.

We’re here.
Our dreams may have shifted, but our fire is lit.
So no matter what we become;
Doctors, teachers, CEOs, or beach bums,
I implore you to be an inspiration to all and to never again forget how all of our paths have crossed,
How we’ve shaped and inspired each other in these pivotal years of our lives.
Never again forget the friends we’ve made,
The memories we’ve created,
The causes for which we’ve fought.
Never again forget the simplicity and unpredictability of this phenomenon we call life.

Rather, take these ideas and these beliefs
And transform them into a life of passion, a life of purpose and pass it on.
Build your legacy out of what you have done and what you are doing for others, not yourself, because one day, you won’t be here anymore and
One day, people may forget you.
But I promise you that if you lead a life of selflessness, of inspiration, of passion,
Then your fire won’t be quieted with your breath and it will be remembered.
It will take more than one person to change this world, to undo what we’ve done,
But I know for a fact that it only takes one to inspire, to motivate, and to believe that a change will come and that is a contagious idea.
So catch this fever and together as one
We’ll spread it like a wildfire never to be extinguished.
And even when we are, somebody somewhere will know that it was us who started the fire.

Shane Koyczan


“I implore you to be an inspiration to all and to never again forget how all of our paths have crossed,
How we’ve shaped and inspired each other in these pivotal years of our lives.
Never again forget the friends we’ve made,
The memories we’ve created,
The causes for which we’ve fought.
Never again forget the simplicity and unpredictability of this phenomenon we call life.”

As everyone is growing up- my friends, peers, cousins, siblings, anyone; one tends to forgot how we become who we are. Because of the people surrounding us. We are inspired and are let down by the people around us, who motivate or discourage you, whatever it may be, they have affected you.

In high school, individuals surrounding one are on the same journey as you- but ending up differently. A doctor, engineer, nurse, social worker, psychologist- will see them all. From my perspective, we all have helped each other rise and succeed which is evident in the smallest actions. Not only academically, but otherwise, at school dances, graduation, birthday parties we all have experienced the ‘new’ together. Embrace what talents and skills one another have.

This relates to my personal life as well, with who I grew up with, the support system I had throughout my childhood and adolescence. Family. My parents. Siblings. Cousins. These are the people who shaped my opinions, dreams, aspirations. I tend to forget that my path has and still crosses with these people. Most of them are still an important influence and part of my life- which I forget about. My parents- who brought me into this world where I have anything, am protected, safe, have a full table of food for me available whenever, wherever. The sacrifices they have made- I forget about- to make my dreams possible.

~Not to forget about those who inspired you to become who you have become or want to be in the future. “How we shaped and inspired each other in these pivotal years of our lives.”

September 11

The Life Philosophies of Zaha

Welcome to my blog! My name is Zaha Khan. Through the adventures and experiences of my life these are the few things that I have learnt.  

My first life philosophy is ‘No Matter What Situation You Are Faced With Education Is Always Important. This philosophy is my narrative so get ready to read a lot. It originates from the life of my niece, Emra Waqqas, may she rest in peace. She was 19 years old when she passed from brain tumor. I feel that is it is important for you all to know her story, which starts all the way back in 2013, when I was in eighth grade and she was starting in the tenth grade. Emra was always joyful and filled with energy, just like me, but there would be days when she would have really bad headaches or she would be doing something and she would pass out. Since her parents lived in the U.S. she lived with my aunt in Toronto. My aunt took her to the emergency room and that is when they found out that she had a tumor. They took her into surgery within that week. The surgery was successful, however, the right side of her body was not functioning at all so she was in the hospital for more than a year. She did complete grade 10 and she was almost done grade 11 in the hospital as well.

She was back to her normal routine for more than a year but then all of as sudden one night she went out completely, this was around when I was in grade 10. They took her to the emergency immediately. The doctor found liquid surrounding her brain. Obviously they had to perform surgery right away and remove the liquid but there were two options they could either go into the surgery with giving her anesthetics but there was a chance that she might not wake up and the other option was to give her no anesthetics at all. Her parents obviously wanted her to wake up so they decided to talk the chance and not give her any anesthetics. During the surgery her heart beat would spike up and down, but thankfully the liquid was taken out. After this surgery she got a scan done and the doctors found that the tumor had come back, it had spread and it had gone deeper. Emra’s original doctor said that either they could do surgery now but it was way too much of a risk or they could just put her in therapy then see what happens. He straight up said to my cousin that she did not have along time to live, at most three months. My cousin decided to get a different from another specialist. The new doctor said that doing the surgery would be a risk but in a while after therapy.

