January 18

Do They Really Consider This To Be Equality?

How many of you know someone who is gay or lesbian? Now how many of you know of anyone who is involved in a same-sex marriage? Questions arise when you overhear someone talking in the school hallway “oh did you hear she’s not straight or he’s gay?” like why does it even matter? There is no need for such judgments to be placed upon people and to make it unsafe for them to be around everyone because what they believe is not what you think is right. The commonality of age is statistically similar all over the world, many children grow up and realize that they prefer one gender over another which is not wrong it is a choice and decision which is taken, we cannot judge someone for what they value and what is of great importance to them. By forcing someone to take interest in what you value and trying to change them is like forcing a little kid to give up their special blanket, it’s impossible.

All around the world speeches are given about equality but when it comes to such a personal topic why is this phrase “equality” given no importance?  According to Gay Facts and Statistics 2013 there are a total of 594,391 gay couples and probably this number has changed drastically since 2000, but that is a huge number when you read it, many illiterate people have not even seen such a huge number but go off ranting about how it’s wrong to marry someone of the same gender. People find the necessity to speak before realizing what they say is not meant to be heard or is not right, they do not think before they utter a single word out of their mouths.  Having as many as 9 States already legalizing gay marriage, it should be starting to get legalized worldwide. Recalling the question, why is it so wrong in people’s eyes if you’re not straight? Or if your involved in a same sex marriage? We all have the right to be equal but then why does our equality not get taken into consideration when we go against societies beliefs and follow what our heart desires. Over viewing the article in The Times of India, about a Sikh man who blocked for posting a picture of him kissing another person of the same gender comes to show how low our society can get. We all talk about being equal but why are these people being targeted? Why they are not considered to “fit into society.” Kanwar Singh captioned his photograph stating “Last night my uncle told me if they knew I was gay before 20 they would have killed me. He also said I’m gay because I was molested as a kid…”  Threats are verbally given to children because they believe in something their parents do not consider right? Households up bring their kids in rough situation but that is not the right reason to blame them for the choices they think are right. It is okay to be how you are, to be straight or to love someone of the same gender; you should not be judged or discriminated against. Kanwar Singh has not yet stopped, he is raising his voice and taking a stand because being gay or lesbian is not wrong and you should not be told that it is, what is wrong is the rejection and cruelty society brings upon you.

Although, I believe same-sex marriage or even being gay or lesbian is right many people may disagree with me. Reading an article from The Imaginative Conservative I came across a strange statement, which quotes as follows “Any child raised under same sex union faces a tremendous loss— either no Mommy or Daddy,” No, no child faces and loss, Just because a couple is of the same gender they can still raise a child right. This is a way of society indirectly stating that getting involved into such relationships can affect your child, I disagree. If a child had to be ill-mannered and you would blame it upon the parents who are of the same sex, then what will you say of those kids who have a mother and a father but yet behave so irresponsibly? That remark towards same-sex marriage is wrong and it disgusts me how people can stoop to a level so low to involve children who are innocent and yet to learn about such things in this matter. A women can play a father role and a Father can play a mother role, a child does not need both to not be “a good kid”.

Now I’m asking you all, do you think it is right for people to be involved in such relationships which are looked down at in many countries?  Many of our beliefs and values do not think it is right, but you cannot force someone to change. It is okay if they want to get married to someone of the same sex, or they wish to be lesbian or gay, you cannot make someone feel ashamed when they are doing absolutely nothing wrong.  This editorial cartoon I was viewing last night on the internet made me think greatly about how our society plays a huge role in this, the cartoon was of two women getting married and the priest saying ” I now pronounce you out of luck,” In other words, the phrase “out of luck” actually means that you will no longer be viewed as a human or no longer will be supported. This is wrong, no matter if your handicap, of the same-sex marriage or whatever you are you should all be treated fairly and equally and it is not wrong to do what you think is right for you. No one should ever stop you from being someone you wish to be.

No matter if you are of the same sex getting married or soon planning a future with some one of the same gender, it should not be considered wrong, because following what you believe in and doing what you please is a right you have and that right should not be taken from you.


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Posted January 18, 2014 by sumreet in category Sumreet, Uncategorized

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