September 24

Think, Believe, and Live for Yourself

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Life Philosophies – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Q7U2HXQKa2_1441946032265Don’t be jealous of others.

I believe one should not be jealous of others’ success but instead use that jealousy as a motivator to achieve their own goals. Being jealous of someone else is a waste of time. I believe that you need to realize that you are capable of doing anything someone else can do. For example, if a friend of yours has just gotten a job or is doing well is school, instead of being bitter about it, fuel yourself to build up the courage to get a job or push yourself to do well in school.


Never take advice.

Although this philosophy may seem confusing to some, it is one I live by every day. It is often easy to take advice and experience a situation with that preconceived advice. However, I believe it is imperative that I experience things on my own without any expectations or guide lines beforehand. This way, I am able to make my own advice for myself. I feel that taking advice may skew ones perspective of a situation and therefore may ruin the experience for them. For us teenagers, we often have advice thrown at us from all directions: parents, teachers, mentors, etc. which is able to easily confuse us because we are being told so many different things. Furthermore, I believe it is more beneficial for us to take the road as it comes and make the best of it.


Don’t allow other to intrude your life.

Allowing negative people into one’s personal life can consequently lead one to alter their beliefs or actions due to judgement. I believe that you should surround yourself with positive people, and although that may sound cliche, it is very important. Judgmental people can be toxic to ones well being because it can ruin one’s self esteem and make them self conscious. Sometimes it is a good thing to remain reserved about yourself.


Believe in yourself.

Believing in yourself is one of the best things you can do. Why? Believing in yourself can allow you to obtain and achieve anything you want in life. People often sell themselves short by thinking they’re incapable of doing something. This is where the problem is. If you know your worth and have faith your capabilities, you are able to maximize your potential to the fullest. The mindset of being positive and having faith is one of the greatest tools a person can have because it allows them believe in what they’re doing and strive for success. Having no faith and being negative about your capabilities will attract that kind of energy and subsequently lead yourself down a path of failure.


Do something you absolutely hate in order to find out what you love to do.

If you don’t know what you want to do in life, this is the most useful tip I can give to anyone. I discovered this philosophy over the summer while I had a job painting houses. All summer I would be surrounded by the nauseating scent of paint and have paint all over myself and in my hair, it was horrible. I hated this job. I hated this job so much that all I could think about was what I would rather be doing at that time while I was painting. And at this point, I decided that I would rather be at school. All the headaches and endless shower attempts to get paint off of me lead me to realize that although I didn’t like school that much, I would rather try to succeed in it rather than be stuck painting houses. Painting granted me so much motivation to do well in school. Now that it’s senior year for me, I’ve been channeling that motivation to do well and succeed for the betterment of my future.

(Citation on each image in HaikuDeck presentation)

October 15

A Change of Life

In the fall of 2007, my life had changed. I had left the streets that raised me, left the school where I made my first friends, left behind my first experiences, left behind my first teachers. I was in complete and utter distress.

New situations give me anxiety, and starting a new school was no exception. I attended public school for my entire life where the teachers were very lenient and easy-going, but that did not matter anymore because my dad had forcefully enrolled me at a dreadful school called FFCA, also known as Foundations for the Future Charter Academy. FFCA enforced uniforms and something awful called ready-position. Although, I did not know much about the school that I would be attending in the fall, I did know that it would change a lot of things about me. I was nervous to start going to a new school, but I was also eager to begin a new journey and make new experiences.

After changing into my uniform on the first day of school, I made my way to my bus stop where I stood timidly waiting for my bus to arrive. The bus arrived after a couple of minutes and two mustard yellow doors swooshed open to allow me in. I took a seat and a kid introduced himself to me. Although he was older than I was, he was very friendly and helped me ease into the experience of starting a new school.

When I arrived at the mimicking building that belonged to FFCA, I was shocked because it did not seem to be even one bit public like. Everything about FFCA was new to me. The school I attended before FFCA only had one small rickety bus that seven kids went on, at FFCA there were over 20 busses that almost the entire school went on; however, I recalled my days at my previous school.
Being a child who attended public school had many benefits. It was cheaper, easier to get in, but my favorite advantage was the fact that you were free to wear any piece of clothing that you chose, but at FFCA there was only one red and grey uniform that stood out which was expected to be kept neat and worn everyday of the month with the exception of the last Friday of the month. This was something completely new to me and after seeing this, I was in sorrow over the fact that this was going to be my school.

