September 27

This I believe… The importance of intellectual humility


A misunderstood trait,often mistaken for weakness,selfconciousness and oblivion,when in reality it represents extreme measures of strength,confidence and sensibility.I believe individual’s who are aware of themselves and do not require the need to over compensate for the fulfillment of society are misunderstood and taken advantage of due to their silence.I believe that an intellectually humble person is self aware enough to the extent where they are mature enough to accept other ideals of life.I believe intellectually humble individuals are people who are able to be successful in society in the sense of creating relationships, wether they be business,romantic and or friendships.I believe that being a humble individual is a key characteristic of a self confidant individual.

“Enough confidence to hold your head high.Enough humility not to look down on others.”

~ Unknown

An example of intellectual humility in my own life would be when I learned how to forgive,  being a teenager is about experience,we live our teen years learning from mistakes and also learning who we truly are as an individual.When I first began high school I would find myself angry at the world for all the hardships I had suffered in my life at such a young age.I forgot about my future because I had consumed myself in self pity and sadness.At times I felt like every breathe I was breathing was my last.I had no idea of who I was,I had no idea of who I wanted to be, I had no idea of my identity,I had completely trapped myself within the suffocating walls of my overthinking brain.I had reached an all time low

Wake up, brush my teeth, get ready for school and go; I had lost direction.My life became a repetition of the same cycle over and over and over.I would think of life and see nothing but failure…as I was following the constant cycle of my life I came to a sudden pause,frozen, my thoughts could no longer make me feel suffocated and isolated;I had missed the bus, so I took the train home, on my way as I stood at the quite train station I felt the the cold breeze settle, the numbing of my toes and fingers, yet for some reason I felt at peace.As I sat on the empty train watching all the people live their busy lives in downtown;a part of the city where all the well dressed business interns work, a mother and her little daughter sat across from me.I had been in a state of reflection of my life from the very moment I stepped onto that train, a weird feeling from that very moment had been sitting in my gut.As I watched this mother console her daughter; who had been in tears because she had left her red scarf at the station, I saw the beauty of life.That red scarf, that red scarf, that red scarf had reminded me of life, that mother reminded me of genuine love, the tears of that girl reminded me of pain, and that scarf was life.All humans experience hardships in their lives,all humans have different paths to walk even though they may not be aware, like that scarf left behind.Little did that girl know in that moment that she would go on to wear her mothers scarf, one with more meaning and comfort and most important love.I learned that love was something that should be pure and genuine, that mothers love for her daughter taught me something and that was that you should be humble with your love, because it is something that heals the broken and mends the wounded.In that moment I began to appreciate the beauty of my life, a loving mothers,loving family and a world of opportunity, not all my problems were fixed but I learned to forgive, I had always thought that this feeling of a never ending suffocating cycle called life was something that only I was experiencing but that red scarf helped me realize that in fact everyone else was experiencing it to in their lives in different ways,from that realization I learned to humble myself because regardless of what I may be going through there will always be others walking along side of me with their own hardships, so self pity was no longer an option for me,I had a beautiful, happy and successful life to live on and I would do it in the most humble and genuine way I knew how.



September 23

This I Believe- The Power Of Determination

Ever since middle school I’ve tried to stay determined and focus on my work and started to believe that determination is one of the most important factors in success and even failure. I started to believe in determination in when I heard Michael Jordan’s story of how he was cut from his basketball team back in high school but that didn’t stop him from becoming one of the best basketball player of all time. Determination has helped me in life and has been helping me get the success I hope to get.

“I Believe Success Is Achieved By Ordinary People With Extraordinary Determination.” By: Zig Ziglar

This quote by Zig Ziglar has inspired me a lot because if tells us how anyone can achieve success but it all depends on their Determination. If you look at the most successful people of the world they all have extraordinary stories and tell us how much effort it took them to get to the top and how much determination you have to show to get it your way. Determination is like the ladder to success without you can’t expect success just to come to you.

