December 17

Nostalgia Never To Be Forgotten


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Emulated from Elie Wiesel’s Never WIll I Forget from the novel Night


Never shall I forget the day that something unexpected happened in my family. This was the day where I felt something did not feel right. This story began two years ago…the day I lost my uncle.


Never shall I forget the phone call that I had with my dad on the bus while coming home from school. The tone that he was talking in made me realize that there was something strange happening. When I asked if everything was okay he said yes. All my father mentioned was that he was busy at work and will talk to me later. Deep down inside I felt that something terrible had happened, but I just could not figure out what it was.


Never shall I forget how my dad barged into the house with a look of despair on his face. He told me, “Brother passed suddenly…” These words coming out of my dad’s mouth did not seem to connect or feel real at first. When I read the truth of emotions on his face, I knew this really was happening. That shock from my dad’s words felt like a bullet that pierced my soul. Everything in my head just froze. My father pulled up the picture from his phone that was taken of him two months before and I instantly broke into tears. It felt like everything was finished. Our family thread, which was so strong, snapped. 


Never shall I forget the guilt I felt when I didn’t think of calling him once, just to hear his voice for the last time. I talked to my grandmother that night to let her know that I found out about the news. She told me that he had gone for a check-up at the hospital to see if everything was alright. My uncle had called her the night before he died saying that everything was alright and that he will be discharged the next day after his bronchoscopy check-up. My uncle’s wife had called my grandma the next morning saying, “Your son is no longer in this world. The doctors mistakenly punctured his lung during the check-up process. They tried everything to revive him, but it was too late.” My grandma was crying so much that her words were no longer comprehensible. All I heard was hysterical crying and sniffles before she disconnected the phone. 


Never shall I forget this moment that I truly felt a loss. I was questioning God as to why this happened and what wrong our family has done that you punished us like this. I was trapped in a battle within myself about faith and delusion. I was getting disconnected from my faith, but at the same time reviving my optimism by saying that there is a purpose to this and perhaps a test from God. 


Never shall I forget the memories we spent, the legacy he left behind, and the hearts he touched. 

Never shall I forget this night, December 13, 2017.

Rest In Peace Farid Uncle.  



I wrote this piece to pay tribute to my uncle who passed away two years ago. Farid Ramji worked very hard all his life to fulfill his dreams of becoming a doctor and specialized in pediatric radiology. From all my father’s eight siblings, he was the one who had the most perseverance and was dedicated to his profession considering the fact that he was born in a hamlet in Africa with limited education facilities. He was also a professor at the University of Oklahoma medical center. He inspired a lot of people, including me and his two children who are also both doctors. While writing this piece, I was reliving the flashbacks that had happened and the memories that are forever treasured in my mind. I have put a lot of thought into this piece as I always think of him many times. Whenever I would succeed in my challenges, I would always feel his presence around me. My uncle has become my source of strength whenever I have nowhere else to turn towards. I pray that he is happy and continues to shine his light on our family from heaven.  


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Posted December 17, 2019 by alisha778 in category Alisha, Sept 2019

1 thoughts on “Nostalgia Never To Be Forgotten

  1. mbthoughts4321

    Dear Alisha,

    I’m going to start off by saying that this piece is so beautiful, I did not know you could creatively write this well. The reason I’m saying that is because it’s really hard for a lot of people to write poems and make them flow nicely in a beautiful way, and you did just that. The little details you explained about the moment you received the heartbreaking news and your reaction to it really gives the reader the desire to continue reading till the end. I love how vulnerable and emotional this piece is and I want to thank you for having the courage to share this with the class.

    I think it would make your piece really strong if you added a few lines about your personal relationship with your uncle and the specific memories he has left behind that you will cherish.

    I loved reading this so much and I can honestly say that I will definitely read more of your work. Thank you for such an authentic, raw, and beautiful piece!




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