October 15

Hierarchy of Zenith


The planet Zenith is so much like earth it could be named a clone, although the crust may seem the same it’s what is inside that is so different. However Zenith did not evolve and adapt the same way to allow humans to be dominant, a creature from the arachnid family named a Sedna evolved and grew to become the dominant citizen. The Sedna’s are so different from humans, their social hierarchy, economy, and behavior all differ from us in such immense ways that we couldn’t possibly compared. Within the Sedna’s culture there are five main classes you could be related too; yellow, red, blue, orange, and gold. Other Sedna’s recognize you based on the colored band that wraps around the 3rd leg. The first class yellow, is the lowest of the classes. The Sedna’s in the yellow class are usually children, about 3 months old too the age of six, or are either homeless, poor, or unfit for society. Progressing through the classes can only be attained by age or doing a great deed.

Progressing through the classes can be dangerous however. The higher your class and value, the bugger the target is on your back. You see, Sedna’s are violent creatures, they love to fight and obtain dominance within a colony. The second class of Sedna’s is small, about 5% of the overall population of all Sedna’s on Zenith. The second class is the blue class, you will only find Sedna’s that have tried to fight the alpha Sedna but have lost. Having the courage to challenge the alpha Sedna and then continuing to lose obligates you to isolation in the blue class. The blue class is recognized as shameful class to be involved with. If this were Earth they would be the African-American race within America during times of slavery.

On the opposite side of the hierarchy pyramid, the orange level is acknowledged by the royal family, whom has no power just fame. Successful merchants and traders who gain financial wealth travel to a historic ceremony where a new orange band is tied to their leg. These Sedna’s could potentially have more dominance than the red class, the highest class of the system. With an abundance of currency within Zenith you could potentially change the people around with guilt and bribery, thus giving you power. Some orange class arachnids submit so many subjects to their family they have small, but note-worthy, armies.

Now that the red class has been mentioned I should describe them as quickly as I can, there isn’t much to these Sedna’s except citizens who are born into power, not only do find the current king of Zenith in this class but you will see old kings and queens, as well as The High Council. The High Council involves judges, some noble generals, and many priests. To keep it short and simple, the red class is your noblemen and kings.

The gold class contains every warrior of the colony. Warriors are worth praising, and should be respected by all Sedna’s. If a colony is attacked by another colony the survival of the defending colony relies on the strength of the gold class. Sedna’s are brutal creatures, they will not stop pillaging and slaughtering member’s of enemy colonies until every last Sedna is dead. Imagine several hundred arachnids attacking one human, it would not be hard to get away but, on Zenith Sedna’s are average four feet tall…it is difficult to wonder the massacre they could unleash.


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Posted October 15, 2013 by Nicholas G in category Nicholas G, Uncategorized

1 thoughts on “Hierarchy of Zenith

  1. troym

    Dear, Nik

    You have quite the imagination. I enjoyed reading about the different way of life of the Sedna’s. I like how you went in depth with each class comparing them to one another and giving the perspective of the rest of the population.

    “Now that the red class has been mentioned I should describe them as quickly as I can” This is a extremely cheesing way of starting a paragraph I suggest next time you do a transition like you used in the rest of your paragraphs.

    Keep up the great work! I hope to read more of your stories.


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