During this time Emra was finishing up grade 12 and applying for university. She got accepted into McMaster University. So after a many weeks she went into surgery and came out tumor free. When she gained consciousness she couldn’t move at all. Not even her fingers, her toes, NOTHING. She couldn’t talk or eat! She was fed with a tube. My dad went to go visit her a couple of weeks after her surgery, around the spring of last year. She knew that my dad was with her but she had no way of acknowledging it. The least that she could do was put one finger up then down. But as time went on she could talk and move parts of her body, however, she still spent all of her time in the hospital bed. We all prayed for her and all still do. A couple of weeks after my dad came back we got a call from my uncle telling us that she didn’t make it. She had passed. I didn’t know what to do or how to react. I ran to the washroom and cried all my tears out. When her high school found out about her they name a scholarship after her. They are calling it the Emra Waqqas Scholarship. I’m proud to have her as my niece, to be related to her. To have her inspire me to go to school. 

My second life philosophy is ‘Make Life Easy.’ Especially in this new generation we want to make everything incredibly difficult, long, and filled with unnecessary things. We want all the attention when we do something. I have many examples, but I will only give two. The first example is one that I have been a victim of. When we have a party whether is is with family-friends or close friends. I always see five appetizers, a five course meal, then to top it all of ten types of desserts. You only eat like one out of each thing or two at the most. The amount of food that is taken away is unbelievable. Then there are the decorations: of the table, the chairs, the room, everything that you see. Usually all of those decorations end up in the garbage. There are not a lot of people who actually save them. The amount of things that we waste is unreal. I know some people are not like this, but you have to agree there must be someone that you know who does this. I’m not gonna lie I do this whenever my friends come over.

My final example is about the weddings that I go to. I am from Pakistan and in that area, including India, we have weddings that are USUALLY four to five days long. In these five days this is usually what happens: one evening from the groom, one from the bride, and then the next couple of days are from both sides. Within these days there is a lot of dancing, laughing, and eating. I find this to be the best part, but my main problem is with the dresses that we have to wear. Many people wear a separate dress each day. People spend hundreds, or sometimes even thousand of dollars on dresses. WHY? You only really need like two or three really. Then there is the money that the hosts spend on the food, the lighting, the decorations, and the locations. All for people who show up every single day to each event. You don’t have to spend that much. Majority of your money can go towards an important investment. The money you spend its yours. You get to decide as to what you get to do with that, but there are things that don’t have to be very extravagent. They can be as simple as 1+1=2. 

My third life philosophy is ‘Our History Creates Our Present.’ I believe that our ancestors have a part in shaping our identity. Their culture is our culture, their language is our language, their religion is our religion. For example, my last name is Khan. This means that my ancestors are originally from Afghanistan, which means that I am classified as a Pathan,  but then they came to India. Then a part of India became Pakistan, and our ancestors lived in Pakistan, however, it is the area now known as Lahore, which is the capital city of Punjab. All of this makes me a Punjabi-Pathan. However, I am more Punjabi than I am Pathan. Our family has adapted to the Punjabi culture. We don’t wear Pashtun clothing, we don’t speak the Pashtun language, we do not have the same traditions as them. All of it is Punjabi. Yes I am Pathan, but only by name not by me. I believe that we should celebrate our history, with our country, and our family. Our history is the reason as to why we are here today. 

My fourth life philosophy ‘Be A Diamond.’ I came to FFCA when I was in fifth grade. I was surrounded by people who were fake and rude to me. I was bullied. I didn’t realize this right away. Then in grade six I decided to show myself as someone who I am not. I changed who I was so I could get people to actually like me. But then I met one of my really good friends in grade seven. She caught me acting and told me not to. She said that people can accept me for my true self. I slowly distanced my self from them and got closer with my new friend. I began to shine my true colours. I wasn’t just one fake colour. No. I was and am filled with many different colours that are ready to shine. Everyone should have their own colours that they are not afraid to show. Colours that they should be proud of and show off to the world. I believe that everyone should be able to be themselves without being judged. Everyone should surround themselves with friends that love them for who they are. I am proud to say that I have finally found the perfect group of friends. People that have accepted me for who I am. 
My final life philosophy is ‘The Most Important Things In Life Are Priceless.’ I have asked a decent amount of people what they find they think the most important thing is, and majority of the things that people said were things that you would have to buy in order to achieve it. For example, cars, a house, food, or a pet. I agree that they are important but are they the most important. I believe that the most important things come without a price. For example, your family. Did you buy them? No, they were gifted to you. Your friends. Did you buy them? No, you were gifted them as well. For me my friends and family are the most important because my family is one of a kind. I was put into their hands and I am thankful for them. I don’t think anyone has a family like mine, and I don’t have a family like yours. What about your friends? Friends are people that start of as strangers and end up as people who come by your house often. Friends are people who you look forward to be around. I am thankful to say that I get up in the morning for school excited to see them and learn something new about them, and I look forward to the dumb, hilarious mistakes that we will make that we will remember for the rest of our lives. 


