September 13

Life Philosophies Of Sam

Image result for lemonDo what you can with what you got.

Everyone is in a different situation in life. Whether it’s good or bad; it’s always different, but that doesn’t mean anyone in a difficult spot should stop trying. Whatever life throws at you; you’ve got to do what you can with it. Relating back to the picture; we always hear “When life gives you lemons; make lemonade.” That exemplifies this life philosophy in a really nice way and it can, and should be used in life.

Fake it till you make it!

This philosophy signifies how sometimes in life you just gotta fake it until you make it. As an introverted person I don’t really enjoy being outgoing, or super talkative during conversations; it’s sometimes hard for introverts like me to even raise their hands in class when a teacher asks a question. That’s why I believe you have to fake it till you make it because if you fake having confidence for long enough then you will eventually gain more confidence in yourself.

Remove toxicity.

This philosophy means that you should always be wary of who you are hanging out with. Anyone who keeps you going, who keeps telling you what to work on and tries to help you improve, who doesn’t talk behind your back, and is a person who actually enjoys your company and vice versa are the people you should surround yourself with. It may be difficult for some people to push away the people who are unhealthy in their lives because they may feel like they need them or that they don’t have anyone else. But as I have tried to portray through my picture is that a negative person can slowly affect you and once you reach that threshold then you will burst and then you will have a big mess that could take a long time to clean up. So it is better to fix the issue before it gets out of hand and remove the negative influences.

Image result for free climbing a 240m radio towerFocus on what you enjoy!

Focusing on what you enjoy is a very simple philosophy. If you really enjoy doing it or if you want to do something but are too afraid to try it; do it. You never really know if you’ll enjoy it and you might find out that you’re really good at something. When you do things that you really love to do then dopamine is released in the brain which is what makes you feel happy. Most people I know like being happy, so they always take time to enjoy doing what they love to do.


Open Double Door Drawing For Decoration

Always try to be a better you!

Always trying to be a better you is my last philosophy and is also my narrative. I always try to be better than I was the day before because if I was having a bad day then it is not fair to other people in my life to have the bad feelings projected on to them. So I try to always be a positive person to whoever I talk to. Always trying to be a better you is also good for yourself because who wouldn’t want to be the best version of themselves? My narrative is one that is still being written, as high school goes on by I have tried to slowly gain more confidence and I always try to leave nice first impressions on people. I have heard from a few people that they used to think I was intimidating just from how I’d look, but then after they get to know me they say I’m actually a really nice person. Now a days I’m seeing that people are finding it a lot easier to come up and talk to me and that’s because I am always trying to be the best person I can be, for myself and for the people around me. I am projecting more bright feelings and I have changed my general demeanor to a much more positive one by changing who I talk to and hang out with along with what I do for myself.

September 24

My Five Life Philosophies

There is no end.
The world doesn’t stop spinning just because our time ends. Three generations from now most of us will be forgotten, my descendants might no even know what I look like. I shouldn’t be pushing to go out in a bang, because over time everything is washed away.

No one cares.
I once heard someone say that they couldn’t remember more than half of the people they went to high school with. And it got me thinking, everything stupid thing I do, every little mistake I make will mean nothing to those who get to know me in passing. The only thing these small mistakes can serve to do is help me. Everyone is so wrapped up in themselves that they don’t have time to care about every bodies problems.

Every person has loyalty to someone, family, friends or themselves. Loyalty isn’t do what another person wants, or being an unthinking drone for your country, but showing that you trust someone. I’m loyal to myself, not changing or going against my own beliefs because my family doesn’t share them. In turn, I am loyal to my friends because I don’t abandon them when they’re in need.

Freedom is an idea created in the human mind.
The idea of freedom had been immortalized in the image of a flying bird, but the bird isn’t truly free. The bird can’t write, or speak English, the limitations of the birds body and mind restrict it to simple things. Humans are limited the same way, I can’t grow wings or develop gills, and it is impossible for me to live past a hundred and twenty. I shouldn’t push myself to do things I will never be able to do.

Does it really matter?
Something that could seem like the end of the world could be nothing in the grand scheme of things. Time is always moving forward, you will never live the same second ever again, so why dwell on the small things, when there is so much more you can do.

