September 14

Life Philosophies

Don’t live in the past.

This philosophy means to not think about what you or others have done, but what you or those around you are going to do. Living in the past makes ones future harder to make and it overall leads to a clouded judgement. Therefore with this clouded judgement comes nothing but both interior and exterior adversities and hardships.

Your future depends on what you do today.

This means to live everyday as if it’s your last. To do anything an everything to the best of your ability as it will make your future much easier to control. Overall this philosophy is saying that the life decisions you make now will dictate who your future self will turn out to be.

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

Never cheat yourself. Do not take the less challenging route because by challenging yourself you will gain both experience and strength when another hardship comes in your path. Overall by achieving something through hard work and dedication there will be more self fulfillment.

Don’t follow someone else, be the leader worth following.

This basically means to not follow a set path, but make your own instead

Narrative: In the summer when I was 11 years old I had to bike to my cousins house every morning cause i was to young to stay home alone. Everyday we ended up going to 7-11 (corner store) to grab snacks and drinks for the day and every time we went my older cousin ended up stealing about 3 to 5 items. When we got home I’d always ask for some but he said I can only if I paid him double the amount it was at the store. As days went by I got jealous and decided to steal something myself but ended getting caught by the clerk. I knew doing this was against who I was as a person but I did it because someone else did. This life experience taught me to not follow what others do but to take the high rode and do what I thought was right.


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Posted September 14, 2017 by kamal193 in category Kamal, Uncategorized

4 thoughts on “Life Philosophies

  1. kyle1551

    Dear Kamal

    I connect with a lot of your philosophies and i think that thats a great way to get someones attach-an to read this is by making the thing you wright about personal things that people connect with.

    One piece of advice i would give would be too wright a bit more on your philosophies you could do this by talking about your own personal experience to make it more personal.

    i enjoyed reading your blog cant wait to see what you wright next time

    sincerely, Kyle

  2. kamal193 (Post author)

    Dear Kyle

    Thanks for this comment. This really made my day and inspired me to write more.

    Sincerely, Kamal

  3. samuelpn

    Dear Kamal,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog; your philosophies really connected with me and my own life philosophies because a lot of them seem to be about making yourself better and I really appreciate that.

    The grows that id like to give you would be to expand upon your explanations of each philosophy; I think more detail could have been added. The other think i would like to see would be if you could maybe underline or bold the titles of your philosophies as it was kinda hard to identify them since they were only italicized.

    Other than those small things your blog was a joy to read!



  4. kamal193 (Post author)

    Dear Sam

    Thanks for this feedback, it’s really appreciated. I will for sure use your help on my next assignments an assignments to come

    Sincerely, Kamal


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