The last time I saw this in my life was last year when I took Chemistry. The first semester I took chemistry very lightly and slacked off thinking I’ll be fine as long as i just did the homework but the teachers told us that only doing the homework won’t be enough you will need to put in extra effort in reviewing all concepts. When the semester came to an end I was not happy with the results that I had gotten and realized that I didn’t put enough effort into that class. The next semester I decided to take Chemistry again but this time I was studying way more, paying attention in class, doing my work on time, making sure I did a lot of extra work to get the marks i wanted. That ended up showing me how important determination is for success.

This is why I believe in the power of determination. We shouldn’t expect success unless you know you’ve been working hard for it. Individuals work really hard just to achieve success because they know nothing will happen if they just wait and hope it comes to them.This might not be the only thing I believe in but it has changed my life and will continue to help me throughout my school years and life after school.

September 23

I believe in sports because they give us tools to fight and win the struggles of life.

I believe in sports for sports can help us all come together regardless of what color or race we are. Sports help us make friendships with people that we don’t usually hang around with. Sports are great for your health too as they keep you healthy and fit.

Sports help develop leadership skills in athletes which is very helpful in the real world. Being on a sports team gives an opportunity to be around people that are competitive and great role models. Sports help us understand that winning isn’t everything and that losing is sometimes okay as it brings our week areas to the forefront and gives us a chance to improve. Also, it only matters how you respond to the situation next time. Sports can show the importance of hard work and effort needed to be put into our goals.

Sports can also help with stress and depression.  When you are physically active, you’re not worried about the problems and roadblocks in your life as you are trained how to handle failures and make the best out of a loss. Sports can make a person calm and train your mind to develop different strategies to deal with your problems.

There was a time when I was really stressed out with everything in my life like school and all. Sports helped me a lot to cope with these struggles as I learned how to channel my energy and to focus on my weakness that would help change a loss into a win next time around.

My passion is to play basketball and I take it very seriously. Last year, I was really stressed out because I went to India at the beginning of the second semester and I had a lot to catch up on. When I came back, I missed all of chemistry and I got a 30% in it. I worked hard in Physics and Biology which got my marks up. Basketball helped me relieve some of the stress that came with extra work needed to get my marks up and getting better grades in school. Basketball gives me a chance to be great at something that I might not be great at, like school. My goal is to try and get a scholarship from basketball and hopefully go to a top basketball school.

Sports can make someone believe that they don’t have to be great at school, but they can be great at things other than just math and science and still excel in life.

September 23

This I Believe- Self Love

I believe in self love.

I believe in loving yourself before anyone else.

I feel that some people have the false pretense that if you are in a relationship, everything in your life will automatically be better. Friendships at my age can be confusing, difficult, and intimidating at times. You don’t know who you can truly trust and feelings can be one-sided. One person could be giving their all while the other is not giving half or is even interested.  I have had my fair share of these type of relationships.

“Don’t make yourself smaller to make someone else feel better.”


A few years ago, I chose to surround myself with people who made me feel down and sad whenever I would be around them. I still wanted to be friends with them because I’d known them for years and at one point, they were good to me. I was looking for the people who they no longer were. Because I valued my friendships so much, I chose to stick around, even though it did take a toll on my mental health. Basically, I was miserable. When I talked to other people, they thought that I was insane for staying in such toxic relationships. I slowly became self aware and dropped the negativity from my life. It was hard for me to do that because I wanted to believe that they were good people that respected me as a peer but you can’t force the way others perceive you. I learned that the hard way.

“To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness”

-Robert Morley

It took me a while to feel better about myself and realize I had no reason to be treated horribly by anyone. There were still times though, when I asked myself “am I enough?” Whether I was being treated less than the next person or someone simply not believing in who I am, and what I am capable of. I reminded myself that the only thing that truly matters, is how I viewed myself. Having this mindset is how I found a friend that I could really trust. I knew that she was always looking out for my best interests, as I did the same for her. 

Having meaningful and healthy friendships can have such lasting effects on your mental health and the way you perceive yourself. Now, I respect myself enough to not associate myself with people that I feel don’t appreciate me because that is the way I avoid toxic relationships in my life. I have now realized that not everyone deserves my loyalty and respect, only those who love me for me. If it hadn’t been for my personal growth towards learning to love myself, perhaps I would not be the person I am now. I am grateful for the genuine people I am surrounded by.