Narrative: No one cares.
When I was younger (before high school) I would think over every little thing I did that day before I went to bed. I didn’t sit down and decide to, it just came to mind when I would be laying in bed trying to sleep. It stressed me out beyond belief, going over every little thing an imagining how people would taunt me with it the next day. I was on YouTube one night, and in the video the guy said that people don’t care, that they’re so wrapped up in their own problems that they don’t have the ability to care about those around them. It was the first step into what I will call “Rhiannon’s spiral into uncaringness”. One persons words just dropped me onto a path that lead to me not giving a single turd about what people thought of me or what I did. As long as I was happy with myself and I’m not hurting people then it’s okay, and in turn I apply that when I encounter people everyday.

January 20

Hurt, Pain, and Heartbreak


Finished up every ounce of dinner in under 10 minutes just so I could rush to bed. I laid out my clothes, said my prayer thanking The Lord for today and praying that tomorrow would be even better, then went to bed. The next morning consisted of me dragging my mother out the door so I could hurry up and start my first day of grade seven. I had just gotten out of elementary school where life was limited to the walls of the school. Now, I was in middle school, things were going to be different. I promised myself that. I worked all summer to create this new, better, more confident version of myself that I was almost one hundred percent certain that people would love. Kissed my mother goodbye and walked through those big front doors. Then, I didn’t know that behind those big front doors were going to be some of the worst years of my life. Foolishly, I walked into my own nightmare.
First day everyone was nice. I was one of the earliest people there so I stood awkwardly until I could find absolutely any face I could possibly recognize. Soon, some of my best friends came and we were ready to take on anything that this next chapter had to offer. But, that ended very quickly when we realized we were all separated into different homerooms, still, I maintained that smile. My morning classes went well but I was waiting for lunch just so I could get back into my comfort zone. While waiting in line for food I came across one of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen. Every feature of his seemed to light up immediately. He was mixed with many races causing him to have the most beautiful bright blue eyes that would light up on their own but against his darker caramel skin tone those blue eyes were everything. Height was no problem for him, he was extremely tall, but to top it all off he had curly brown hair. I was positive I was in love.
I spent the first couple of years of middle school obsessing over him, without saying a word to him. Eventually we began talking and I learned that there was way more to him then I thought. I started to fall hard and quick, him the same. Things went well for the first year, I made it clear that I wasn’t ready to date yet and that I wanted to wait. That seemed like a good plan except for the fact that we had two different definitions of waiting. To me waiting meant getting to know each other until we felt ready. To him, waiting meant he would date as many girls as he could because he knew at the end of the day he had someone and that was the only real thing. I spent years having my worth be defined by his actions. But the common case for every girl was that we would stick with our guy no matter what happened, so I did. I made excuses for him and myself.
Around my last year of middle school we started dating and that was amazing, for the 2 and a half months it lasted. I didn’t know what being a girlfriend was and he for sure didn’t know how to give a girl respect. That mixed together, on top of his extremely judgmental friends, and the mutual friends we did share all resulted in creating the worst next years of my life. I was constantly harassed for that year and even into my first year of high school. Rumors of course became an everyday thing for me. The worst day though, was Valentine’s Day. I didn’t think anything bad was going to happen to me that day, if anything I expected it to be a good day because I thought my ex and his friends would be occupied enough by their own lives to not be bothered with mine. My day was going well, everyone was happy, I still couldn’t say I was happy but I felt something for that I haven’t felt in a while, peace. On top of feeling this rediscovered feeling. Someone actually sent me flowers with a card, on Valentine’s Day. I never felt like boys desired me anymore after I had already been involved with someone, so this event to me was awesome. Being presented the flowers in front of my class also wasn’t too bad. I opened them up proudly because these flowers meant that someone cared for me. With a huge smile I began to read the leader, it was a list, about things that my secret admirer absolutely hated about me. There was no secret about who the person was behind this list. Still, I maintained a smile on my face because I knew people were watching. No matter how big my fake smile was, it couldn’t hide the hurt, pain, and heartbreak that my tears showed. The bell rang after what seemed to be 4 hours. I quickly grabbed my things so I could catch the first bus that came because nothing would make them feel better than waiting for the next bus with me so they could enjoy their masterpiece. Of course, I missed the first bus. I stood there waiting for them to come. They didn’t acknowledge me at first which made me thing for just a second that maybe there was another group of people out there who hated me.

