October 29

“Why Is It That The People Who Need The Most Help, Won’t Take It?”

Image result for reaching out for help image

  There will be a point in everyone’s life where they will feel hopelessness rest upon their mind. Often times, this emotion can constantly run through their minds, depending on how serious their problems are.


   We’ve been taught from an early age that if we ever find ourselves in a position where we’re unsure of the next step, afraid, or simply in need to talk to someone about our problems, we should reach out to someone that we can trust to hold our vulnerableness.


  Unfortunately, for some, reaching out for help is not a step that they would usually take. For these types of individuals, there are many reasons as to why they do not seek the help they need–even when they are in desperate need of it. In some instances, reaching out for help may be considered a sign of weakness for the individual. Depending on the person, they themselves may carry a certain persona around to ensure that they do not look weak towards others. Overtime, this toxic habit may lead to damaging effects; such as having mental breakdowns, and ultimately making the situation worse emotionally and mentally. Another reason would be because they are afraid to ask for help. The individual may acknowledge and recognize that they have an underlying issue that needs to be solved, but are not sure how to attain a proper support network–in fears that may stem from the idea of being judged, criticized, and segregated from others around them.  


   In my case, I have seen many instances where I’ve encountered people who avoid getting the help they need because they are afraid of the consequences. One of these encounters happens to be a close friend of mine. This friend constantly helped people, but never herself. Her priorities were to always help the people around her first before helping herself–eventually neglecting herself in the end. This toxic behavior not only lead to neglection of personal needs, but also, the downfall of her mental health. When her mental health had finally deteriorated, she sought to me for advice and help. I then asked, what took so long for her to reach out, and she answered:


“Because I’m afraid of people judging me after I tell them my problems.”


 This was when I understood that she was afraid of the aftermath. She was scared to trust the people around her–even her siblings and parents. She continued to act strong to trick herself into believing she was alright; when in reality, she wasn’t.


  Although this may not be the case for everyone, a significant reason as to why the people who need the most help but don’t reach for it, is because they have yet to find an answer to this question:


“Who can I trust?”


And only once this question is answered, will they find a way to get the help they need in order to establish a stable supportive network.




https://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj7q8iuyq7eAhUZGTQIHal6AhEQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Finspiritedminds.org.uk%2F2017%2F08%2F29%2Freaching-out-for-help%2F&psig=AOvVaw3nXRDP63D7k-j8OdZCat4c&ust=1541003182777619, accessed October 30, 2018, Title: Reaching Out For Help?

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Posted October 29, 2018 by angelasia in category Angela, Sept 2018

2 thoughts on ““Why Is It That The People Who Need The Most Help, Won’t Take It?”

  1. zainabrash

    Dear Angela,

    I enjoyed reading your blog and admired the way you elaborated on the topic. The example of your friend not taking help because she was afraid of people judging her, was a direct answer to the quote. I liked your use of the picture and the way you told your friends story. It is hard to be stuck in a situation in which you feel you cannot trust the people who are closest to you, and I am glad she was able to reach out to you. “Because I’m afraid of people judging me after I tell them my problems.” This was a great interpretation of the quote and I felt that I had a deeper understanding of the underlying message of the topic.

    What I think would have made your blog even better, would be including an example, if you have one, of an experience you have had in which you could not trust the people around you. Adding this would provide further insight on your understanding of this topic.

    Overall, I thought your blog was great, and found myself agreeing with a lot of the points you made. I look forward to reading more of your writing.


  2. chanpreet8

    Dear, Angela

    Your blog was written very well. The topic you choose to write on is one that many are able to relate to. The way you explained this idea was amazing. I liked how you wrote the question that individuals need to answer in order to open up to others, separately, as being its own paragraph. This really allowed for it to stand out, acting as a powerful statement. Very well done!

    Something you could add, is a quote, to give a greater insight about your topic. Also, you could have added on what you did to help her through her situation. Otherwise, your blog was written with great insight.

    The way you wrote your blog was great. Like while I was reading, I could understand what you were trying to say. Greatly done!



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