September 19

Life Philosophies

Life Philosophies



“ Never regret your past, learn from it.”


To me this is is basically saying that it is inevitable to not make a mistake in your entire lifetime so if something is destined to happen you should embrace instead of regretting and make the most out of it. As mistakes  are what help us learn and succeed . No matter how hard we try it is impossible to change the past as it is done and over with and no matter how hard we try to go back we are not capable of it. The only thing that we have the power to change is our future. Life is very unexpected and can a take a turn for the worse at any  moment and we should not let our past mistakes hold us back from enjoying life. At the end of the day no one is perfect and we must make mistakes in order to flourish as people and thrive in a society in which we all make mistakes and learn from one another.


“ Extra information never hurts.”

An individual who holds more know knowledge is perceived to be smarter. If you are able to solve a mathematically equation in more than one way then it will be beneficial to you and will not be seen as a disadvantage. In life there is always more than one answer to each equation, but depending on the situation you are in the answer varies so if the one answer you have in your mind does not work then what are you meant to do. You find an answer that satisfies the situation at hand. Knowing extra information never hurts.


“Never feel shame when learning from someone younger.”



Knowledge is something that doesn’t have an age limit. Some people feel a sense of  shame when learning from someone younger. Just because they are younger than you doesn’t mean they hold less knowledge,  age is just a number and does not define how knowledgeable you are. Many times younger children have better ideas than adults because, their minds are still free and do not have restrictions placed on them, but the older we get the less creative our minds become due to the  societal restrictions and deprivation of innocence and creativity. As kids we believe we can fly, and achieve anything  we have in mind but as we get older you lose this demeanour and become “normal” . It is important to learn from children to be creative, free , and optimistic.


“Don’t let others make decisions for you.”

You are born into this world as your own person to live and experience the world in your own way but, when you chose to give up this asset to another individual you are giving them the power to change your perspective and your experience on the world. Many times the decisions that someone has made for themselves is beneficial to them but not for you. So why would abide by a decision that has no benefit to you. Many younger individuals feel the need to listen to the “popular” kid in school as they feel restricted by societal constraints but even then you, yourself have the power to decide if you want to be constrained by what society expects of you.So you should see what is beneficial to you and decide accordingly as that decision is going to impact your life for better or for worse.

“Never think that someone else is superior.”



Everyone is equal and, we are all good at different things. Each individual has things which they excel at and things which they don’t , it is a part of human nature that no individual is meant to be perfect. No one holds a superiority over you because no one is better than you regardless of their status in society, there  may be things which they might be brilliant in but we all have a weak spot and that weak spot is what makes us equal to one another. For example if someone is brilliant at math but can’t do english meets someone who is brilliant at english and struggles with math they both must come together and help one another succeed instead of showing their superiority over the class which they excel in. For instance when I was in the sixth grade I use to believe other students were more superior because, they had higher marks.But what I was unaware of  was the extra effort and work they had been putting in  . One time I asked a fellow classmate who was achieving good marks why he was getting better grades than me making him seem more superior. He responded with “ You don’t know the amount of work and effort I put into my school work.” I now realize that everyone is equal and some people just put in more work than others. I achieve high marks in math and science because I put in a lot of work. Whenever I see someone doing something good I think about the time and effort it took them.






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Posted September 19, 2017 by syed12345 in category Sept 2017, Syed

4 thoughts on “Life Philosophies

  1. chantellefy

    Dear Syed,
    It was a great read and it encouraged me. This one sentence hit me, “At the end of the day no one is perfect and we must make mistakes in order to flourish as people and thrive in a society in which we all make mistakes and learn from one another.” It really hit me hard i feel as if i always think about this in my day to day life. i enjoyed the visuals you chose too because as i read the paragraphs it helped me really visualize what you are getting at.

    To improve, i feel you could maybe input more vocabulary including big, juicy words that will allow someone reading this just to understand that much better.

    I feel this blog thing is going to improve your writing greatly, I see potential in you. I believe in you and i’m sure many other of our classmates do. This clearly will pay off just be confident about it.


    1. syed12345 (Post author)

      Dear Chantelle

      Thank you so much for you feedback. It really means a lot to me. I went back and realized that I could have used more suitable diction. I appreciate you detailed feedback and hope to use it in my writing.


  2. Christopher

    Dear Syed,

    From reading your work, I can see that you value every individual and that anybody can learn something from everybody regardless of who they are. Your life philosophies are easy to relate to and I definitely can use these lessons to better make myself more knowledgeable.

    A tip that I would like to give is to reread your piece out loud or in your head. As I was reading it, it was slightly difficult as there would be punctuation mistakes throughout and it disrupted the flow of your piece.

    Overall, the information that you presented is well thought out and meaningful enough that I can definitely learn from what you wrote about to use it within my own life.



  3. syed12345 (Post author)

    Dear Chris,

    Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate it and and, I realized that my blog post was choppy after reading it aloud. Your feedback really means a lot to me. I will use your feedback to improve my other writing pieces as well.



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