I hope that as time goes by, I am able to help others with their personal growth and self perception because this belief has stemmed me into a better person. I am now aware that my value does not decrease due to a person’s inability to see my worth. I do not let the words of people who are irrelevant to my life degrade me because I recognize my importance. I look forward to continue building my character to develop the best version of myself in order to live a healthy and happy life. I do not need validation from others, I believe in myself.

September 21

This I believe- Karma

I believe in the fair humanly treatment. I believe in the power that karma holds of making what goes around come around. I believe that we are all accountable for treating others with respect and justice. I believe you can never escape your past or your wrong doings. I believe that it is essential that one pays for all their intentful misdeeds and gains an opportunity to learn from the experience, in order to behave with greater judgment in the future. I believe that hate and wrong-doings are such lousy acts, that not many of us are willing to practice the strength it takes to love and be kind to one another.

People with kind souls have a tendency to overlook the ones with evil intentions by eyeing them with the potential that they hold to not hurt you. However, over time, experience has led me to pick the right ones. I have stopped questioning why people leave when you are so broken or in need of comfort. I know now, that wasting time getting disheartened or putting in an effort to get “revenge” is not how one will ever achieve full contentment.  Life has taught me to stop getting engrossed in the race of inflicting trouble on someone similar to what they might have caused me, and stooping to their level. I have realized, sooner or later, not only will that make me perceive myself in a shameful manner, I would find myself forgiving that person and empathize with them as well.

Regardless of my feelings and actions, karma has proven to take authority and make sure people get back in return what they give to the world. This justice has taught me to let go and let it be, because in the end the world has never made any promises but only guaranteed you to be the owner of yourself. And once we realize how beautiful and striking the lives are around us, we all learn to forgive and forget, and let life take its course.

A handful of experiences throughout my life have taught me to forgive and forget, and to trust the process of karma. It being as minor as my sister ruining my toys when we were young to the closest friends i used to think of as family, stabbing me in the back and putting up a front. Few years back, when I received information that my closest friend at that time, was saying the nastiest, most hurtful and untrue things about me, I refused to believe they would do such thing. Although, something inside of me was pricking me to confront them about what I had heard. Hoping to get assurance of it not being true I went ahead and questioned my friend. When asked, they did not try to deny it one bit, and made sure that i knew that the only reason they did what they did was because I deserved it. To this day, I wonder what I had done so wrong that led my friend take matters into their own hands and made sure I paid for whatever they thought was my doing. I was obviously very distraught and confused by the gist of the whole situation. However, all the betrayal did not cause me to become vindictive and wanting to do them wrong. Instead, I decided it was time to grow up, and to stop concerning myself with matters that were out my control and would not affect me in ten years.


Category: Waniya | 4 Comments on This I believe- Karma
September 19

This I Believe


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I believe in the power of books. I believe that all people should have the right to access and read books in today’s society. I believe that books can be source of inspiration or life changer to people depending on who reads them. I have read books since I was young and learned of the knowledge that they can contain regardless of how good or bad the book is. Books have become more mainstream and can now be easily accessible to everyone regardless of their race, gender, beliefs, and etc… . Books have widened my horizons as they have introduced me to new things/topics that we don’t usually hear or discuss in society.


Books broadened my perspective of things when I realized that there are people out there who been through and experienced a lot more then I could imagine in my current life. An example of this was when I read “I am Malala”. This book talks about a young girl who tries to stand up for one of her freedoms, which was the freedom to learn, the freedom for education. But gets shot by the Taliban for trying to make a movement and spread the message. This hit me hard as though I knew things like this could happen throughout; I only had shallow understanding of it, so when thoroughly reading it, it was hard to accept that it was reality. It made me question my current lifestyle, my values and beliefs, and whether or not I could do the same actions as her to stand up for something I believe in. Through reading this book it expanded my horizons and gave me a deeper understanding on human nature; as to how courageous people can be towards their beliefs and how cruel people can be to silence others.