Picture #1: http://clipart.printcolorcraft.com/2015/11/notebook-clipart-7/

Picture #2: http://jasondrohn.com/its-easy/

Picture #3: http://stewover.com/2015/07/03/the-disturbing-history-of-much-ive-spent-on-super-mario-bros/

Picture #4: https://www.pinterest.ca/alialambert/diamond-in-the-rough/?lp=true

Picture #5: http://www.mainstreethost.com/blog/four-common-seo-limitations-free-or-cheap-website-builders/

October 21

The Equalizing Harmony 

The relationships we form and share all have an aspect of discipline, but a sense of freedom and equilibrium is reached in places where harmony is present. This is visible through the representation of the 3 characters present in the picture, Paul (far left), Norman (middle), and their father Reverend Maclean (right). Both children are deep in the train of thought, lost in the impeccable freedom, and the harmony between them, that they rarely acquire from their father at home.

The scenery consists of the rapid moving shallow water that illustrates the free and volatile behavior that it brings. The placement of the characters brings an astounding symbolism with Paul being placed in the deep end of the water and also the furthest from the father. In contrast to the water’s resilient force, Paul’s personality can be compared. Paul is an individual who loves his freedom, being care-free, and free of any control and discipline. Being the furthest from the father represents of the freedom loving attitude that he brings, giving an insight on his hatred of the discipline the father enforces among them. This hatred forces repulsion in the relationship between the father and son leaving a longing for a substitute to overcome this pain.
The level of water that the three characters are submerged in is significant of the problems and hardships each of them faces. The expression, “being in deep waters”, is commonly heard signifying of the hardships and problems that one may face. Norman is shown to be standing above the water showing the innocent, obedient, and content with the life Norman is leading versus Paul being submerged knee deep. The problems and hardships that Paul may face are depicted in the visual of Paul drowning in them. These hardships that suppress Paul’s ability to reach success make him feel much less than Paul, resulting in a factor of jealousy in the relation of the two. This is often overcome where the two are artists, and are in love with fishing, and find the harmony to overcome the differences among them; at the river.

Another point of to be considered is the play of lighting that the three characters are shown under. Paul is casted out darker than his brother and father who are displayed in the bright light casted by nature: sunlight. They are displayed as almost in a sense of god like stature. This god like stature represents of the flawless personalities Norman and Reverend Maclean are shown to have where honesty, hard work, and discipline are valued most. The character differences between the brothers can be identified where Norman is shown as a character that carries an aspect of innocence to his personality and follows the ideals and values the father taught them. Therefore, the darker lighting signifies of Paul’s dark life that is led on by lies and jealousy that have held him back.
The imbalance between the characters creates an obedience vs freedom scenario where characters try to balance their lives and save themselves from the hardships they face under the discipline of the father. But all is forgotten when they unite in a place where they first remembered how to fish, like a child learns to walk, and where they can call themselves at home; at the river. The river creates the equilibrium in the relationship, taking away the imbalances and differences that the three long to overcome in the everyday life. Most individuals are influenced by a form of discipline that pushes them to overcome the imbalances they face and to improve the weaknesses that hold them back. However, this is all forgotten when individuals come together with loved ones in a place of harmony, where cherished memories resonate with them, and each person is an artist and the imbalances are equalized.

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September 19

The Philosophies to the Unimaginable Dream


My name is Kabir, and today I will introduce to you my 5 life philosophies that truly define who I am as a person and the morals I apply to my life to better myself as an individual and help the companions around me that ultimately shape my identity.

Ambition is what drives our potential for greater heights.