January 20

My trip to sylvan lake

Narrative                                           My trip to sylvan lake                                  la 30-2 by jasmeen

I like travelling so much. Many of the places I have been include Banff; drum Heller, British Columbia, and Edmonton. All these places were amazing but all of these were sylvan lake, the water slide park. My most memorable trip, that was unforgettable and special for me to be remembered in my life. I couldn’t wait.  This was the day when my cousins arrived from British Columbia and my family and I were leaving to sylvan lake. I couldn’t remember when the last time was I have been to sylvan lake.

It was me, my mom, brother, sister, my cousins, and their parents. My mom was behind the wheel, my aunt in the passenger seat, I and my siblings were in the back seat. My rest of my cousins and their parents were in their own vehicles. There were 3 vehicles in total. The car was filled so much with excitement as we headed to sylvan lake. Not remembering the long drive we had ahead of us all we could think about all the fun we were going to have. I remember having a GPS in one hand and telling my mom the directions because we were ahead of the other vehicles so we did not want to get was going to take us 1 hour and half drive to sylvan lake. As hours began to approach I had begun to get sleepy.  I glanced over and my siblings were listening to music while they were doing that I fell asleep. After 25 minutes I woke up. The first thing I asked for was to make a stop for some good food. After riding for 30 minutes I can say my hunger was very uncontrollable at that moment. On the road I began to see some food shops and we decided to stop at MacDonald’s. All of my cousins rushed and jumped out of the car and went inside to order. My mom rushed us to hurry and get the food. She told us to come straight to the car when we are finished. It took us 5-7 minutes to order. I hated eating in the car but I had no other choice because we had to get sylvan lake on time.

After 35 minutes I made the car trip a little more interesting. I made up a game to play.  The game was called the color cars. The game was about to count every car that passed and keep up with the color of the car and who counted the most cars wins. This game lasted till 15-20 minutes.  Finally right after we had finished the game we had arrived at our destination.  Everyone was so happy, screaming, dancing, and everything you can imagine of. It took us 1 minute to park. As soon as we had parked the cars, everyone jumped out of the cars and headed to the pay counter. We arrived at the pay counter and saw people waiting in never ending line. My family joined the line and soon, it finally was our turn. It took us a few minutes for all the family members: cousins, uncles, and aunts included to get through.    After all of us changed into our bathing suits. As soon as I got to the Waterslide Park I saw the colored tubes, the water dropping from the sides, kids splashing in play area, kids running, and teen’s standing in groups. I meant my cousins outside as soon as we changed. First we decided to go in our own directions. I took my little cousin sister with me to the water slide. We climbed up the stairs and there was a long line up. Finally it was our turn to go. The life guard told me that it was okay if we both went together on the slide because my cousin sister was small. She was 6 years old. We got down on the slide and here we went, screaming. It was a long slide and quite fast.  As soon as we came down from the slide, there was water in our eyes, and wet hair sticking to our necks. When we came down my mom clicked a picture of me and my cousin sister. We both smiled at the camera. After a while I and my cousin sister met our rest of our cousins at the same spot we did at the beginning. We all decided to go to the biggest slide at the far corner.  We carried a big tube up the stairs and waited in line. While we were standing in the line we decided to divide all of us in small groups because only 3 people were allowed per a tube. After a few minutes later it was our turn. We put the tube down and sat down.  At the countdown of three, our tube started to move down the slide. It moved fast. We screamed as loud as we could. After we came down we dropped and fell into the pool of water, we all laughed as we got off the tube. At the end we all gathered in the pool and my mom clicked a family picture which included all my cousins, aunts, and uncles. It was just so much to do in one day. The day started to wind down and it was time to go. This trip really meant something to me and it was a chance for my family, and my cousins to finally come together to have some fun. This is something I will never forget.       




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January 20

The Hungry Goat

“Mommy! The goats, I want to see the goats!” I’ve been dragging my mom from animal to animal. I kept running forward. The five year old me has so much energy, and not a care in the world. All I wanted to do was to see the goats!

The animals were in cased with their own kind. The petting zoo had a unique smell; It smelt like animals. Maybe that’s why mom and dad aren’t letting us get a dog. At that age, any animal you encountered you begged to keep it. If it was a stray cat, mom and dad knew what question was coming up. “Can we keep it? PLEASE!!!!” They always looked at us with the same glare and said the same response. NO. I always thought that it gave them a sense of satisfaction to deny us an animals. It was just a gut feeling I had.

I kept running from animal to animal. My sister led the way, I followed. My parents trail behind us. “Anusha! Ronica! Slow down!” Yet, that made us run faster. We ran as fast as our little legs would carry us.

