November 7

Joys of Life

How is it that in my country we take buses and complain about school, but on the other side of the Pacific kids have to cross rivers and hike to get to school. I went to the Philippines on vacation as I thought it would be fun to go to a place and not the basic destinations for vacation like Mexico,Hawaii or, Los Angeles and it was half the price. So I packed my bags and headed to the Philippines, I was an avid photographer and knew if wanted to find the best pictures I would have to go far from the industrialized cities and into the forest. 

Once I arrived I found the first taxi willing to take me to the closest village away from the city, as we drove farther out from the city it became visible how bad and rough living conditions were here. The beautiful skyscrapers and malls hiding the true state of the Philippines, by modernizing their country they had left their own people behind. Once I arrived to the Village I felt as if I was in a new country, there was no running water or electricity. How could it be that an hour and a half  outside the massive city there was no basic needs being met, homes were made of mud and kids played with nothing but broken tires and sticks,somehow you could still find them smiling and laughing . I almost felt sick knowing people lived like this while their own government lived lavishly. I setup my tent for the night and tried to get some rest, I woke up in the middle of the night to children running and playing I checked time and realized it three in the morning. I peeked out my tent wondering what was going on and saw two little kids with backpacks on fooling around I was confused why were they up so early, why did they have backpacks on, where were they going? I decided to follow them and find out was going on I quickly put my shoes on and grabbed my camera. They waited until the 3rd child came out of the forest and followed him, he walked for two hours through the forest with only Crocs on I could barely keep up with no backpack and only proper shoes but no matter their condition they kept joking around with each other.Suddenly we came out of the forest and landed in front of a river. They grabbed a raft tied to the trees and headed down the river.

I waited for hours until eventually they reappeared, tied up their raft and went right back on their treacherous hike. I was so starstruck as their parents told me they had done this since they were five every weekday they had to do the same journey just to get to the closest school. I remember as a child complaining when I had to walk six minutes from my bus stop, saying how much I hated school and my how my life was unfair. These children were so dedicated to learn and study they would walk and paddle for 5 hours one way just to reach the nearest school. I was confused as the 3rd boy grabbed some water and a small snack and headed back into the forest I asked the other parents where he was going they said’home” I didn’t understand what they meant wasn’t his home here in the village? I asked the parents “ where his home was” they told me he lived in the next village down which was two hours away. With my pictures and story I headed home to write my new blog post about the three most bravest children I had met.

I posted my blog post creating a juxtaposition of the children here in Canada compared to the children of the Philippines. Even with this harsh daily routine these children somehow still had a smile on their face, unlike in our society where children sit in front of a screen and never truly find happiness. How is it that even with the worst living conditions seen people still find happiness and enjoy their lives, it’s not because of what they own as possessions it’s the memories and experiences they create. You can’t text or call anyone in that tiny village the only thing you have is to bond and connect with your family and friends, imagine spending more than 10 hours of your day with two other people how strong and connected would you be to them? You don’t need the newest iPhone or car to be happy having others around you is just enough, we have spoiled and filled our lives with nothing but items and wealth maybe it time we stopped and looked around at the beauty of others and ourselves.    

students journey

Category: Aazab | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 17

A Lovely Lie (Polished Visual Response #2)

The dirt-filled water sits by her feet; there is barely enough to last the rest of the day. It is as brown and dirty as the ground that she had retrieved it from. Rocks and specks of dirt rest in it, making it difficult to even see the bottom of the bowl that it lays in. She is grateful, though. There are people that have it far worse than her- she is lucky enough to have found some water. She has to tell herself this to mask the disappointment that she feels bubbling in her, threatening to erupt if she allows it to.


She picks out as many visible pieces of debris as she can, feeling calm as the water gently kisses the tips of her fingers. When she picks out the last piece that she can, she decides it is time to begin her trek back home. It is about an hours walk back in the harsh sun, on the scorching hot ground. Her feet are already blistering from the walk there, but she tries to ignore the pain.