– In life we all set goals to either better us as individuals ,or to find that new passion we haven’t yet explored, or to just reach a greater height in area we think have mastered. To do this we need to have a motive, a drive, and the willingness to give what you have. A drive that pushes to give your best and test your willingness to want the success. An ambition provides you with a motive that when you wake up in the morning will be in the back of your mind to progress.We use this drive to push ourselves beyond our maximum and give in our full potential. The picture is of a guy standing on top of a mountain looking afar to a great distance depicted standing above the other peaks. He had an ambition to achieve what he wanted most, to climb that mountain, and went out of his way to achieve it. The definition for ambition is ; the strong desire to do or achieve something, and that strong desire is what it takes ultimately. For example take in perspective a high school senior student. This senior student won’t be held in control anymore when their graduation comes to light, they will have a world full of opportunities to explore and choose what’s best for them. They need to have the drive to either get into the program at their university/college or follow through with their life goals,  they are working toward something. Nevertheless, the success we achieve is ultimately defined by our willingness to push ourselves further than the limits. The inspiration that has led me to apply and acknowledge this philosophy was from hockey. Hockey is a very tough sport, especially the position of goalie. Attending a goalie camp the instructor , which is currently a former N.H.L goalie coach, informed of us the importance of our position the mindset that we need to have day in and day out to find the success not only in our game but also in our confidence. Then he mentioned how the skills the one goalie may have may not stand along with the drive another person may display. The ambition of one person to reach the success will outdo another person’s skills as they will display the effort and motivation they have to improve and be good at what they do.



The key to our success is held by our perception of hardships.

– Obstacles are a part of everyday life and must face them on a daily basis. Obstacles are there to test our willingness to achieve what we desire most . This desire we hold most is held by our perception, a perception of our way of looking at these tests. If we think of these obstacles as an opportunity that will allow us to experience and grow as individuals it will only furthermore increase our drive for success. In the illustration we are able to depict of a rock in the middle of the road. The approach we hold of the rock obstructing our journey will shape our identity negatively or positively. Finding ways to surpass the obstacle and knowing that it will only increase our knowledge and understanding to better ourselves for upcoming difficulties will impact our mindset in a positive manner. Take in the example of a senior student once again. Every single quiz/test will not be perfect and  mistakes will made but if we use the grades that weren’t acceptable to our liking to use as motivation to better our mark for the next assessment, it will cause a drastic improvement. Realistically, human nature is not of to to be always perfect and have a positive attitude. There will be days when looking past something that challenges us will be challenging to see the value. So in order to succeed an individual must see the load of challenges and even success as a opportunity and seeing the value in them. Ultimately, the hardships we face on our journey to success and how we perceive to view them as either, helping to improve us as individuals and better our drive for success, or  as a barrier that is in the way , can define the heights we will reach.


Make your memories meaningful, as we spend most of our time in them.

– Make every time you got to live enjoyable because in the end that’s what is going to matter. The arguments and fights and disagreements we have now will be of laughing matter when we look back. Each moment is stored in our complex brains and the moments that the most endorphins were released are remembered most by us whether of happy or scared moments. The bench in the picture illustrates the time we look back upon our lives sitting in the silence of the nature pondering upon what we could have done. Work hard and give your full potential but don’t forget to take in life and enjoy the small moments because time slips out of our hands real fast before we can figure out what we’ve missed. I have always been an introvert who keeps to myself, but with this philosophy I strive to find the moments with the people in my comfort zone. The philosophy has shaped me to become an individual that someone who makes the most of moments and to have a radiating vibe.


Understanding is the first step to a relationship.

– People are all around us , we communicate with each other and some are of more importance to us and some of less but in overall we share a relationship with each individual we have interacted with. The understanding and trust we have built with each other can take a real hit once a mistake is made and the amount of effort it can take to rebuild this can take of much time and understanding. Notice the efforts people make for each other because it’s not simple being the one to make the move. Appreciate and understand that the other person wants to build an empire in your relationship even, in the small efforts. The people around you help to shape who you are and understanding that mistakes can be made especially in our fast paced societies where years seem like hours in our lives, can help improve interactions. Make the most of all relationships because the people around you help to gain the knowledge and experiences that shape your identity.



You have yourself to blame.

– The choices we make ultimately affect us is a cliche that’s constantly heard ; but I find an inspiration and truth to it. The 4 previous life philosophies all amount to this complete term. All the mistakes we have committed simply cannot be blamed upon others or certain circumstances ; yes there might be unfortunate chain of events leading to failure but it all comes down to us. We steer our own ship down the path we want and yes storms can prolong this journey but ultimately amount to the destination and if it’s not reached the captain is in fault. All of the decisions we make affect us and if does not imply to success then in the end we are to blame, regardless of the influence someone may hold. The senior student improves their work ethic and puts in the handwork in order to make it into their program of choice but if they don’t , they can blame themselves for the amount of handwork they put in. Every person has a talent and gifts and seeing this can be quite difficult.  I know I am capable of achieving of whatever I desire and with the mindset and motivation. But most importantly, enjoying the small moments is quite significant so I don’t have regrets when I reminisce about my young adulthood, but also finding opportunities of bettering myself as a individual and strengthening the relationships around me. Displaying these values have slowly started to push me to express the best version I can be.

Thank You