As I ran my straw hat moves with me, up and down. It was only a matter of time until flies off. It all started with the hat. It was a windy day. It kept flying off my head and it would go everywhere else but my mom insisted that I should wear it. Actually, insisted isn’t the right word, it was more like forced. She wanted to protect me from the sun like any other mother. The straw hat with pink flowers embedded into it, they encircled the rest of the hat. She got it especially for this trip.

When we arrived at the petting zoo, I was so excited. I remember badgering my parents to let me pet everything. Being the careful person my mom is, she only let me pet the animals that were clean. Nothing that rolled around in dirt or anything. Just the clean animals. Then I saw them. The goats. I must pet the goats. I wanted to keep a goat so badly. What are the chances of my parents saying yes to a goat and not to a dog. The chances were slim.

Finally, the animal was waiting for, the goat. I shoved anyone who stood in my way of my happiness. I got into the pen and started to pet him. He stared at my face, but later at we realized he wasn’t staring at me but the hat. The hat that my mom picked out. He lunged at me. I moved back. He charged at me. I ran away. Of course, the day that I was, having the hat flew off and landed in front of the goat. Yes, he started eating it. When he took the first bite, I knew I couldn’t go back. The hat was a goner. I never said a proper goodbye. I guess this is my farewell



November 17

It was bad, but in a good way.

It was an early on the morning of October 26th, fog had lined the fields along the roads as we pasted them. It was supposed to be a fun day. I was supposed to be a day of coming together as a team and raising money. I couldn’t sleep the night before because I was so excited, we had made it to the semifinals! It was for the sport I loved and for a charity I now understand. Dig Pink. It was a charitable event in raising money for Breast Cancer. I thought nothing of the illness until that morning because little did I know my own mother was one to carry the illness herself. That morning before our first game supporting breast cancer and with creating this charitable event, my step dad had gotten a phone call with my mother crying in fear. What she had not realized was that I could hear the words clearly through her muffled sobbing mouth. She had been diagnosed with stage two breast cancer that very morning. In that exact moment for me time froze, everything I had had planned or imagined was gone. I could feel each heart beat vividly throughout my entire body as through an earthquake had struck in only my current position. It was as though my mind had shut down and my life had stopped in that present moment that I so desperately wanted to get out of.

My mother and I had never really been close until that day because it was then that I knew my mother was my best friend and it was then that I knew I could never let her down. I made sure from that moment on that she was taken care of and that she always had someone by her side making her smile. Making every moment count in her life as if it was her last, but at the same time keeping that mind set in her and myself that she was going to be okay and going to survive anything that was thrown at her.  I began having night terrors and visions of my mother dying in front of my eyes, but each time I woke up or came back to reality I knew that my mother was stronger than anything this world could throw at her and in the end stronger than life itself. Although I had to be strong for my mother I couldn’t be strong for myself. My so called friends were never there for me when I needed them the most, and when they were around they always seemed to tell me the things I couldn’t stand to hear, “get over it”, “stop lying”, and “who cares”. I felt alone and as though nothing made sense to me anymore. I couldn’t be sad around my mom and I knew I wasn’t allowed to feel anything other than happiness in my home because I could not risk my mom seeing how broken and scared I was of losing her.

That illness as terrifying as it was to go through with her I couldn’t imagine the pain and fear that continuously ran through my mom’s mind. I felt as though nothing mattered to me other than my mom, but what I couldn’t get through my mind was how my mother was actually feeling. How things were going for her and what I could do to help. Although fear and pain rendered our bodies senseless, that illness had managed to bring my mother and I closer than we could ever have been. In those years of near death experience we connected on such a level that is a once in a life time opportunity. I could never imagine life itself without that woman in my life. She made me the person that I am today and she is no longer just a mother to me, my mother is my best friend.

November 16

Silver Lining in Everything

I was heading down to the Chinese community center downtown for my martial arts lesson when I was around five years old.  I followed whatever my mother told me to do, not having my own opinion if I liked the class at all or if I was just there to impress my mother friends and family, but I remember one peculiar class that I had with a volunteer instructor that made all the classes worthwhile.  I had one friend with me in that class, I can’t remember what his name was and his face and it’s a struggle trying to fill in the details he had that made him unique.  The instructor that taught us was the child’s father trying to get us ready and prepare for the exercise we were going to do.