Instead of dwelling on her pain, she glances down at the puddle of water in her grasp, watching as it moves freely in the container with every step she takes; it seems like it is dancing to a song that is not being sung. The simplicity of the water fascinates her- the way that it can take any form and do as it pleases. She wishes that she could lead a life like that. Her mind begins to wander through endless possibilities and realities, imagining all the lives that she could have lived.

She imagines a pool.

The water so clear you can see the bottom easily and can see your reflection so well it is like looking in a mirror. Children giggle and splash one another. She sits down at a shallow end of the pool, feeling the cool water encapsulate her gently. It brings a rush of serenity over her as she just enjoys listening to the things around her.

People are talking about what they’ll do after they swim and what they’ll eat for dinner with no fear or uncertainty in their voices. Food is plentiful enough that they do not have to ration it or go to bed with an empty stomach. Just the thought of that brings a sense of joy to her.

She looks around, observing her environment. There are colours that she has never seen in the natural world. Blues and whites so bright that it hurts to look at for too long. It is a nice change from the browns and greens that usually surround her.

People wear shoes on their feet and many of them have jewellery on. She glances at a man wearing a wedding ring and a necklace and notices herself absently touching her ring finger, imagining what it would be like to have a ring of her own. A ring that reminds her how much someone loves her and wants to spend the rest of their life with her. What a lovely thought that is.

Everyone seems happy.

Everyone seems healthy and well fed.

Just as she begins to relax and enjoy what is going on around her, she is yanked back into reality, back to the dirt road leading up to her hut.

The straw hut stands tall, bearing the sun better than she is. It has been her home for as long as she can remember, the walls holding all of her childhood memories, and probably the rest of her adult memories. She opens the door with remorse, trying desperately to go back to her dream.

But she can’t.

Her stomach reminds her of how hungry it is, her throat begs for water, her body longs for a rest. She tries to follow their commands as best as she can, drinking a small bit of the water and sitting on the edge of her bed, but it’s still not enough.

It’s never enough, and it never will be enough.

“But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars.”
Martin Luther King, Jr

Category: Paxton | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 30

Dream career Vs. Reality

Image result for kid dreaming

A career is a job that you will have for many years to come, that is why there is a need for you to enjoy what you do. In the film we watched in class, A River Runs Through it, when Paul and Norman are young they fantasize about the jobs that they could have, professions such as professional fly fisherman, boxer, and minister come up.

When we are young we do not know of all the careers that are out there, so we are limited by our knowledge and experiences. This is also why when you ask a child what they wish to be the answers have become cliches because of responses like a police officer, firefighter, or athlete. I think we get answers like these because when kids think of what is cool these come to mind but little do they know of the many opportunities that are out there waiting for you.

When I think of any career or job in the world that I could go into the idea of a pirate comes to mind; I know when a person thinks of a dream career they want to be a doctor or lawyer but never a pirate. The appeal of being a pirate is the freedom, living a life of no rules and only having to rely on yourself. I know that they are often seen as being dirty, unhygienic, and most of them do not live to very old ages but the lives that they live and the stories that they have is seen as worth it in my eyes. I know with this career I am taking the idea of a dream job to the limit but if I could do anything this is what I would want.

Alas that is all it is, a dream, what I really want to do is be a psychologist, helping people who are unable to help themselves; in my opinion emotional damage is often worse than a physical injury because no one can see it and only you have the power to go out and get help. Only recently I talked to Ms. Gerand about my career path, I was told that to become a psychiatrist it is 13 years of university work. Though I want to help people I do not want to be over 30 years old the first time I sit down with someone to help them resolve their issues. That is why I now am working to become a psychologist, it is only an 8-year course but it is similar in that I would still sit down with people and discuss their problems.

Having a career that in which I am able to talk all day and I an actually helping someone with words is one of the most amazing ideas of a career. People who struggle with the issue of their mental health are trapped and I can see a connection with my dream of being a pirate and wanting to be free. The feeling of freedom is the most liberating feelings in the world and people with those disorders are trapped and that is why I want to help them.


January 11

Polished Literary Exploration: Dreams

June 2014: What is your opinion of the idea that the influence of others can have a lasting effect?