Books are one of the easiest ways to spread the message. Their messages can vary depending on what the writers intention is for their book. Books taught me that there isn’t always one right answer towards a question. People can take different approaches towards the problem to make their own right answer. Books can provide a different perspective towards things which can allow a person to see things differently; expanding their knowledge and increasing the number of options they have to solve a problem. Books are one of the few things that have existed since ancient times and have continued to develop throughout modern times. I believe that we as a society will continue to make books as a source of knowledge and entertainment for as long we continue to grow and develop.

September 19

I believe in the western way of life

some of the best cowboys aren’t even boys


I believe in a way of life that continues to dwindle.

I believe in protecting the things that are important to me.

I believe in promoting the western way of life.


A life lived in the rolling fields upon the back of a horse has always been the dream life for me; And at age 9 I got my happily ever after, my first horse, Bert, an overweight, sassy paint that was all mine to love and ride. This was the beginning of a continuous addiction to all things western.


Years and years of nonstop training and dedication to my ever-growing pen of horses has prepared me, not only for all life decisions but also for an ambassadorship position with the Pete Knight Rodeo Society.


On June 8, 2018 after months of hard work I was crowned the 2018 Pete Knight Rodeo Queen. Upon winning this title I was immediately put to the test as a representative for the town of Crossfield, the sport of rodeo, and more importantly for the western way of life. I carry out these tasks by attending rodeos and public events all around Canada and a select few in the United States. At these events we act as the connection between the crowd and the rodeo athletes bringing information and bubbly personalities to the crowds attending these events. Rodeo and the western lifestyle are both decaying trends and the central reasoning for having young rodeo queens is to encourage a new generation of youth in to these distinctive ways of life.


I believe in promoting the western way of life, not only because it has always been my dream but because of the lessons, memories, and friendships I have acquired within this community. The western and rodeo community has given me a safe place to find myself and live out my dreams and due to this I feel compelled to help keep the morals and manners of it alive for future generations to enjoy. I believe in living a life that embodies all things western.


September 18

This I Believe

This I Believe….

I believe in hard work because it is what shapes our future success and endeavours.

With all successes there is hard work that was put in to achieve. Individuals with the mindset of striving for greatness always put in the work needed to meet the requirements. For some luxuries are given but for majority luxuries are worked for through maintaining a honest and earned living however there are groups of people that get luxuries through illegal and dishonest ways. Every individual has what it takes to do whatever they wish to do as long as they put their mind to it and have the motivation to ignite their ambition. Hard workers always have a motivated mindset that sets them to achieve set goals. The ones that lack motivation and ambition are the ones that lack success and aspirations. In most cases the individuals born into a wealthy family causing the some of the children to not work for what they want because they already receive what they want, this shows that the less wealthy families have harder workers because sometimes the family can’t provide so they have to work in order to get what they want.

My personal experiences of hard work has reoccured throughout my childhood and in present time. I am a person that works hard in everything whether it be in school or in sports, recently i got a job at a food store and i had a bunch of coworkers. The people i worked with either worked hard and pushed to achieve great successes at work and then there were the coworkers that just wanted to get paid for sitting around doing minimal amounts of work. But one day this changed, our manager got their son to work one day along side with all of the teen workers including me. The objective of this was to find out who really works hard and who just isn’t committed to working hard. As for me i always worked hard to help the success of the store if there was a reason i wasn’t working  as good as usual was because i was either sick or not feeling well but still participated in working. Throughout the day the son of the manager noted how most the employees participate and work. later that week there was individual meetings set with the individuals that didn’t work as hard and were later fired as a result of their working habits. As for the hard working employees there was raise for each employee. It comes to conclusion that the hard workers always achieve the highest levels of success in any department and that you can do what you want as long as you put your head and effort to it.

Anything is possible if you try

-Terry Fox






September 18

Just Be Kind


Kindness is the caring, loving, huggable parts of ourselves that some choose to hide because we have grown up in a society where we feel the most comfort in thinking the worst of everything. We surround ourselves in this tight bubble, being ignorant to the rest of the world. So when some are shown kindness, it’s like popping their bubble of comfort, making them panic and act out in anger. This is confusion. We all grew up knowing that nothing is free. So why would something like kindness be?

If you have to choose between being kind & being right, always choose being kind, and you will always be right.