I was wearing a black sweat pants that were a little too big for me and I had to struggle keeping them up and a long sleeve shirt that I had to wear all the time since my mom was overprotective about the cold.  The gym was huge enough to fill in a thousand people, but everything looked big to me. The walls were died in a gray worn out paint and there were chairs the plastic chairs stacked up in the corners.  The stage was huge with red curtains hanging above it for a performance that we would have to show off are skills to our parents to impress them.  I wore slippers so it would be easier to move and practice kicks without twisting and ankle but the shoes were also much bigger than I had hoped for.  It was always hot in the gym since I was suffocating from the heat from the shirt I had to wear and the loud buzzing sound from the lights made this gym like a man-made concrete jail in the middle of the Amazon.

I never appreciated the teacher and the instructors since I didn’t really enjoy people being around me as much as I should when I was a kid and liked as little attention as possible.  I wanted the day to end with me going home and watching the creepy animals and cartoons that were supposed to be cute and adorable to the audience but I was mostly looking forward to the looney tunes.  When we were getting ready by changing our shoes and taking off our jackets to what was supposedly okay for a kids to wear, since the teachers didn’t wanted to get into a fight with any of the parents.We were than going to be separated into smaller groups since the age range was ridiculous and trying to clomp all the kids into one group would’ve resulted with 5 year-old eating a salty shoe with a side dish of broken jaws.

When we were finally organized we were separated even more by going with a parent who would run down the excessive with us, while preparing our stance we were shown how to properly kick.  I bend down my knees slightly to prepare to unleash a powerful kick, I than raised my fist as if I’m ready to guard an incoming hit, than in a swift moment, or as swift as a kid can get, I kicked as hard as possible into the air and my shoe went flying straight at the parents face. When the shoe hit the floor his faced looked furious, but I was laughing uncontrollably at the situation I created with these large and uncomfortable shoes.

I didn’t care what kind of trouble I would’ve got into since I was enjoying myself too much that I couldn’t assess what kind of punishment I could’ve received.  Luckily the instructor was reasonable and I only got away with a lecture that I just nod my head and said yes ever so often trying to look like I was attentively listing to his words.  The rest of the lesson was filled in with worthless kicks and punches over and over again, while making sure that my pants and shoes didn’t come off since they were too loose.  When the class was finally over I was relieve to finally go home and spend my time on the couch.  I put back my winter clothes on with my thick jacket and a toque for my little head that actually fit perfectly.  I headed out into the cold to the car finally leaving the hot and sweaty gym.  6357271457_b4592d690e_z

November 16

A problem life

As I stand in the darkness, staring blankly at a shadowy black wall closing myself off from the world lost in my own adverse thoughts. “What am I going to do with my life?”  Attempting to take the pain all on my own not knowing what is happening to me. After staring at the shadowy black wall for hours, I walk over to my bed allowing myself to surrender to the darkness.

After surrendering to the darkness, feeling as though the world has ended there was nothing else to do, as my thoughts had clouded over. Engrossed by the thoughts of getting help, I felt a darkness approaching the fear of getting help. Being blown out of my mind, as I consider of taking help from someone and dealing with my thoughts.

Suffocating with the thought of getting help from people from someone I jumped up and ran. My thoughts jumped place to place every time someone said lets go get help. Freaking out on the inside I stopped talking to everyone because I knew what he or she would say.

After a while I started to think to myself about what if I do get help, but the thought got even worse as the time went on. Life got tougher and I felt like I didn’t know what I was going to do anymore. So I started to close myself out from the world and stared at the black wall. As I stared and stared the wall stated to become closer to me as if the darkness started to take an affect on me.

The closer I got to the darkness, the more it started to take control and made me feel like that’s what there is to live for. Life never gave me a chance to pick a side but I started to close everything out and life appeared to be more difficult to live. While the hope of getting help became more weak then anything else.

Closer I brought the darkness the more help I needed tot get but I refused in all ways tot get some help. Life was getting harder and harder all the time I tried to avoid to get help.

Bleeding from my heart from the being buried in the shadows of pain, I stood there to wait and wait to avoid getting but the pain became sharper every time. Not willing to so anything I stood in the darkness of my room for hours. Not knowing what I will end up happening in my life.

As I stood in the darkness of my room, I started to remember my childhood and how happy it used to me. Willing to go back to become I child I started to block everyone out and started to live in a memory of a child. No longer in the mood of staying in my teenage life, I just wanted to go back and live as a child.