When people are under the influence of somebody who is close to them, those words that they say or express to one another are more impactful. The idea of this can be shown in the given excerpt, I Beat the Odds, by Michael Oher and in A River Runs Through It directed by Robert Redford, it is shown through the characters of Reverend Maclean and Norman. When people are given a sense of change that can distort their way of life, it can cause a case of a change in order to meet certain guidelines creating that long lasting effect upon an individual.

At a young age, children are more vulnerable to new ideas and are able to create beliefs most easily based off of what they see or hear. In the excerpt of I Beat the Odds, Michael Oher is an NFL player who was greatly influenced by his fourth-grade teacher, Ms. Verlene Logan. She states, “One day, you’ll make big money because you are too fast!”, which helped create influence within Michael since he has fully taken those words and carried out her statement. She had great optimism towards everybody that she taught as she something in everybody. She knew that one day, Michael was going to be big and did not want him from achieving athletic success. The influence of his teacher has shaped his later life since she was so persistent in making his talent develop. At a young age, he did not appreciate the effect that his teacher gave to him, but in the end, he carried out those words through his life as he always held them close to him. People who are the closest to us, the ones that we value the most, have more of an impact as they are the ones that see the truth within and are able to notice what is the greatest strength or virtue.

When an individual protests against something and is persistent, it can lead to differing beliefs among people. Within A River Runs Through It, Paul, at his young age, refuses to eat his oatmeal for hours, and sits in protest towards his father. Eventually, his father gives up and releases Paul from the dinner table. His father, being a minister at the church, and being a huge believer for faith, wished for forgiveness for Paul. At a young age, Paul had developed this sense of a rebel nature in the society which created an impact on his entire family, mainly his father. Over time, Reverend Maclean felt like he had lost a sense of connection with Paul since he was always off doing his own thing. It was to the point where it made Reverend lose a sense of connection with Paul and his faith that he holds. It also has a sense of feeling that none of his sons are going to try and follow in his footsteps of being a minister which further makes Reverend feel a sense of failure in exposing the faith to his children. When people do not appeal to certain beliefs of those close to them, it can cause change into how one will interact and view themselves.

Individuals can take the people who are close to them and hold the values they share and it can help identify and shape their life in order to have them close. In A River Runs Through It, Reverend Maclean, disapproves of Norman’s decision of wanting to enroll into forestry as a profession and Norman was quick to change his mind in order to please his father. When his father took out his red pen, in the past, it was used to correct Norman’s mistakes in his writing. Unlike his brother Paul, Norman respects and takes his father’s words and faith close to him which he used to help shape himself as an individual despite needing to go against his ideals. His father helped Norman as a child and Norman is still under his father’s arms even though he is much older and an adult who can be capable of making his own choices in life. If Norman chose to go against his father’s wishes, it creates a sense of lost honor to his father which he does not want to happen. Within society, people are more inclined to listen to their parents as this is a natural belief. People are often quick to make decisions that are to please people in their families.They are not likely to go against their truly loved one’s values and beliefs and it can create a sense of disconnect from one another.

People who change in order to take the words of others develop differently in order to have them close to them at all times. Usually, at a young age, people are more capable of taking in values and beliefs of others they hold true to them for the future. Within life, the people around often have different values that hold true to them and people need to know when to have the freedom to chose the values that they truly believe and not to be mindless about their ideologies.


December 31

Remember How We Forgot

Remember how we forgot?
How we never actually played by the rules we were taught
Because each thought came from our minds and our imaginations were running wild, and our dreams included becoming princesses, rock stars, dinosaurs, and garbage men.
And nobody told us we couldn’t because after all, we were just “silly kids”?
Remember how the worst fights were over who broke the brightest crayon and who got the last bite but everyone was still friends
Because, that was before we were taught that all good things must end?
Remember when love filled our hearts, instead of draining them,
So we never dared bet against Annie because we were absolutely sure that the Sun would come out tomorrow,
For everyone?