Remembering my favorite story when I was a kid, Cinderella, I learned that only the strong can stay kind in cruel situations. It really inspired me to treat everyone with the same amount of respect, and to not judge others, and just be kind; but over the years, society has had its effects on me, and I started to forget Cinderella. I started to judge others and myself due to everyone standards, but the one moment when I realized that I needed to get back on track was the day I was meeting Sarah at the mall. I walked through the doors, trying to find her. I spot her by the escalator talking to someone. I walk closer, realizing that she’s talking to a man, and judging from his clothing he was homeless. That really struck me because she was having an actual conversation with him and I knew that if it was me, I would have kept walking. I saw how happy the man looked to interact with someone, and just be treated as a human being rather than a label. That day, I really reflected on myself, remembering my favorite fairytale, and how Sarah was my Cinderella that day.

So to answer the question of why kindness is free is because it comes from our hearts. Its something everyone needs, so, therefore, it should be free. And I started to notice how such a small thing can really impact someone’s day because it has for me. And so I try to change others. Kindness is like seeds. You spread them everywhere till it grows roots, and blooms into trees, and making more seeds, creating a cycle. So have the courage and be kind

Masha Malikova


September 18

This I Believe-Acceptance and Moving On

Image result for happiness can exist only in acceptance meaning


“Happiness can exist only in acceptance.” -George Orwell

 I believe in acceptance, and I believe in moving forward.

     I think without experiencing acceptance and having the ability to move on from the past I would be a different person than who I am today. To me, acceptance is a valuable mindset for someone to have because it is that key factor that might help an individual move on from conflict. For me I find it gets easier to find acceptance when I come face to face with many problems, and I gain more experience and have that time to practise moving forward from there. I also understand that some situations are inevitable because that is the way the tree falls, so I understand that I should not dwell on negative issues and instead face the situation. I do not want to be the person who is effected by something impossible to change, and I will not let that impossible matter harm me anymore, so I have pushed myself to the mindset of acceptance and moving on in life, and from there have succeeded happily.

A few years ago I have had a quite frankly traumatic experience that sometimes wonders my mind and haunts me now and again. However because of this experience and plenty of time to think back on it, I have developed different mind sets and personally I think I have matured into someone I may not have become if this incident was to not have occurred. It is a long story so here is a brief, non-gut wrenching summary of that night and the time after.
November break, 2016, around 3:25 am on the last Friday of the break before school, I was woken up to my stepdad giving CPR to my (at the time) clinically dead/unconscious mother. It was a scary thing to see after just waking up suddenly but of coarse there is no time for hesitation as you must run down to get the door for the EMS. From there my mother was revived thankfully and taken to a hospital to be checked, however my stepdad was not as lucky for he was put under arrest on what later would be charges of drugs, illegal and unlicensed guns, fentanyl usage and other charges I am not aware of. Skip through some awkward and emotional days with child services I came to live with my cousins. They aren’t bad people really, just they aren’t MY type of people and I did not get along well with how they did things and what they would say (pretty negative rumours) about my family, especially my mom. After 9 months of living with my cousins and getting fed up, I moved in with my biological dad who came back into the city to help with the problem at hand as my guardian. I lived with him and some of his roommates for awhile until time got close to the end of grade 11 year, and there was a struggle with attempting to move back home with my mom and family again but eventually it happened during final exam break. Since then I have been living with my family and there have been some issues that have been sort of scary but I’ve made it through all of my past and I can continue to make it through anything.

After living through that and (beforehand) having a very protected life, I had to gain coping skills and how to deal with emotional and physical problems when they arise. However the problem had come and passed yet I still felt it effected me harshly, that is when I learned I had to accept the past and move on in order for me to be stable and happy with myself and my life. Of coarse learning that mind set didn’t happen instantly, I went through denial and depression and terrible emotions and thoughts before I realized acceptance was how I moved forward.
I’ll leave this on a quote, “Happiness can exist only in acceptance.” To me this means happiness is possible but it won’t be something we’ll reach if we can’t move on from the past and look towards the future. I believe everyone deserves happiness, and I understand a lot of people struggle with achieving that, but I think it’s partially because they haven’t found acceptance and are not able to move on yet.