Standing in the dark I remember things I never wanted to forget as a little kid. Lost in the thoughts of childhood not wanting to get help to come out and live to fulfil anything anymore. Closing myself in the dark and out of people’s sight I became independent of myself.

November 16

X Feat in Chaos

They both looked at each other and said in unison “Its time.”  My two friends Jacky and Anton picked me. One took me by my shoulders and the other took me by my feet.  All of a sudden I was in the air for a brief moment, then a group of people caught me and was pushing me forwards. For a seconds of my life I felt like I was a part of the band playing with the band, Cage the Elephant. People were holding me up pushing me forward and make sure I wouldn’t fall and hurt myself. I was so far in that I couldn’t see my friends any more they were only blurs in the distance.  I felt people hole my arms legs back but no one touches my but cause that’s kind weird.

I was getting closer and closer to the stage when suddenly I felt the ground slam against my face. The taste of dust was all I could taste. A random person helped me up. I was in a pit of dust and dirt, no one was near me witch is quiet strange because we were right by the stage. That’s when I realized I was in the mosh pit, a place in the audience where people go berserk, people push and pull at each other and listen to the music. The music resumed and chaos followed. The song that play was Ain’t no Rest for The wicked by Cage the Elephant it was one of their hit songs. People were pushing each other and dance. The music blared into my ears and I knew I was where I was supposed to be. People were mildly aggrieve; my Adeline was pumping and people were having fun maybe in a more violent way than most people would think would be fun.

As this went on I soon saw my brother crowd surfing, he didn’t make a pit stop in the mosh pit he continued on. I thought maybe I should probably get all of a sudden someone hit me breaking my sunglasses. I was on the ground, in pain but a little scratch couldn’t stop me from having fun. My dad started that’s when I thought I probably should get out of here, Also it felt like my lungs were filled whit gross dust and my head was starting to hurt. My dad soon passed by me this is when I decided to get out. I looked at the two people in front of me, I pointed up then they lifted me up.

I was once again back with the band, but this was short lived because next thing I knew the security guard was grabbing me. I took a breath to catch my breath. My dad wasn’t too far ahead so I caught up with him and we talked about what happened. My dad was breathing heavily. Soon we got curious where my brother was. He wasn’t too far ahead of us and we couldn’t find him. My Dad and I returned to Jacky and Anton to see if my brother Matt was there. He wasn’t. We started to panic and I started breathing harder out of fear that Matt was hurt.  Next thing we did was talked it over with everyone else, all of a sudden Jacky got a text asthma attack. Jacky left with Matt’s inhaler and his water.

Soon we figured it was all ok and he had a minor asthma attack. My breathing calmed down. My brother was stuck in the medical tent tell the end of the set. We meet up by a hill we talked about what happened and the music festival went on.


November 16

NAT of my life

                                                         In Gods eyes

I believe that the majority of people believe that you live once. That isn’t for me, I believe in the hereafter. I indulge myself doing good deeds and be granted heaven forever. This is what success mean to me, being well prepared for God to judge me for the things did in my entire life. This doesn’t mean I can’t have a successful life on earth or a career that I am passionate about or enjoy the things that God have made for human being to consume. In my life I have made a clear line of worldly things that I can have and can’t have. This belief of meeting God and presenting him with our good deed and bad deeds  have encouraged him to stay away from God’s prohibition. When I was ten,I believe that acceptable deeds can only be like praying, giving charity, following  the holy book and keeping away from evil things, to get eternal heaven. With a mutual age that belief change when my mum told me that every good things you do or your heartfull good intention was when you started working is considered greater deed in Gods eye. When I say “Gods eye” its not like human eye, I mean his knowledge and all-knowing. My dad once told me I should have  a clear line between spirituality and worldly accomplishments. What I found out was that getting high education is an obligation on every human being.Wisdom is a blessing from God and education a pathway to get wisdom. And wisdom comes from educating yourself.One eventing, getting my homework complete, I came upon a boxing video of Muhammad Ali vs Foreman and the clicked on it. he looked very reluctant and impressive boxer. Then I came upon an interview of was this Muhammad Ali’s answer to a question like this, “what are you going to do after boxing?” and he replied with I am  going to prepare myself to meet God and adds he going using his fame and money to spread peace. And thats when a started thinking about what I am going and would my action justify my life on earth.


by Adil Atique


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