Then we reached high school,
Then we “grew up”,
Remember how we forgot?
We started going by all the rules against which we fought.
And our thoughts became as standardized as the tests we took.
We gave up hope on becoming princesses when society told us there were no happy endings.
The stars in our eyes dimmed when musicians were replaced by a computer with a pretty face.
We forgot about T-rex when our creativity was thrown out by the “5 paragraph essay.”
So we assumed the role of garbage man and took out the “trash”
With every FCAT, SAT, ACT, ABC test they could think of
To measure our aptitude, to measure our achievement.
Then society preached individuality and originality
When the reality is that it was driven out of us
The same way the innocence was driven out of us when the fights turned into wars,
When arguments couldn’t be solved with a simple, “I’m sorry,”
When we lost friends over race, greed, and mistakes.
And hearts began breaking more often than beating because that’s when we stopped believing in the sureness of the Sun.

But I think society does that on purpose—
Tries to create formulas for every aspect of our lives.
I think they do that to separate us from the imitators,
The contenders from the pretenders,
The motivated and passionate from the ones who gave up and gave in because if there is one thing I have learned, it is that without passion, you have nothing.
Every single obstacle we have overcome was deliberately set in our path to test us.
We are those who looked, laughed, and rose to the challenge.
We did what we needed to do and more by staying true to ourselves and to our dreams.
We worked hard and made it.

We’re here.
Our dreams may have shifted, but our fire is lit.
So no matter what we become;
Doctors, teachers, CEOs, or beach bums,
I implore you to be an inspiration to all and to never again forget how all of our paths have crossed,
How we’ve shaped and inspired each other in these pivotal years of our lives.
Never again forget the friends we’ve made,
The memories we’ve created,
The causes for which we’ve fought.
Never again forget the simplicity and unpredictability of this phenomenon we call life.

Rather, take these ideas and these beliefs
And transform them into a life of passion, a life of purpose and pass it on.
Build your legacy out of what you have done and what you are doing for others, not yourself, because one day, you won’t be here anymore and
One day, people may forget you.
But I promise you that if you lead a life of selflessness, of inspiration, of passion,
Then your fire won’t be quieted with your breath and it will be remembered.
It will take more than one person to change this world, to undo what we’ve done,
But I know for a fact that it only takes one to inspire, to motivate, and to believe that a change will come and that is a contagious idea.
So catch this fever and together as one
We’ll spread it like a wildfire never to be extinguished.
And even when we are, somebody somewhere will know that it was us who started the fire.

Shane Koyczan


“I implore you to be an inspiration to all and to never again forget how all of our paths have crossed,
How we’ve shaped and inspired each other in these pivotal years of our lives.
Never again forget the friends we’ve made,
The memories we’ve created,
The causes for which we’ve fought.
Never again forget the simplicity and unpredictability of this phenomenon we call life.”

As everyone is growing up- my friends, peers, cousins, siblings, anyone; one tends to forgot how we become who we are. Because of the people surrounding us. We are inspired and are let down by the people around us, who motivate or discourage you, whatever it may be, they have affected you.

In high school, individuals surrounding one are on the same journey as you- but ending up differently. A doctor, engineer, nurse, social worker, psychologist- will see them all. From my perspective, we all have helped each other rise and succeed which is evident in the smallest actions. Not only academically, but otherwise, at school dances, graduation, birthday parties we all have experienced the ‘new’ together. Embrace what talents and skills one another have.

This relates to my personal life as well, with who I grew up with, the support system I had throughout my childhood and adolescence. Family. My parents. Siblings. Cousins. These are the people who shaped my opinions, dreams, aspirations. I tend to forget that my path has and still crosses with these people. Most of them are still an important influence and part of my life- which I forget about. My parents- who brought me into this world where I have anything, am protected, safe, have a full table of food for me available whenever, wherever. The sacrifices they have made- I forget about- to make my dreams possible.

~Not to forget about those who inspired you to become who you have become or want to be in the future. “How we shaped and inspired each other in these pivotal years of our lives.”

November 28

Dreaming of the future

Why are the things we love Always so hard to get?

This gives us a chance to prove how bad you want it.