Upon arriving at my new school I was welcomed with students huddled together in their grey and red uniforms. This was something that was new to me. At my old school the kids were scattered throughout the entire length of the freshly cut, crisp green grass, however, at FFCA the majority of the children were standing in lines, after seeing this I was beginning to believe the rumors about military school. Although I was starting to worry about my future, I saw a glimmer of hope when I met my principal.

The principal had helped me find my classroom and showed me my way around the school. I had seen some familiar faces and identified a few friends when I walked into my classroom and even though I was new to this school, I had felt as if I had been attending FFCA for years. I felt a sense of belonging. Being surrounded by all my schoolmates now made me feel more at ease and more comfortable at school. I was no longer nervous about attending FFCA and was excited to start going to my new classes and meeting my new classmates.

Despite the fact that I was forced to move on from my previous friends, teachers, and school, I have entered a new environment which not only makes up for it, but makes me feel at home. Moving schools was something that I did not want to do, but I have made many experiences at FFCA and am thankful to my dad that he forced me into what was once my nightmare.

October 15

The Change In Short Time

It was a warm skin-burning summer day,  and already one month into grade five. I was enjoying school and was starting to settle in from the shift of my summer holidays. Even though my school started  in August, whereas others in comparison started in September, I didn’t mind and was eager to attend school every day because of the friends that I had made at Grant Macewan. After a long sweaty day, I sat down to eat supper, my mom had addressed me about a phone call on the opportunity to take a test for a school named FFCA. Knowing my mom, I had felt that this school would be strict, where they stress academics; therefore, I felt that I shouldn’t try on this test so I wouldn’t be accepted. However I got into a stage of instant shock when I had realized that I had been a part of this waiting list for eight years. I was sitting on the fence and, I had to come to a decision because I didn’t want to ruin this opportunity.

On the day of my test, sitting in the back seat of the car, I was looking outside at the wonderful bright trees, which now the leaves had been getting outlined with yellow because of the season change. I had got into a predicament waiting to approach Southwood Elementary. I was nerve racked and stressing because of the pressure that my parents were putting on me in the car. Finally, the vehicle had came to a stop, I reached my destination and as I got out of the vehicle I felt the warm humid breeze flow against my cheeks. Walking up the cement filled stairs, I opened the bright red doors and saw a hallway that was very welcoming and luminous. I had seen many students walking away from the hallway huddled wearing their uniforms. I knew that maybe if I had passed this test I would also have the ability of wearing the FFCA red, green and black logo. I proceeded to the left and there I saw a lady with a huge smile on her face, after introducing myself to her she told me to take a seat on the wooden bench outside of the room and wait till I get called up. Finally, “Preetinder Jaswal”, a voice exclaimed, I quickly rushed off the bench and followed the secretary to partake in the written test.

After writing the test I had felt confident that I had done well; although, that wasn’t my intention. Since the school year had started for the FFCA students, I had hoped that maybe I would be accepted the following year.

On Saturday, two days after the test as I entered the room, I had heard the automated saying, “You have one new voicemail”, echoing throughout the room, my dad dialed the voicemail and in appreciative tone he had told me that I had got accepted to FFCA and they are expecting me to be there on Monday. Now in a dilemma, I wasn’t expecting this and not ready to make this change I was in despair.

On Monday morning, with bright sunshine blinding my eyes, I walked to the front office and with a joyous tone the secretary had welcomed me and told me my teachers name. Not knowing much about the school the principal also accompanied me and escorted me to the class. Walking down the shiny polished hallways it was all getting to me. My principal had told me that my class is to the left and she introduced me to the whole class. I took a seat in the back corner of the class not knowing anyone, but the others around me started a conversation with me and made me feel belonged. Even though I hadn’t known anyone it just showed the character that the school stresses about setting an example and being nice to others.

When I had got home my dad questioned me about how my day went, and for once about this school switching scenario I had told him that everything went well and I wanted to stay at this school. The argument that my parents and I had now came to a end and everything was well. Although adjusting to taking a bus everyday and waking up two hours earlier than everyone else was hard, I had decided that FFCA was the way to go for having a successful future.

It was a difficult transition for me switching schools because my elementary was a part of my childhood. Going there for six years and switching in less than three days was a huge change and made me go through new experiences such as making new friends, and learning the way that FFCA works. At a young age I had learned how to handle hard situations and how to fit in and get in my comfort zone. The experience of switching to FFCA from my old elementary has made me much more outgoing and much more academic to what now I am proud of.