There are always going to be other people that want the same thing, it always comes down to who wants it more.


Without the challenge of discovering the things we love, life would be boring. As a human we are made to discover our interests. This is achieved mainly through school and extracurricular activities. Allowing for our minds to discover the things we love. Most of the time these things turn out to be classified as  dreams. A Lot of people give up on these dreams as they seem simply unattainable. But nothing is unattainable. There is one simple answer to why things are so hard to get. And that is to prove how bad we want it. This allows for us to define who the best of the best is as not anyone can make it to the NHL or NASCAR. If these things we admire came across as easy we would not have them same respect for them. This all in all creates for a challenge that we all admire. Getting to this level of excellence takes some serious skill and dedication. If you want to achieve your dream you must put in some serious effort and not let anyone hold you back. This is possible but you must never give up, never stop practicing and never back down. Once done you will have done what you were made to do reach for your dream and jump out and grab it. In the end you will not be the only person striving for a dream there will be many other competitors that you must outwit and out match to become the very best that the world has ever seen.


If you have ever had a dream like i have the key is to be patent it’s not worth rushing and everything normally goes better if you are able to relax prepare and take your time. No matter how impossible things seem to be there will always be a way to get around the obstacles you see before you.


November 9

All I could do was breathe…

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         I remember coming home that night to my entire family sitting in the living room; accusing and blaming one another. I did not plan on coming home but I had nowhere to go. I stood in the cold without any socks or shoes on- blank, feeling incapable of noticing my feelings and feeling them. I don’t know if it was the fact that my father had kicked me out- not worried about where I would go or what state of mind I was in or if it was just me finally accepting that I hold no place in his heart. When I came home no one noticed me but I carefully analyzed everyone who was in the living room. My dad’s rage and my mom’s silence.

           I remember the first words that came out of my father’s mouth. From that day on I accepted reality so I would not have to go through what I have been going through for years and years.

         I remember thinking about whether I should leave for good or stay here and try to change the way my father looked upon women, like we are nothing other than the ones to feed and take care of men. But I had lost all hope from goodness in the eyes of the father who walked out of his own family, a old looking male who considers himself a man.

         I could not do it. I could not get a hold of my feelings, I felt angry but I was silent. I had all sorts of things running in and out of my mind- confused I thought. Am I angry? Am I hurt? Why am I numb?

         I go into the shower and kept the water running so I could cry without anyone hearing my screams. I felt like I had no control over myself, that even though at the moment I was safe, locked in the bathroom, I needed to seek permission to feel how I felt. I was trapped in my own mind- my mind that didn’t allow me the permission to feel and understand how I am.

         As I rested my head on the wall the only thing I knew what I had to do was breathe. I knew no one could change what has happened; I couldn’t. I had given up on trying to integrate wisdom into a brain of a fifty-three year old who thinks of himself as a well respected and fair father and husband. I could feel my anxiety kicking in because every deep breath I took in reminded me of damaged men in my life have brought upon me- my hands and feet started to tingle.

        So I took a breath.

         That is all I could do. I felt the words that came out of his mouth drowning my heart. I felt suffocated. It became hard to breathe I inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly trying to get control of my breathing. And at that moment breathing was the only thing that made sense to me. And that is when I realized that maybe for some of us no place in this world will ever be our home.

September 28

Freedom By Zaha

With my finger on the trigger of my semi-automatic, I patrol the broken sheets where the children are the only sound of life left in this abandoned, bombed-out pile of concrete. I tread around the cement walls that surround the children, ensuring no one gets out. When I stand beyond the boundary, I see the kids laughing and kicking balls, escaping their concrete cell with dreams of being soccer stars. Ignoring their surroundings completely. Completely unaware that they are surrounded by large walls. Completely unaware that they are surrounded by the reality of war.

But once they see me, they stand stand straight, eyes down and walk further away from the boundary. Guilt is always gnawing away within me because I want to help them, I want them to be happy, I want to help the few children who are left. But I can’t; it is not my job. I am an Israeli soldier. The enemy of these Palestinian children. My job is to keep them within these boundaries. I love these children, but I love Israel more. 

I stare at them walking away. I can’t appear upset. I look up at the blue sky and tall green palm trees. Everything is so perfect when you look up; however, once you look down the perfection is gone. On my side of the boundary you see cars and buildings not destroyed, yet, by the war. I wish they could see the colourful buildings, the luxury cars, the unique clothing, and taste the exquisite food. 

The sound of kids laughing and balls being kicked around starts again. My presence affects the children. I peak around the boundary, mainly leaning against one of the walls. Staying out of sight. I see two kids playing soccer. The goalie hits the ball too hard and it rolls towards the boundary line. I quickly turn my back against the wall. I had no intention to ruin their fun. When the ball stops, right at the line, he picks it up looks up at the sky. Smiles. As he looks down our eyes meet. His smile disappears. His gaze lowers. I lower my gaze and my gun. Right when he turns to walk away I attempt to smile or even wave back, but I can’t. Being in the army has made me so cold-hearted I forgot how. 


September 27

Dear Diary,

Visual Link.

Jan 2014 Visual Diagnostic (1)-p81j0l

Dear Diary,

Today was like any other day. I got back from school, finished my work, spent some quality time with my family, and took Marshall out for a walk, and, my god, did he enjoy that. By the time I reached home, my stomach started growling, I was famished, finished my dinner and then I went to my room upstairs. I could hear my mom yelling at my younger brother to just sit down in one place and finish his dinner. I understand that she must be tired of working, well, it is hard to get adjusted to a new environment. She started working again, just a couple of weeks ago. I bet she really misses her vacation now, considering how much she was complaining about how much she misses work. I finished all my school work. I lay on my bed, as I go through my Facebook feed I saw this absolutely heartbreaking story that moved me and changed my mindset about the world we live in. I wonder what has happened to the humanity in this world. I had no idea people could be so cruel.

This is not how I expected it to end. The world must be in a state of shock after hearing about this event in South Korea. We are all well aware about North Korea’s recent experiment with their missile “testing”, more like proposing World War III. For many, it may come across as a shock to hear a missile launching on South Korea this afternoon. I skipped the video because this dreadful picture caught my attention.

In this picture, there are two young boys who don’t look more than eight years old. They look terrified and confused about the current situation. It seems like one of them is running towards this man leaning towards the wall. It seems like the man is holding a gun, maybe for protection. There are no adults present, which indicates they have decease due to the missile launch. It could also mean that parents or guardians were not present during the time of the attack. Looking at the condition of this place it seems like the survivors have had nothing to drink or eat in days. They have been left to starve without any support or help from anyone. I have a five-year-old brother, and he starts crying if he wakes up in the morning and doesn’t find my mom beside him. I patiently let him know it’s okay, and that mom had just gone downstairs. And now these children in South Korea have no idea what is happening to their country and they don’t have anyone to give them the courage and tell them that it is going to be alright. I cannot even begin to imagine how they must be feeling not have any guidance or support from elders.

The surprising factor I read on the same page was that North Korea is claiming that they had nothing to do with the loss or suffering of South Korea and their citizens. They have also offered to help South Korea with anything they need at this devastating time. Now the real concern is who is responsible for the state South Korea is in right now. All my prayers are with the families and children who lost their loved ones.

Good night, Diary


September 15

Life Philosophies


Image result for perseverance pictures

       The most obvious one. Work hard. Work hard for yourself. Work for the things you want to achieve. On the road to your success you will face many obstacles and feel like giving up. But there is no point in trying and settling for less than you planned to.

       I’d like to share a story of me in grade 10. I was in -2 english and -3 math I knew there were a lot of people taking -2 so I was fine with that but taking -3 math made me feel like I was put into a class full of people who don’t try in school at all. So instead of actually trying I kind of accepted that I was dumb and worthless especially after I searched up -3 math can’t get me a proper job in the future. My parents were disappointed in me and all of my friends were in -1 classes. I didn’t try the whole semester so when I was put into math 10c I realized that this is my chance to work hard and prove to my friends and family that I am capable of something. I ended up getting a higher mark in 10c than I did in -3.

       So that is what motivates me to keep trying in school and not giving up because I am capable of achieving more than I can imagine. Its these small steps that prepare you to keep on working hard. And you all may not see how much potential you all have but believing in yourself and working hard and having a strong mindset will get you where you want to be.


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       Although it can be hard to try things that are nerve racking it is important for all of us to try something new because with new experiences comes more knowledge and opportunities. Maybe when you come out of your bubble, everything you ever wanted can be out there.

      Some of us are not as privileged as others so we should not take anything for granted instead we should make use of yourselves.

        Later on we will realize that bad decisions and choices have only made us more knowledgeable and prepared us for other life challenges. We should all take our mistakes and bad choices as blessings so we are better prepared for next time.We should all learn to forgive ourselves not only for the bad choices we made but for not knowing what we know now. There is strength in forgiving. Because forgiveness does not mean you are over it, it means you understand your worth and you are powerful enough to not let that bring you down.


       Be happy. Once this year is done I encourage you all to plan your future where you feel comfortable around the people you are with and happy with what you do. Take a year off to travel or to work or go to university or any trade school if that is what you want. Because of what I have noticed in my life personally is that if I don’t like the people I’m surrounded by I miss out on the fun. If I don’t genuinely like what I am doing I won’t try at all. Do stuff you’re passionate about no matter what anyone thinks because this is your life follow your dreams and work hard for your goals. If you aren’t happy with where you are in life make goals to change yourself and/or circumstances. Work hard for your happiness. Once you are happy life becomes beautiful to you. Life is too short to always live under other people’s rules. Invest time in yourself and I promise you happiness will follow you.

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       And my one last. Love yourself. Love yourself because no one will do it for you. I feel this one needs to be brought out in today’s society especially since it is such an important part in building yourself. You cannot expect anyone to give you the love you need to be happy. Not your girlfriend not your boyfriend, your best friend or even your family sometimes. I feel like when someone starts to show some attention we become too attached and sometimes in that process of being attracted to someone we detach yourself from us. It is true that every relationship has problems whether it is with your spouse friend or family.But some relationship can be unhealthy. There is a lot of emotional, physical and sexually abuse that happens often in some relationship making it hard for the victim to consider themselves as a victim in the first place. And then it gets hard to walk away or take a stand for yourself especially when the other person is using your weakness against you. I believe the first step to love yourself is to believe that you are everything you will ever need. Before you are someone’s friend, sister, brother, daughter, mom or dad you are your own person. Do not allow anyone to make you their property. Sometime in your lifetime you will have people bringing you down and no matter how hard it gets you need to convince your mind that you are nothing but beautiful.  

        Over the weekend I was caught in between two teenager girls arguing with the mom of the girls ex-best friend.  They started off talking about how her daughter is a “cokehead” and how her boyfriend beats her. Before the mother got to say anything back they yelled at her for not being financially stable and made her feel like society views her lower than everyone else just because she lives on rent. I was standing there trying to process how much hate those girls have for them to not only talk rudely about their ex best friend but also create a scene where they yell at a mother who probably is working hard to keep a roof over her families head. If I was to assume they were telling the truth, it blows my mind just trying to imagine what that young girl might be going through. The abusive boyfriend might be using her weakness against her making it hard for her to realize that she is worth way more than that boy treats her. Maybe she does not have anyone supporting her- helping her gain that confidence to stand up for herself. Maybe due to her innocence she unintentionally gave him the power of control. And that is not a sign of weakness- is a sign of broken love; broken promises; childhood trauma that still needs healing till this day. If the picture of her in my head is true I admire her. As a another girl in this world I want her to know that she will survive this. I feel a really strong connection with her, without even knowing her and if I was to reach out to her I won’t ask why, when, where or any detail of traumatic incidents where she struggles to define her feelings. I will open my arms to her; provide her shelter and prove to her that she will find a way back to herself. 

        One thing everyone can take away with this is to not fear anyone’s rejection, so when you believe what you are, you will respect yourself and the right people will come to you.

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